Page 46 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
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DAY 3                                       11:15 – 12:45                               14:00 – 15:00
Wednesday                                   Keynote 6: Digital Transactions and Social  Mobile Accessibility: The Business Angle for Improving
4 March                                     Interactions                                the Quality of Life
                                            Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 1  Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 3
09:15 – 10:45                               TweetWall Pro: #MWC15KN6                    TweetWall Pro: #MWC15ACCS
Keynote 5: The New Mobile Identity
Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 1  Moderator                                   Moderator
                                                               David Kirkpatrick        Chris Lewis, MD, Lewis Insight
Moderator                                                      Founder, Host & CEO      Eve Andersson, Manager, Accessibility Engineering,
                   Andreas Constantinou                        Techonomy                Google
                   CEO & Founder                                                        Frances W West, Chief Accessibility Officer, IBM
                   VisionMobile                                CEO Interview:           Rob Sinclair, Chief Accessibility Officer, Microsoft
                                                               Francisco González       Henry Evans, Adaptive Technology Pioneer, Suitable
                   Gary Kovacs                                 Chairman & CEO           Technologies
                   CEO                                         BBVA                     Michael Milligan, Secretary General, Mobile
                   AVG                                                                  Manufactures Forum
                                                               CEO Interview:
                   Dr Hans Wijaysuriya                         Jeanie Han               14:00 – 15:00
                   Group Chief Executive                       CEO                      Mobile Innovation 1: Industry Led Innovation
                   Dialog Axiata                               LINE Euro-Americas       Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 1
                                                                                        TweetWall Pro: #MWC15INO1
                   Taavi Kotka                                 CEO Interview:
                   CIO                                         Niklas Adalberth         Moderator
                   Estonia                                     Co-Founder               Paul Lee, Partner, Deloitte UK
                                                               Klarna                   Prof. Frank Koppens, Group Leader, ICFO, The Institute
                   Patrick Gelsinger                                                    of Photonic Sciences
                   CEO                                         CEO Interview:           Ana Segurado, Director, Telefónica Open Future
                   VMware                                      Ryan Mclnerney           Jennifer Ernst, CSO, Thinfilm Electronics ASA
                                                               Global President         Luc Bretones, EVP Technocentre & Orange Vallée, Orange
                   Brian Krzanich                              Visa Inc
                   CEO                                                                  14:00 – 15:00
                   Intel                                                                5G Requirements
                                                                                        Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 4
                                                                                        TweetWall Pro: #MWC155G1

                                                                                        Dan Warren, Director, Technology Standards, GSMA
                                                                                        Ulf Ewaldsson, SVP, Group CTO & Head of Group Function
                                                                                        Technology, Ericsson
                                                                                        Seizo Onoe, CTO, NTT DOCOMO
                                                                                        Yang Chaobin, CMO, Wireless Network Product Line,
                                                                                        Panel Discussion:
                                                                                        Hatem Bamatraf, Group CTO, Etisalat
                                                                                        Chaesub Lee, Director, Standardisation Bureau, ITU
                                                                                        Mischa Dohler, Professor of Wireless Communications,
                                                                                        King’s College London
                                                                                        Balázs Bertenyi, Chairman, 3GPP

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