Page 177 - ePaper
P. 177
Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Chart A1.4: Measures of job quality by works characteristics ( )

A. Earnings quality B. Labour market security
25 14
15 8
% %
10 6
0 0
Men Women 15-29 30-49 50-64 Low Medium High Men Women 15-29 30-49 50-64 Low Medium High

C. Incidence of job strain




Men Women 15-29 30-49 50-64 Low Medium High

Source: European Union Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), European Working Conditions Survey (Eurofound, 2010), OECD Employment Database.
Note: Country coverage: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom (24 countries, 23 countries excluding Iceland in Panel C).
( ) Earnings quality and labour market insecurity data show an average for 2005–10, while job strain refers to 2010.

The ILO provides support through work indicators that are relevant at the quality of employment to share infor-
integrated Decent Work Country Pro - national level, supports data collection, mation between international experts
grammes developed in coordination with and uses the collected data for an inte- and to develop a quality of employ-
its constituencies. These programmes grated policy analysis of decent work. ment framework. The new framework
define the priorities and the targets does not seek to reconcile the existing
within national development frame The ILO Key Indicators frameworks used in the different policy
works and aim to tackle major Decent of the Labour Market (KILM) contexts: the ILO’s Decent Work Indica-
Work deficits towards each of the stra- tors Measurement Framework, the EU
tegic objectives. The country profiles Published every two years since 1999, Quality of Work Indicators, and the Euro-
provide an input for the Country Pro - the KILM is a collection of 20 key indica- found’s quality of work and employment
grammes and help spell out the targets. tors of the labour market, ranging from framework. Rather, it aims to provide
employment and variables relating to a ‘toolbox’ of indicators to be used for
There emerged synergies between the employment (status, sector, hours, etc.) international and national initiatives to
EU and the ILO’s job quality strategies. to education, wages and compensation study quality of employment.
Implemented by the ILO with funding costs, labour productivity and working
from the European Union, the project poverty. These indicators are relatively In 2007, under the auspices of the
‘Monitoring and Assessing Progress on broad, capturing the economic and Conference of European Statisticians,
Decent Work (MAP)’ (2009 to 2013) labour market situation in a country, a Task Force( ) was set up to develop
involves joint work with government but provide less insight into the quality a concept for statistical measurement
agencies, Statistical Offices, work of employment/jobs. of quality of employment unifying the
ers’ and employers’ organisations and elements in the existing approaches.
research institutions to strengthen UNECE Task Force on
national capacity, particularly of devel- measuring quality of
oping and transition countries, to ( ) The Task Force was composed of
representatives from national statistical
self-monitor and self-assess progress offices of Canada, France, Finland, Hungary,
towards decent work. The project further Since 2000, UNECE, Eurostat, the OECD Israel, Italy, Poland, ESTAT, Eurofound, ILO,
UNECE and the NGO Women in Informal
facilitates the identification of decent and ILO organise joint seminars on Employment (WIEGO).
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