Page 45 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 45


  In short, it’s far easier to find what you’re       At the end of the day, it is about visibility    RK: Operators are facing business and             RK: Mobile operators are no strangers to
looking for, if you know where you should           into subscriber so operators can provide the     technology challenges as they contemplate the     change. The launch and evolution of LTE in
be looking.                                         right experience at the right time and create    move towards virtualised environments. Their      recent years has required a steady stream of
                                                    upsell opportunities.                            ARPUs are typically flat or declining, they have  investment to improve network architecture
  There’s a real and growing opportunity for                                                         already invested in LTE infrastructure and this   and keep up with the explosion in subscriber
operators to target markets that would              MWD: DO YOU THINK THAT TELCOS                    transition to virtualisation, although reduces    data usage. However, despite this costly and
benefit from the rich and unique data insights      NOW ACCEPT THAT VIRTUALISATION                   cost over time, will require investments in       time-consuming process, operators are still
they have available. Operators have always          THROUGH NFV AND SDN IS NOW A                     technologies that are in early stages of          faced with flattening ARPUs and growing
had access to this powerful information. But,       REQUIREMENT FOR THEIR FUTURE                     maturing in terms of providing the same           competition from OTT providers.
it’s only by distilling and providing it in a form  SURVIVAL?                                        performance as dedicated hardware.
that is of value to additional internal                                                                                                                  The universal response to this has been
stakeholders and third parties, such as the           RK: It’s widely accepted that NFV                Adopting effective measurement tools has        migration to a virtualised network infrastructure
enterprise market, that they will truly reveal      represents the evolution of network design,      always been important for monitoring              through NFV. By virtualising, automating and
the monetisation opportunities this highly          and ultimately holds the key to improving        performance of a hardware-based network. In       streamlining processes, operators can
lucrative revenue stream has to offer.              service delivery, whilst optimizing capex. The   fact, Tektronix Communications has built its      significantly reduce opex. A virtualised approach
                                                    transition from hardware-based to software-      business on the back of providing a robust and    also enhances their ability to roll out new
MWD: WHAT ARE THEY HOPING TO                        defined networks and more affordable COTS        reliable end-to-end service assurance platform    services and features in minutes rather than days.
ACHIEVE THROUGH THE USE OF                          hardware will simplify process management,       for operators. In a virtualised environment, the
TOOLS TO HELP THEM PROCESS                          reduce capital expenditure and allow             needs of the operator are the same; they still    MWD: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, OR
VAST AMOUNTS OF DATA?                               operators to make changes to existing            rely on the ability to quickly diagnose and       HOPE, TO SEE IN THE COMING 12
                                                    infrastructure in minutes rather than days.      troubleshoot problems to ensure the highest       MONTHS?
  RK: By rolling out LTE operators have                                                              possible level of customer experience.
improved network speed and connectivity,              The question that remains, however, is how                                                         RK: The average subscriber’s data usage is
which has encouraged subscribers to consume         operators will manage the move to a                 Therefore, to avoid the risk of service        showing no sign of slowing down, but as we
and generate more data than ever before.            virtualized environment. To make things run      disruptions, increased churn rates and damaged    move through 2015 their reliance on
                                                    smoothly, it’s vital operators establish data    reputations when moving to a software-based       traditional carrier-provided services like
  In doing so, operators now have a wealth of       and analytics strategies to ensure the process   network architecture, it’s essential that         voice calls and text messaging is decreasing
rich, valuable subscriber information at their      is seamless and these new business               operators have access to these same tools.        every day.
disposal. This intelligence is primarily useful     opportunities are not lost.
for performance monitoring. However,                                                                   To ensure network functionality and               In current network environments, over-the-
forward-thinking operators are already                In a virtualised environment, it is even       performance in a fast-moving NFV                  top players like Skype and WhatsApp have
employing data scientists to expose                 more crucial to ensure visibility into the       environment, operators will need to work          the monopoly and are negatively impacting
opportunities far beyond service assurance          traffic as network functions become more         with a service assurance provider that can        on ARPU. This trend isn’t likely to change any
and network engineering.                            dynamic and elastic. Operators really have a     keep up, delivering the same level of network     time soon, which is why NFV has become
                                                    lot to consider before switching on NFV/SDN      intelligence and analytics, regardless of the     impossible for carriers to ignore.
   Operators that are able to fully harness this    and they are in early stages at the moment,      hardware it is running on.
data will be able to create new revenue             but beginning to embrace it as a way to                                                              2014 was a test bed for NFV, which means
streams and business opportunities with a           compete with OTT players.                        MWD: HOW FAR DOWN THE LINE ARE                    this is the year when operators move from
range of third-party organisations; sectors as                                                       TELCOS IN THIS                                    planning to implementation. It’s a fair
diverse as retail and entertainment brands to       MWD: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE KEY                    TRANSFORMATIONAL JOURNEY -                        assumption that 2015’s Mobile World
regional and national governments will be           CHALLENGES THAT FACE THEM IN                     AND ARE THEY DOING ENOUGH TO                      Congress will be the start of serious NFV
able to benefit from the high value data            THE MOVE TOWARDS A MORE                          OVERCOME COMMERCIAL                               discussions for the more progressive
network operators own.                              VIRTUALISED ENVIRONMENT?                         PRESSURES AND FLAT-LINING                         operators and we’re enjoying some interesting
                                                                                                     ARPU?                                             meetings with our operator customers.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                         Wednesday 4th March PAGE 45
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