Page 44 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 44


                       Richard Kenedi
                       Tektronix Communications



Harnessing the power of big data

Operators are implementing big data and analytics strategies to save money                          having silos of data which results in multiple       Some of the key concerns we expect
and generate additional revenue. Richard Kenedi, president of Tektronix                             ‘sources of truth’. By having one solid, reliable  service providers to have are around
Communications, spoke to Mobile World Daily about how operators can                                 data source, a ‘single version of the truth made   accessibility to relevant data whenever they
monetise their data in the context of flatlining ARPU and commercial pressures.                     accessible to relevant stakeholders, Carriers are  need it to make a decision. Some use cases
                                                                                                    far more likely to see a tangible return on        may require real-time information and others
MOBILE WORLD DAILY (MWD): BIG                     These include marketing, business                 investment for their big data strategies.          need to evaluate long-term trends but ease of
DATA AND ANALYTICS WERE                           development and other commercial                                                                     access would be a key concern and
ALREADY MAJOR THEMES AT MWC                       functions, as well as fraud and security teams.      Of course, this will take time but is           differentiation for those who can provide it.
LAST YEAR. HOW HAVE THEY                                                                            ultimately worthwhile given the immense
EVOLVED IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS?                       We have seen most service providers adopt      commercial value of the potential data               Furthermore, virtualisation potentially
                                                  or have plans to adopt a big data strategy for    goldmine that all mobile carriers preside over.    offers advantages in terms of data
  Richard Kenedi (RK): Operators have             their company as they realise the value of                                                           centralisation. Although the volume of data
always had access to a vast pool of               having trusted sources of data for business       MWD: AS YOU SPEAK TO OPERATORS                     will increase, software-based networks offer
performance and usage data, customer              and technology decisions.                         ON THE SHOW FLOOR, WHAT ARE                        the opportunity to manage all of the data in
profiles and other information. Up until now,                                                       SOME OF THE KEY CONCERNS YOU                       one place creating an all-encompassing view.
that data was primarily used to identify and fix  MWD: DO YOU THINK THAT THE                        EXPECT THEM TO HAVE ABOUT BIG
problems, to troubleshoot issues and ensure       INDUSTRY NOW UNDERSTANDS AND                      DATA AND ANALYTICS?                                MWD: DO YOU THINK THAT TELCOS
service delivery and quality of experience.       ACCEPTS THE FUNDAMENTAL NEED                                                                         ARE MOVING QUICKLY ENOUGH
                                                  TO IMPLEMENT ANALYTICS TOOLS                         RK: Opex and capex pressure rate among          TOWARDS THE ADOPTION OF
  We are now seeing a move towards the            FOR THE ANALYSIS OF BIG DATA?                     the most common challenges we hear about,          INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS?
mobile sector recognising the monetary value                                                        combined with being able to guarantee a
of this data, especially in its value to the         RK: In an environment where more               return on investment for big data strategies.        RK: It’s not necessarily about speed. Some
enterprise space where numerous business          aspects of the network infrastructure are                                                            operators are naturally able to move faster
cases exist.                                      becoming software-based, previously                  An integrated, cross organisation approach      than others. The key to success is to focus on
                                                  disparate data sources have the potential to      to carrier data can provide exactly that. Once     the business decisions you want to make first
  However, a shift in thinking and approach       be brought together.                              additional stakeholders are given access to the    and then invest in the right use cases for the
to data and analytics is needed. Effectively,                                                       data that exists, especially those in              data. Starting the other way round – by
carriers need to become more data-centric            This approach lets operators create one        commercial functions, a multitude of business      looking at the huge data mountain itself – and
businesses, leveraging the data asset that        central resource where data can be stored,        cases and revenue-generating opportunities         trying to figure out what nuggets of gold, if
already exists. Stakeholders, beyond network      analysed and utilised for internal use. In this   will become available and evident.                 any, it can provide, is a costly, overwhelming
engineering, performance and customer care        new environment operators are likely to deploy                                                       and potentially futile exercise. It’s like trying
need to be exposed to the opportunities that      ‘data lakes’ to store all of this information in     There are also organisational issues to be      to find a needle in a haystack.
are presented by a cohesive big data strategy.    one place. This is much more efficient than       solved here. Silos of information become a
                                                                                                    major impediment to analysing the data and           Once you know what business decisions you
“Effectively, carriers need to become                                                               deriving actionable intelligence from it. A        want the data to support, the job of actually
more data-centric businesses,                                                                       CMO for example should not need to employ          identifying, collecting and analysing it will be
leveraging the data asset that already                                                              expensive consultants to analyse the data.         far more effective and efficient. And that’s the
exists”                                                                                             Furthermore, there’s no need for all               job of the data scientist – not the CMO!
                                                                                                    stakeholders to know the technicalities of
                                                                                                    how the data is collected. They simply need          With the trillions of data points that exist in
                                                                                                    the insight that they can act upon to make         every network, operators should have the
                                                                                                    powerful business decisions, to hit and            confidence that the data exists to inform
                                                                                                    exceed their KPIs, especially in the area of       pretty much any and every business case
                                                                                                    monetisation and revenue generation.               they could possibly imagine.

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