Page 7 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 7


4.5G –

For the Next
Five Years

There are some upcoming trends that               IoT will further enable smart things like           The requirements to realize the concept of      connecting to the cellular network. There are
have been tipped to take place within             connected cars, connected wearables, smart       cellular Internet of Things can be defined as      several inherent characteristics of LTE-M
the next 5 years. These trends mainly             grid, smart waste bins to directly connect the   deeper coverage and low power                      that make this specification the best fit for
revolve around redefining visual                  internet over long ranges . In the near term,    consumption. A clear way to make this              Cellular IoT deployment, these are providing
experience, building a better                     more personal devices will not only be           possible is the introduction of a new air          deep extensive coverage of about 20dB, low
connected world over cellular Internet            connected to smartphones over the short          interface and new chipset to lead a transition     power consumption that ensures that battery
of Things and realizing Industry 4.0 to           range but also to the internet directly.         from 1K connections per cell to 100K               life lasts beyond 10 years, ensuring massive
accelerate mobile network evolution                                                                connections per cell.                              amount of connections around 100K per cell.
to support real-time services                       The third trend is that the transformation of                                                     These capabilities tend to show why LTE-M
                                                  industrial automation through the enabling of       Lastly, one of the key requirements to realize  stands out as the best fit for the deployment
In the next 5 years, visual experience will       communication between factory machines           an Industry 4.0 is very low latency, mainly        of cellular Internet of Things.
    undergo a transition from HD video to         and equipments. It is obvious that short         because these cyber physical systems need to
    virtual reality where users could watch       latency will mainly benefit interaction          control physical equipments and cooperate          4.5G MAKES REAL TIME APPLICATION
sports matches or even shop for things            between machines. For example cyber              with each other all in real time. Short            A REALITY
through virtual reality headsets and carry it     systems can realize control over factory         transmission and short air interface latency are
like they do with their smartphones. People’s     machines and industry equipments through         the ways to realize the needed E2E latency of      4.5G will be able to provide end to end
demand for better video experience will           the support of wireless connections. 4.5G        10ms to enable Industry 4.0 requirement            network latency of 10ms compared to the 40-
always be endless; virtual reality is a step      network will enable cooperation of cyber                                                            80ms of 4G. This is made possible by a
forward in delivering such immersive              systems in real time so they can execute real      4.5G is the natural evolution of 4G.It offers    shorter TTI/RTT aimed at air interface
experience. Furthermore VR can be deployed        time monitoring of industrial processes.         enhancements on LTE-Advanced to meet               latency reduction. Also CloudEdge solution
in other businesses like virtual tours of         Industry 4.0 has been steadily rising to         new services and the trends emerging in the        introduces network function virtualization
potential real estate buyers. Virtual reality is  prominence; this has encouraged the              next 5 years.                                      principles in the network to ensure that
now gaining industry momentum with                government of Germany to make it a target                                                           transmission latency is also further reduced.
companies like Oculus have created the first      for this year. The evolution of 4G to 4.5G is    4.5G OPENS A GIGA WORLD                            This level of E2E network latency enable
consumer mobile VR headset in the industry        quite timely taking into consideration the                                                          industrial transformation through leveraging
while other social networking platforms like      platform needed to support these trends in       To be able to guarantee an immersive               the benefits of cyber physical systems.
Facebook would also provide some VR               the next 5 years.                                experience, large capacity is quite essential.
applications. NBA will film the ALL-Star                                                           As the visual experience of users will be             Currently, we have industry equipments
game with virtual reality cameras. NBA fans       NEW TECHNOLOGIES NEEDED TO                       changing from ultra HD video that required         mainly being controlled by single cyber
who don’t have the opportunity to attend a        SUPPORT THESE TRENDS                             about 30Mbps to virtual reality that will          system; 4.5G will enable the control of
game will be given the next best thing, 4.5G                                                       require about 1Gbps, 4.5G will enable              several industrial equipments through the
presents a platform required for ensuring         The requirements to support these trends can     operators with the capability to deliver the       cellular network, which will trigger a
immersive experiences of VR for users.            be classified into three main types of           large capacity required in this transition.        transition known as intra factory to inter
                                                  connections: high speed connection, massive      Some technologies have been recognized as          factory.
  The second trend is cellular IoT. The           connections and low latency connections.         the major capacity enablers (Technologies in
industry has been used to M2M                                                                      a Giga World) which aim at the key                 TIME FRAME OF 4.5G
communication over short range                      The visual user experience requirements        performance target of xGbps peak rate.
technologies like Bluetooth. but which will       for applications like virtual reality and ultra  These are Massive Carrier Aggregation,             It is predicted that the first 4.5G services will
not end there. The concept of cellular            HD video are defined by three main factors:      Licensed Assisted Access, Massive MIMO &           be launched around 2016. As it is well
Internet of Things which mainly deals with        connectivity, speed and service. In other        256QAM.                                            understood, 4G LTE-Advanced is covered by
M2M communication over the cellular               words an “anywhere anytime” type of                                                                 3GPP Rel-10, Rel-11 and Rel-12, with a
network technologies will vastly increase the     connection is essential to guarantee an          4.5G WILL MAKE CELLULAR                            timeframe stretching from 2013 to 2015. 4.5G
number of smart, always on demand and             immersive VR video experience. To be able to     INTERNET OF THINGS A REALITY                       will be mainly addressed by 3GPP Rel-13 and
online things in our environment. Cellular-       realize these requirements, there is the need                                                       Rel-14. 4.5G represents a next 5 year network
                                                  for more spectrum complemented with high         4.5G through LTE-M will introduce more             evolution to smoothly prepare for the
                                                  spectral efficiency.                             connections which will mainly be devices like      migration towards 5G around 2020.
                                                                                                   smart meters and wearable user devices

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                        Wednesday 4th March PAGE 7
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