Page 171 - ePaper
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Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

the greening of the economy. To reap potentially considering stronger and of the changes in work organisation
the full potential of ongoing structural dedicated public support to SMEs; on productivity and social cohesion;
changes, priorities for labour market poli -
cies include: • improve job profiling, job search • strengthen employee’s capacity to
assistance and the connection learn including through education
• strengthen the tools to antici- between employment services, and life-long learning (e.g. meet-
pate and assess risks to job qual- together with removing fiscal incen- ing the needs of knowledge-intensive
ity from ongoing structural changes tives that hinder further labour mar- work process with rapid technical
(via stronger partnerships between ket participation; change);
governments, social partners and
academic researchers with a special • target the most vulnerable (e.g. by • strengthen social skills for digi-
focus on SMEs); focusing on the low-skilled trapped in tal workplaces spread around the
poor working conditions); world (e.g. languages and cultural
• promote health and safety in awareness);
the workplace in general and nota- • promote social dialogue at all rele -
bly in relation to new technologies vant levels (company, sector, national • develop benchmarks with a view to
and products (through legislation, and EU). promoting the full exploitation of
awareness-raising activities and the complementarity of educational
monitoring); …to promote work organisation systems and employee in-work train -
innovation that supports ing to the fullest extent, especially
• remove institutional barriers to the knowledge-based economy in SMEs;
labour mobility (e.g. by strengthen- of the future
ing cross-border portability of social • promote social dialogue adapted
security benefits); For the resource-poor, skills-rich Euro- to expanding global value chains
pean Union, the strengthening of its inno- (e.g. involving counterparts in other
• combat gender and age stereo- vation capacity will be crucial in order to be countries to discuss minimum stand-
typing, discrimination and stig- able to exploit its comparative advantages ards and conditions);
matisation (via among others, in world markets to the fullest extent. The
legislation and awareness-raising analysis underlines the need to: • target the most vulnerable workers
activities and an adequate provision (e.g. strengthening skill formation of
of enabling and support services); • promote employee empowerment workers with limited learning capacity).
(e.g. employees creating their own
• green mainstream education poli- team structure, employees involved Finally, it is important to recognise that
cies, training and skill formation (e.g. in the identification of problems and the impact of job quality and work organ -
by promoting STEM careers ( ) for solutions in production); isation on productivity and social cohe-
women and to increase the number sion is conditioned by worker, firm and
of women in the green economy); • promote the exchange of experi- country specific conditions. Therefore,
ences in work organisation innovation designing and implementing measures
• reduce the informal sector; to help identify best practices; to correct adverse developments and to
promote positive developments will be a
• increase participation in life-long • monitor the implementation and complex task taking account of country,
learning and on-the-job training, support the assessment of the impact sector and firm specificities.

( ) STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and
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