Page 35 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 35


Calum Dewar,
Forecasting Manager, GSMA Intelligence

How MVNOs target
different market segments

Almost one thousand MVNOs were in              Pacific (129) and North America (107). By       Market segmentation by category, MVNOs and sub-brands, global, 2014
operation in 2014, according to new            contrast, the MVNO sector remains in its
GSMA Intelligence data, targeting              infancy in Sub-Saharan African markets with                                   10%                       MVNO
distinct customer segments                     just eight MVNOs across the region.             21%                                                     Sub-brand
                                               ‘International’ MVNOs, i.e. those that target
The number of MVNOs in operation               roamers and thus operate across multiple                                                   4%
        worldwide rose to almost one           markets, make up ten per cent of global                        11% 3%
        thousand by the end of last year, due  MVNOs.
to regulatory policy designed to increase                                                                       16%  38%
competition and a growing interest in the      MVNO MARKET SEGMENTATION                        8% 2014
MVNO market from ecosystem players such                                                                                                           26%             Discount
as ISPs and device manufacturers, new          GSMA Intelligence has identified eight                           8%                                                Cellular M2M
research from GSMA Intelligence has found.     separate categories of MVNOs, namely                                                                               Business
                                               discount, telecom, media/entertainment,              11% 23%                                                       Media/entertainment
  Regulators have been particularly active in  migrant, retail, business, roaming and M2M.                                                                        Migrant
Europe, which is home to two thirds of         ‘Discount’ and ‘telecom’ (i.e. an MVNO that     12% 8%                                                             Retail
domestic MVNOs, with the European              forms part of a range of telecom services                                                                          Roaming
Commission having begun applying               such as fixed phone and broadband) are the                                                                         Telecom
conditions on MVNO access before               most prominent types of operation,
approving mergers between operators.           accounting for 47 per cent of the global                                                                             Source: GSMA Intelligence
Meanwhile, internet players such as            MVNO market, while 18 per cent are owned
WhatsApp and Alibaba and device                by companies from adjacent industries (e.g.     its UK brand in Q3 2014, while in retail, Italy’s  mature, saturated markets in Europe, North
manufacturers including Xiaomi have all        retailers, banks, TV or media organisations),   PosteMobile had 3.2 million. However, it is        America and Asia Pacific – the average
launched MVNOs in the last year, and           leaving 35 per cent of the market to            important to point out that a number of high-      penetration rate for countries that feature
emerging asymmetric business models (e.g.      specialised providers focused on segments       profile brands such as BestBuy, Time Warner        sub-brands stands at 127 per cent. In terms of
the rumoured entry by Google in to the         such as business, migrant, M2M and roamers.     and Comcast have tried and failed in the           categories, discount, media/entertainment
MVNO market) could potentially prove           Globally, 93 MVNOs offer data-only services     MVNO market, eventually closing or merging         and retail take the largest share of the sub-
disruptive.                                    via dongles, tablets etc., accounting for nine  their operations. Indeed many MVNOs have           brand market with 38 per cent, 23 per cent
                                               per cent of the market.                         gone out of business in recent years due to        and 16 per cent respectively.
  As of the end of 2014, the world’s mobile                                                    the low margins and highly competitive
network operators (MNOs) host 992 mobile         Media/entertainment and retail MVNOs          nature of the market, especially in Europe.        THE ROLE MVNOS PLAY IN DRIVING
virtual network operators (MVNOs) and 260      have generated a considerable number of                                                            OPERATOR GROWTH
MNO sub-brands. This represents a total of     connections as many operate under well-         OPERATOR SUB-BRANDS
more than 1,250 mobile service providers       known brands that reach beyond the                                                                 MVNOs are an attractive strategy to MNOs
worldwide hosted by MNOs, in addition to       telecoms industry. So while these categories    GSMA Intelligence has also recorded 260            for several reasons. They can use them to
their own core brands. Our research shows      respectively account for just eight per cent    MNO sub-brands spread across 56 countries.         gain more customers through different
that MVNOs remain most prevalent in            and ten per cent of MVNOs worldwide, both       Sub-brands differ from MVNOs in that they          brands, increase their market share in mature
mature markets where penetration (based on     include large standalone operations in terms    are wholly-owned and operated by their             markets, expand into niche segments, and
connections) has surpassed one hundred per     of connections. For example, in the             MNO parent, despite being marketed                 also generate additional revenue from leasing
cent. Europe is home to two thirds of          media/entertainment sector, Virgin Mobile       independently of that MNO. Some MVNO               out their networks.
domestic MVNOs (585), followed by Asia         reported more than 3 million connections for    brands also operate as MNO sub-brands;
                                                                                               those that have international presence               Our research found that for the 14 MNOs
ABOUT GSMA INTELLIGENCE                                                                        include Virgin Mobile, which is a sub-brand        that report hosted MVNO connections,
                                                                                               in Australia, Canada, India and the US, and        MVNOs made up 12 per cent of total
GSMA Intelligence is the definitive source of global mobile operator data,                     Red Bull Mobile, which can be found in             connections on average as of Q3 2014.
analysis and forecasts; and a publisher of authoritative industry reports                      Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, South           However, MVNOs support MNO connections
and research. Our data covers every operator group, network and MVNO                           Africa and Switzerland.                            growth to varying levels. For example, as a
in every country worldwide – from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. It is the                                                                              market where handsets are largely
most accurate and complete set of industry metrics available, comprising                         Some 48 per cent of sub-brands offer             unsubsidised and 48 per cent of connections
tens of millions of individual data points, updated daily.                                     prepaid tariffs only, while the proportion that    are on prepaid tariffs, Belgium is a country
GSMA Intelligence is relied on by leading operators, vendors, regulators,                      are contract-only stands at 21 per cent. Sub-      where MVNOs are well positioned to
financial institutions and third-party industry players, to support strategic                  brands tend to be focused on prepaid tariffs       influence MNO growth, and MVNO
decision-making and long-term investment planning. The data is used as                         as, like MVNOs, they are used by operators to      connections accounted for a third of
an industry reference point and is frequently cited by the media and by                        attract new customers in lower price               Mobistar’s 4.6 million connections in Q3
the industry itself. Our team of analysts and experts produce regular                          segments without diluting their core brand         2014. Conversely, in Finland, where just
thought-leading research reports across a range of industry topics.                            proposition or exposing it to excessive price      seven per cent of the connections base is
                                                                                               competition. As such, the use of sub-brands        prepaid, only two per cent of DNA’s 2.5
                                                                                               is a strategy that tends to be limited to          million connections were MVNOs.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                         Tuesday 3rd March PAGE 35
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