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Chapter 2: Investing in human capital and responding to long-term societal challenges

Chart 17: More employer-sponsored training is associated indicator ( ) (also called disability-free life
with better skilled employees expectancy), which measures the number
Employer-sponsored education and training of years that a person of a certain age is
and skills proficiency of employees likely to live without disability. Eurostat
data show that the expected length of

Numeracy healthy life in the EU has been decreasing
Numeracy score (employees) PIAAC, 2011 290 healthy life years would present an impor -
since 2010 for both females and males.
A prolonged decrease in the number of
tant risk to the provision of human capital
and the sustainability of public expendi-
ture. Investment in health care will conse -
quently have to, on the one hand, preserve
and participation in the labour market)
and, on the other, prevent higher depend -
250 R² = 0.4344 human capital (supporting active ageing
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ency costs. The importance of health and
Employer-sponsored, job-related, education and training safety at work to promote active and
(% of tot) AES, 2011
healthy ageing becomes evident ( ).
Literacy The Europe 2020 strategy highlights the
295 importance of addressing health inequali-
Literacy score (employees) PIAAC, 2011 280 tion of the European Strategy 2007-2012
ties as part of achieving the goal of inclusive
growth and poverty reduction. The evalua-
on health and safety at work
( ), highlighted
that several occupational and safety
issues are age-related and demographic
trends make the needs of older workers,
immediate future. Data also show that the
health status of people varies significantly
250 R² = 0.2593 in particular older females, a priority in the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 according to their educational level. This is
Employer-sponsored, job-related, education and training particularly relevant to understanding the
(% of tot) AES, 2011
dual link between human capital and health;
better educated people enjoy better health
Problem solving status, which can in turn be linked to their
Problem Solving score (employees) PIAAC, 2011 286 that is increasingly used to complement the
better economic conditions. Ensuring good
( )
HLY is a functional health status measure
conventional life expectancy measures. The
HLY measure was developed to reflect the fact
that not all years of a person’s life are typically
lived in perfect health. Chronic disease, frailty,
and disability tend to become more prevalent at
older ages, so that a population with a higher life
expectancy may not be healthier. Indeed, a major
increases in life expectancy will be associated
with a greater or lesser proportion of the future
population spending their years living with
disability. If HLY is increasing more rapidly than
0 10 20 30 40 R² = 0.3546 60 question with an aging population is whether
Employer-sponsored, job-related, education and training life expectancy in a population, then not only are
people living longer, they are also living a greater
(% of tot) AES, 2011 portion of their lives free of disability. Any loss in
health will, nonetheless, have important second
order effects. These will include an altered
Sources: PIAAC and Adult Education Survey, DG EMPL elaborations. pattern of resource allocation within the health-
care system, as well as wider ranging effects
Previous studies have shown an association linked to institutions affecting the system on consumption and production throughout the
economy. It is important for policy-makers to be
between higher rates of and more equal of incentives for engaging in adult learning aware of the opportunity cost (i.e. the benefits
participation in training in EU countries, and the resources available for including forgone) of doing too little to prevent ill-health,
resulting in the use of limited health resources
suggesting that differences in national older workers in lifelong training. for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of
training systems are mainly due to ( ) their preventable illness and injuries. The HLY is a key
indicator of health status of the European Core
respective capacity for training older, less A key factor for ensuring that human capi - Health Indicators (ECHI). More information on
educated and less skilled workers. This is tal is preserved is health. A useful indica- the indicator is available at:
tor of health as a productivity/economic ( ) European Commission (2013f).
( ) Badescu et al. (2011). factor is the Healthy Life Years (HLY) ( ) European Commission (2013e).
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