Page 42 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 42


Cobham Wireless                           Huawei FusionCloud                                                         Huawei FusionCloud Omni                 OpenStack Cascading: Compatible
and NI Partner                            Omni Solution Agile,                                                     Solution is a hybrid cloud solution     with 3rd party cloud, Open API,
for Cellular and                          Open ROADS to Cloud                                                      which helps carriers to transform       Support multi-clouds deployment
Connectivity                                                                                                       from conventional telecom
Applications                                                                                                       services to ICT integrated                Enhanced Security: Public
                                                                                                                   services. The Huawei FusionCloud        clouds deploy same security
   Cobham Wireless, formerly the                                                                                   Omni Solution connects                  policies with private cloud.
Wireless Test Business of Aeroflex,                                                                                heterogeneous public and private
and NI the provider of platform-based                                                                              clouds and provides a self-               Agile Network: End-to-end
systems that enable engineers and                                                                                  management system that allows           network SLA, support VM & Apps
scientists to solve the world’s greatest                                                                           end users to manage resources of        free migration and automatic
engineering challenges, have                                                                                       public and private clouds. The          network administration
announced a worldwide partnership                                                                                  virtual machines and applications
to service applications in cellular and                                                                            can freely deploy and migrate on        Please come and visit us at Fira
connectivity with solutions based on                                                                               hybrid cloud platform.                  Gran Via Hall 1.
PXI technology. NI acquires the
existing Cobham PXI modular               Looking for a holistic, analytics-driven approach
instruments hardware product line         to enhance customer satisfaction, improve
and becomes Cobham’s primary              inventory management, and lower overall cost?
provider of PXI technology. The
companies will also collaborate to        The combination of Jabil             customer journey. Our services
incorporate the latest NI PXI modular
instruments, including the NI vector      Aftermarket Services with iQor in    encompass complex reverse
signal transceiver with LabVIEW
FPGA, into Cobham’s next-generation       January 2014 created the first       logistics, multivendor repair
cellular and connectivity test systems.
Cobham Wireless is the NI Global          global company to provide strategic  services and spare parts
Preferred Partner for Cellular and
Connectivity Applications, part of the    solutions that span the consumer     management, deep domain
NI Alliance Partner Network.
Visit Hall 6 for Cobham Wireless          value chain, from customer care      knowledge of both iOS and Android,
- Stand 6H21 and National
Instuments - Stand 6E10                   and repair solutions to service      4,000+ agents providing product

                                          parts    logistics  network          and technical support, and an

                                          maintenance and infrastructure       award-winning,  cloud-based

                                          repair.                              business intelligence system that

                                          We help world’s leading OEMs,        allows us to flag tech-support

                                          network service providers and        issues early.

                                          retailers create personalized, end-

                                          to-end product and technical         Meet us at MWC - +31624366961/
                                                                               visit Healthy Corner Restaurant
                                          support programs that span the

Good Technology:                          MYCOM OSI Joins 5G                                                         MYCOM OSI, the leading                industry giants and other major
Securely Mobilise                         Innovation Initiative                                                    independent provider of Service         telecom players who – in addition to
Your Business                                                                                                      Assurance & Analytics solutions to the  the UK government – are investing in
                                          Intracom Telecom                                                         world’s largest Communications          the 5G Innovation Center (5GIC) of the
Recent high-profile cyber attacks         defines Service                                                          Service Providers (CSPs), has joined a  University of Surrey.
                                          Experience                                                               consortium to support the research,
have brought renewed attention to         Management &                                                             development and testing of 5G. 5G is      MYCOM OSI enables ‘Smart
                                          Monetization                                                             the next-generation wireless            Networks for a Smart World’.
the importance of securing sensitive                                                                               technology that promises to further
                                                                                                                   enhance mobile user experience            Meet us at stand 1A20, visit
                                                                                                                   through improved data throughput and or contact
                                                                                                                   latency. The consortium includes        us on

corporate data on mobile devices. At

the same time, a proliferation of

wearables and the Internet of

Things are bringing new potential

exposure points into the enterprise.

Good Technology addresses the                                                                                        Intracom Telecom, an                  simple to very complex B2B2x
                                                                                                                   international telecommunication         business models. Through its
convergence of innovation and                                                                                      systems vendor, its real-time           active participation in the
                                                                                                                   analytics platform with a plethora      OpenDaylight forum and
security in a world of risk. With a                                                                                of ready-to-deploy telco-specific       innovation in the virtualization &
                                                                                                                   KPIs and machine-learning               SDN areas, Intracom Telecom
comprehensive      end-to-end                                                                                      algorithms, designed to provide         enables the intelligent
                                                                                                                   deep insights on operational            orchestration and smooth
portfolio of secure mobility                                                                                       efficiency and holistic Service         migration of complex networks to
                                                                                                                   Experience Management, for both         the NFV paradigm.
solutions, Good mobilises content                                                                                  CSP’s and subscribers. The              Come and visit us at stand 6I40
                                                                                                                   company also demonstrates its           in hall 6.
and apps across more than 6,000                                                                                    smart end-to-end Revenue
                                                                                                                   Management platform specially           Contact Details:
global organisations – including                                                                                   crafted for the IoT era, enabling       Alexandros Tarnaris,
                                                                                                                   Service Providers to generate           Communications Director,
more than half of the Fortune 100.                                                                                 revenues from M2M applications          Email: atarnar@intracom-
                                                                                                                   of diverged domains, while    
We’re innovating for operators and                                                                                 supporting the full spectrum of

businesses with new split-billing

data solutions for BYOD and COPE

that seamlessly separate corporate

data usage, and are delivering the

most secure enterprise solution for

Samsung Android devices with Good

for Samsung KNOX.

Visit Good Technology in Hall 1,

Stand 1B42.

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