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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
References European Central Bank (2013), Monthly European Commission (2014b), ‘EU
Bulletin October 2013. Employment and Social Situation Quar-
Arpaia, A. and A. Turrini (2013), ‘Policy- terly Review’, June 2014.
related uncertainty and the euro-zone European Central Bank (2014), Monthly
labour market’, ECFIN Economic Brief, Bulletin May 2014 European Commission (2014c), ‘Green
Issue No 24, June 2013. Employment Initiative: Tapping into
European Commission (2007), ‘Stepping the job creation potential of the green
Arpaia, A., A. Kiss and A. Turrini (2014), up the fight against undeclared work’, economy’, Communication from the
‘Is unemployment structural or cyclical? COM(2007) 628 final. Commission to the European Parlia
Main features of job matching in the EU ment, the Council, the European Eco-
after the crisis’, European Economy, Eco - European Commission (2011a), ‘Employ - nomic and Social Committee and the
nomic Papers No 527. ment and Social Developments in Europe Committee of the Regions, COM(2014)
2011’. 446 final.
Bertelsmann Stiftung (2014), ‘Harnessing
European labour mobility’, available at: European Commission (2011b), ‘EU European Commission (2014d), ‘Youth Employment and Social Situation Quar- employment: overview of EU meas-
rde/xbcr/SID-01F33729-D9BA6244/bst_ terly Review’, December 2011. ures’, MEMO/14/338, 8 May 2014,
European Commission (2012a), ‘A Euro- MEMO-14-338_en.htm?locale=en
Causa, O., A. de Serres and N. Ruiz (2014), pean strategy for Key Enabling Tech-
‘Can growth-enhancing policies lift all nologies – A bridge to growth and jobs’, European Commission and the Eco-
boats? An analysis based on household Communication from the Commission to nomic Policy Committee (2011), ‘The
disposable incomes’, OECD Economics the European Parliament, the Council, the 2012 Ageing Report – Underlying
Department Working Papers, OECD Pub- European Economic and Social Commit- Assumptions and Projection Method-
lishing, Paris, forthcoming, http://www. tee and the Committee of the Regions, ologies’, European Economy No 4, Sep- COM(2012) 341 final. tember 2011.
European Commission (2012b), ‘EU Guild, E., S. Carrera and K. Eisele
Cingano, F. (2014), ‘Trends in Income Employment and Social Situation Quar- (2013), ‘Social Benefits and Migra
Inequality and its Impact on Economic terly Review’, June 2012. tion: A Contested Relationship and
Growth’, OECD Social, Employment and Policy Challenge in the EU’, Justice
Migration Working Papers, No. 163, OECD European Commission (2013a), ‘A Recov - and Home Affairs, CEPS Paperbacks,
Publishing, DOI: 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en ery on the Horizon? Annual Report on September 2013.
European SMEs 2012/2013’.
Darvas, Z. and G. Wolff, (2014), ‘Europe’s Haltiwanger, J., R. Jarmin and J. Miranda
social problem and its implications for European Commission (2013b), ‘Commu - (2010), ‘Who Creates Jobs? Small vs.
economic growth’, Bruegel Policy Brief, nication from the Commission: Towards Large vs. Young’, NBER Working Paper
2014/03, 1 April 2014. Social Investment for Growth and Cohe- No 16300, August 2010.
sion – including implementing the Euro-
Dhéret, C., F. Nicoli, Y. Pascouau and F. pean Social Fund 2014-2020. Jauer, J., Liebig, T., Martin, J. and Puhani,
Zuleeg (2013), ‘Making progress towards P. (2013), ‘Migration as an adjustment
the completion of the Single European European Commission (2013c), ‘Employ - mechanism in the crisis? A compari-
Labour Market’, European Policy Centre, ment and Social Developments in Europe son of Europe and the United States’,
May 2013, available at: http://www.epc. 2012’. OECD Social, Employment and Migra-
eu/pub_details.php?pub_id=3529 tion Working Papers, OECD Publishing.
European Commission (2013d), ‘EU
Draghi, M. (2014), ‘Unemployment in the Employment and Social Situation Quar- Juncker, J.-C. (2014), ‘A New Start for
euro area’, Annual central bank sympo- terly Review’, June 2013. Europe: My Agenda for Jobs, Growth,
sium in Jackson Hole, 22 August 2014. Fairness and Democratic Change Politi-
European Commission (2013e), ‘Quar- cal Guidelines for the next European
EIM Business & Policy Research (2012), ‘Do terly report on the euro area’, Vol- Commission’, Strasbourg, 15 July 2014.
SMEs create more and better jobs?’, Study ume 12 Issue 4, Directorate-General for
made for the European Commission, http:// Economic and Financial Affairs, Decem- Juravle, C., T. Weber, E. Canetta, E. Fries ber 2013. Tersch and M. Kadunc (2013): ‘A fact
figures-analysis/performance-review/files/ finding analysis on the impact on the
supporting-documents/2012/do-smes-cre - European Commission (2013f), ‘Special Member States’ social security systems
ate-more-and-better-jobs_en.pdf Eurobarometer 398 – Internal Market’, Octo - of the entitlements of non-active intra-
ber 2013, EU migrants to special non-contributory
Eurogroup (2014), ‘Structural reform archives/ebs/ebs_398_en.pdf cash benefits and healthcare granted
agenda – thematic discussions on growth on the basis of residence’, Final report
and jobs – Common principles for reforms European Commission (2014a), ‘Employ - submitted to the European Commission
reducing the tax burden on labour’, State - ment and Social Developments in Europe by ICF GHK in association with Milieu
ment, Milan, 12 September 2014. 2013’. Ltd. London, Brussels.
References European Central Bank (2013), Monthly European Commission (2014b), ‘EU
Bulletin October 2013. Employment and Social Situation Quar-
Arpaia, A. and A. Turrini (2013), ‘Policy- terly Review’, June 2014.
related uncertainty and the euro-zone European Central Bank (2014), Monthly
labour market’, ECFIN Economic Brief, Bulletin May 2014 European Commission (2014c), ‘Green
Issue No 24, June 2013. Employment Initiative: Tapping into
European Commission (2007), ‘Stepping the job creation potential of the green
Arpaia, A., A. Kiss and A. Turrini (2014), up the fight against undeclared work’, economy’, Communication from the
‘Is unemployment structural or cyclical? COM(2007) 628 final. Commission to the European Parlia
Main features of job matching in the EU ment, the Council, the European Eco-
after the crisis’, European Economy, Eco - European Commission (2011a), ‘Employ - nomic and Social Committee and the
nomic Papers No 527. ment and Social Developments in Europe Committee of the Regions, COM(2014)
2011’. 446 final.
Bertelsmann Stiftung (2014), ‘Harnessing
European labour mobility’, available at: European Commission (2011b), ‘EU European Commission (2014d), ‘Youth Employment and Social Situation Quar- employment: overview of EU meas-
rde/xbcr/SID-01F33729-D9BA6244/bst_ terly Review’, December 2011. ures’, MEMO/14/338, 8 May 2014,
European Commission (2012a), ‘A Euro- MEMO-14-338_en.htm?locale=en
Causa, O., A. de Serres and N. Ruiz (2014), pean strategy for Key Enabling Tech-
‘Can growth-enhancing policies lift all nologies – A bridge to growth and jobs’, European Commission and the Eco-
boats? An analysis based on household Communication from the Commission to nomic Policy Committee (2011), ‘The
disposable incomes’, OECD Economics the European Parliament, the Council, the 2012 Ageing Report – Underlying
Department Working Papers, OECD Pub- European Economic and Social Commit- Assumptions and Projection Method-
lishing, Paris, forthcoming, http://www. tee and the Committee of the Regions, ologies’, European Economy No 4, Sep- COM(2012) 341 final. tember 2011.
European Commission (2012b), ‘EU Guild, E., S. Carrera and K. Eisele
Cingano, F. (2014), ‘Trends in Income Employment and Social Situation Quar- (2013), ‘Social Benefits and Migra
Inequality and its Impact on Economic terly Review’, June 2012. tion: A Contested Relationship and
Growth’, OECD Social, Employment and Policy Challenge in the EU’, Justice
Migration Working Papers, No. 163, OECD European Commission (2013a), ‘A Recov - and Home Affairs, CEPS Paperbacks,
Publishing, DOI: 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en ery on the Horizon? Annual Report on September 2013.
European SMEs 2012/2013’.
Darvas, Z. and G. Wolff, (2014), ‘Europe’s Haltiwanger, J., R. Jarmin and J. Miranda
social problem and its implications for European Commission (2013b), ‘Commu - (2010), ‘Who Creates Jobs? Small vs.
economic growth’, Bruegel Policy Brief, nication from the Commission: Towards Large vs. Young’, NBER Working Paper
2014/03, 1 April 2014. Social Investment for Growth and Cohe- No 16300, August 2010.
sion – including implementing the Euro-
Dhéret, C., F. Nicoli, Y. Pascouau and F. pean Social Fund 2014-2020. Jauer, J., Liebig, T., Martin, J. and Puhani,
Zuleeg (2013), ‘Making progress towards P. (2013), ‘Migration as an adjustment
the completion of the Single European European Commission (2013c), ‘Employ - mechanism in the crisis? A compari-
Labour Market’, European Policy Centre, ment and Social Developments in Europe son of Europe and the United States’,
May 2013, available at: http://www.epc. 2012’. OECD Social, Employment and Migra-
eu/pub_details.php?pub_id=3529 tion Working Papers, OECD Publishing.
European Commission (2013d), ‘EU
Draghi, M. (2014), ‘Unemployment in the Employment and Social Situation Quar- Juncker, J.-C. (2014), ‘A New Start for
euro area’, Annual central bank sympo- terly Review’, June 2013. Europe: My Agenda for Jobs, Growth,
sium in Jackson Hole, 22 August 2014. Fairness and Democratic Change Politi-
European Commission (2013e), ‘Quar- cal Guidelines for the next European
EIM Business & Policy Research (2012), ‘Do terly report on the euro area’, Vol- Commission’, Strasbourg, 15 July 2014.
SMEs create more and better jobs?’, Study ume 12 Issue 4, Directorate-General for
made for the European Commission, http:// Economic and Financial Affairs, Decem- Juravle, C., T. Weber, E. Canetta, E. Fries ber 2013. Tersch and M. Kadunc (2013): ‘A fact
figures-analysis/performance-review/files/ finding analysis on the impact on the
supporting-documents/2012/do-smes-cre - European Commission (2013f), ‘Special Member States’ social security systems
ate-more-and-better-jobs_en.pdf Eurobarometer 398 – Internal Market’, Octo - of the entitlements of non-active intra-
ber 2013, EU migrants to special non-contributory
Eurogroup (2014), ‘Structural reform archives/ebs/ebs_398_en.pdf cash benefits and healthcare granted
agenda – thematic discussions on growth on the basis of residence’, Final report
and jobs – Common principles for reforms European Commission (2014a), ‘Employ - submitted to the European Commission
reducing the tax burden on labour’, State - ment and Social Developments in Europe by ICF GHK in association with Milieu
ment, Milan, 12 September 2014. 2013’. Ltd. London, Brussels.