Page 268 - ePaper
P. 268
garden cottages. Detailed
taking of lands and exact
scope of demolition will
be determined during
preparation of building
permit documentation
and then the customer will
start negotiating with
owners of the concerned
properties.) - mitigated
by: well prepared
documentation, sufficient
communication with
owners, forcing the
cooperation with the
appropriate bodies,
professionalism of the
contracting authority´s
(Potential extension of
public procurement if the
bidders exercise revision
procedures) - mitigated
by: well prepared
documentation for tender.
Transportation Corridors and 5 5RæėDYD - Ministry of Transport, The existing Route I/50 Yes Obtain relevant 0.45 TBD RISK OF COST
missing links Jablonov nad Construction and Regional through the Soroška building permits INCREASE (During the
7XUėRX Development of the Slovak mountain pass is insufficient 2015/2016 planning proceedings,
(Soroška) Republic in terms of its layout and company VVS a.s. raised
traffic intensity Launch tender for a requirement for the next
(approximately 8,000 main construction level of project
vehicles a day, approx. 23 work documentation to secure
per cent of freight vehicles), 2016 potable water for village
it is a relevant black spot Jablonov since there is a
where lorry accidents cause Construction starts rather high risk that the
problems, including the 12/2016 existing potable water
closure of this important link source of the village will
for several hours without Construction ends be damaged during the
any existing alternate road. 07/2021 construction of Soroška
This narrow spot will be tunnel. VVS a.s. stated

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