Page 173 - ePaper
P. 173
Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Dimension Sub-dimension Indicators and source Source
Serious accidents at work per 100 000 persons ESAW
in employment
FACTOR indicating non-exposure to unhealty Questions
environment 23a - 23 i EWCS
FACTOR indicating healthy physical conditions
3.1 Health and safety at 24a - 24e EWCS
work Well infomed on health and safety risks Q30 EWCS
Think that health or safety is NOT at risk because of Q66 EWCS
your work
Work does NOT affect health Q67 EWCS
FACTOR indicating non-exposure to harassment, Questions 70 and
humiliation etc. 71 EWCS
No work when sick over last 12 months/not sick Q74a EWCS
NOT working at very high speed Q45a EWCS
3.2 Work intensity NOT working to tight deadlines Q45b EWCS
Enough time to get the job done Q51g EWCS
No experiencing of stress in your work Q51n EWCS
Workpace NOT dependent on automatic speed of a
3. Working conditions Q46d EWCS
machine or movement of a product
Workpace NOT dependent on the direct control of Q46e EWCS
your boss
“Occasionally/never” interrupt a task in order to take
3.3 Autonomy on an unforeseen task Q47 EWCS
FACTOR indicating self-responsibility Questions 49–51 EWCS
“Team members decide by themselves on Q57a EWCS
the division of tasks”
“Team members decide by themselves the timetable Q57c EWCS
of the work”
Union density ICTWSS database
Collective pay agreement, share any SES 2010
“Have raised work-related problems with an
3.4 Collective Interest employee representative over last 12 months” Q62b EWCS
Representation “Employee is acting as an employee representative” Q63 EWCS
“Management holds meetings in which you can
express your views about what is happening in Q64 EWCS
the organisation”
Inactivity due to family or personal responsibilities LFS
Part-time work due to family or personal LFS
Lacking formal care for small children:
% of children <3 years not formally cared for SILC
Employment impact of parenthood - men LFS
Employment impact of parenthood - women LFS
4.1 Work-life balance Certain possibilities to adapt working time Q39 EWCS
4. Work-life and gender Taking hour or two off to take care of personal or Q43 EWCS
balance family matters is NOT (too) difficult ... ?
FACTOR indicating no long working hours Questions 32–36 EWCS
Working hours fit with family or social commitments Q41 EWCS
outside work very well or well
“Less often/never” worked in free time in order to Q42 EWCS
meet work demands
Gender pay gap SES 2010
4.2 Gender balance Gender employment gap LFS
“Immediate boss a woman” Q59 EWCS
Dimension Sub-dimension Indicators and source Source
Serious accidents at work per 100 000 persons ESAW
in employment
FACTOR indicating non-exposure to unhealty Questions
environment 23a - 23 i EWCS
FACTOR indicating healthy physical conditions
3.1 Health and safety at 24a - 24e EWCS
work Well infomed on health and safety risks Q30 EWCS
Think that health or safety is NOT at risk because of Q66 EWCS
your work
Work does NOT affect health Q67 EWCS
FACTOR indicating non-exposure to harassment, Questions 70 and
humiliation etc. 71 EWCS
No work when sick over last 12 months/not sick Q74a EWCS
NOT working at very high speed Q45a EWCS
3.2 Work intensity NOT working to tight deadlines Q45b EWCS
Enough time to get the job done Q51g EWCS
No experiencing of stress in your work Q51n EWCS
Workpace NOT dependent on automatic speed of a
3. Working conditions Q46d EWCS
machine or movement of a product
Workpace NOT dependent on the direct control of Q46e EWCS
your boss
“Occasionally/never” interrupt a task in order to take
3.3 Autonomy on an unforeseen task Q47 EWCS
FACTOR indicating self-responsibility Questions 49–51 EWCS
“Team members decide by themselves on Q57a EWCS
the division of tasks”
“Team members decide by themselves the timetable Q57c EWCS
of the work”
Union density ICTWSS database
Collective pay agreement, share any SES 2010
“Have raised work-related problems with an
3.4 Collective Interest employee representative over last 12 months” Q62b EWCS
Representation “Employee is acting as an employee representative” Q63 EWCS
“Management holds meetings in which you can
express your views about what is happening in Q64 EWCS
the organisation”
Inactivity due to family or personal responsibilities LFS
Part-time work due to family or personal LFS
Lacking formal care for small children:
% of children <3 years not formally cared for SILC
Employment impact of parenthood - men LFS
Employment impact of parenthood - women LFS
4.1 Work-life balance Certain possibilities to adapt working time Q39 EWCS
4. Work-life and gender Taking hour or two off to take care of personal or Q43 EWCS
balance family matters is NOT (too) difficult ... ?
FACTOR indicating no long working hours Questions 32–36 EWCS
Working hours fit with family or social commitments Q41 EWCS
outside work very well or well
“Less often/never” worked in free time in order to Q42 EWCS
meet work demands
Gender pay gap SES 2010
4.2 Gender balance Gender employment gap LFS
“Immediate boss a woman” Q59 EWCS