Page 264 - ePaper
P. 264
region, Bielsko-Biala, RISKS OF PUBLIC
Poland and the adjacent PROCUREMENT AND
region. CONTRACT (Potential
extension of public
procurement if the bidders
exercise revision
procedures) – mitigated
by: well prepared
documentation for the
Transportation Corridors and D3 Kysucké Ministry of Transport, This section will replace the Yes Obtain relevant 0.25 TBD LEGAL RISKS (45 per
missing links Nové Mesto - Construction and Regional unsuitable road I/11 whose building permits cent of property rights
2äÿDGQLFD Development of the Slovak capacity is insufficient and 2015 settled; settlement will
Republic traffic intensity is over continue in the next level
12,000 vehicles a day, Launch tender for of preparations.) -
where 35 per cent of the main construction mitigated by: well
traffic is freight traffic, and it work prepared documentation,
will bypass Krásno nad 2015 sufficient communication
Kysucou. The accident rate with owners, forcing the
of the existing road I/11 is Construction starts cooperation with the
as high as 1.31 accident per 03/2016 appropriate bodies,
km and there are several professionalism of the
significant black spots. The Construction ends contracting authority´s
section is the part of the 03/2019 team.
basic TEN-T network and it RISK OF PUBLIC
will contribute to reducing PROCUREMENT
travel time between the (Potential extension of
industrial region of Žilina on public procurement if the
one side and the industrial bidders exercise revision
Ostravsko region and procedures) - mitigated
Bielsko-Biala, Poland on the by: well prepared
other. documentation for tender.
Transportation Corridors and D3 Žilina, Ministry of Transport, This section will replace the Yes Obtain relevant 0.43 TBD LEGAL RISKS (Possible.)
missing links Brodno - Construction and Regional unsuitable Route I/11 building permits 62 per cent of the
Kysucké Nové Development of the Slovak whose capacity is 2015 property rights are settled.
Mesto Republic insufficient and traffic Objections by the
intensity is 22,000 vehicles Launch tender for concerned entity against
a day, where almost 35 per main construction legal validity of the zoning
cent of the traffic is freight work decision – action filed) –
traffic, and an unsuitable 2015 mitigated by: well
intersection on this road that prepared documentation,
connects traffic from Construction starts sufficient communication
Poland and the adjacent PROCUREMENT AND
region. CONTRACT (Potential
extension of public
procurement if the bidders
exercise revision
procedures) – mitigated
by: well prepared
documentation for the
Transportation Corridors and D3 Kysucké Ministry of Transport, This section will replace the Yes Obtain relevant 0.25 TBD LEGAL RISKS (45 per
missing links Nové Mesto - Construction and Regional unsuitable road I/11 whose building permits cent of property rights
2äÿDGQLFD Development of the Slovak capacity is insufficient and 2015 settled; settlement will
Republic traffic intensity is over continue in the next level
12,000 vehicles a day, Launch tender for of preparations.) -
where 35 per cent of the main construction mitigated by: well
traffic is freight traffic, and it work prepared documentation,
will bypass Krásno nad 2015 sufficient communication
Kysucou. The accident rate with owners, forcing the
of the existing road I/11 is Construction starts cooperation with the
as high as 1.31 accident per 03/2016 appropriate bodies,
km and there are several professionalism of the
significant black spots. The Construction ends contracting authority´s
section is the part of the 03/2019 team.
basic TEN-T network and it RISK OF PUBLIC
will contribute to reducing PROCUREMENT
travel time between the (Potential extension of
industrial region of Žilina on public procurement if the
one side and the industrial bidders exercise revision
Ostravsko region and procedures) - mitigated
Bielsko-Biala, Poland on the by: well prepared
other. documentation for tender.
Transportation Corridors and D3 Žilina, Ministry of Transport, This section will replace the Yes Obtain relevant 0.43 TBD LEGAL RISKS (Possible.)
missing links Brodno - Construction and Regional unsuitable Route I/11 building permits 62 per cent of the
Kysucké Nové Development of the Slovak whose capacity is 2015 property rights are settled.
Mesto Republic insufficient and traffic Objections by the
intensity is 22,000 vehicles Launch tender for concerned entity against
a day, where almost 35 per main construction legal validity of the zoning
cent of the traffic is freight work decision – action filed) –
traffic, and an unsuitable 2015 mitigated by: well
intersection on this road that prepared documentation,
connects traffic from Construction starts sufficient communication