Page 6 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 6


Pebble steps up
product rollout
to ditch
'accessory' status

By Ronan Shields                        Kickstarter – a crowdfunding               These “smart straps”, as              accessories equipped with               smartwatches will become
                                        platform where users ‘pledge’ funds      Migicovsky calls them, signify a        functions such as GPS tracking          indispensable to consumers, but did
Pebble is stepping up its               to a project up until they have          significant milestone for the           that can be attached directly to a      concede that this was unlikely to
        product rollout, with the       reached their target – for $250, and     industry vertical, as it is the first   Pebble device.                          “happen overnight”, although he did
        manufacturer using Mobile       is the second such device it has         time such a service has been made                                               express his opinion that such devices
World Congress (MWC) to                 made public in a week.                   on wearable devices.                      “We believe that in the future        could exceed smartphones in terms
announce its second product                                                                                              sensor manufacturers will not have      of popularity in the long-run.
launch in a week, plus what it            The latest update has up to 10           He added: “Pebble is no longer        to create their own smartwatches
claims is the sector’s first “hardware  days of battery life and is              just an accessory to your phone, it     just to bring their sensors to market.    “With smartwatches now, you
accessory platform” that lets sensor    manufactured with stainless steel,       is its own unique computing             They can integrate them into a          can start to get things done from
manufacturers build “smart straps”      plus optional leather, or steel straps,  device,” he said.                       thriving and active community of        your wrist, without having to take
that can communicate with               with the device to start shipping in                                             people that want to see their           your phone out… It’s about not
smartwatches.                           July. Migicovsky also said updates         The new hardware platform is          smartwatch do more,” he told            forcing the user to change their
                                        are available to those that had          “open”, meaning all developers, or      attendees.                              habits around the device,” he
  The smartwatch manufacturer           ‘pledged’ to the previously              “hackers”, are able to build on top                                             added.
revealed that it has extended its       announced Time device.                   of it, and then make device                Migicovsky also said he believed
Pebble Time series, with the
addition of Pebble Time Steel             In addition, Pebble has also
(pictured), a device unveiled by        debuted what it calls the industry
Pebble CEO Eric Migicovsky during       vertical’s first “hardware accessory
an MWC conference session               port” initiative, that lets
focusing on Wearables that took         smartwatch accessory makers
place yesterday.                        build watch straps containing
                                        sensors that can transfer data to
  Pebble Time Steel is available on     apps running on its devices.

TD-LTE hailed as                                                                 efficiently with synchronisation,       NGMN unveils 5G
industry saviour                                                                 without the need for a guard band       operator wishlist
                                                                                 between two frequency ranges.”
By Joseph Waring                        share common technologies and                                                    By Paul Rasmussen                        “we will now focus
                                        have merged on common chipsets              He noted that this is a big booster                                           on setting up and
TD-LTE will become the                  and devices “means that the entire       of frequency resource utilisation.      A5G White Paper unveiled by              implementing a 5G
        “saviour” of the mobile         LTE ecosystem has flourished,”           “We also are very supportive of the              the Next Generation Mobile      work-programme
        industry as it faces massive    added Baksaas.                           TDD-FDD convergence and related                  Networks (NGMN) Alliance        ensuring that future
data growth, proclaimed Bharti                                                   applications.”                          aims to settle industry debate over      solutions will meet
Airtel chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal.      He said operators will continue to                                             the technology’s future standards.       our ambitious
                                        invest heavily in both TDD and              TD-LTE terminals last year                                                    targets.”
  “At the time we joined the GTI        FDD as they roll out their next-         accounted for 40 per cent of all sales    Following a decision late last
[Global TD-LTE Initiative] as a         generation networks and look for         in the country and China is on track    year by the NGMN board of more          fragmentation and open to
founder member, we didn’t realise       ways to monetise their investments.      to have 400 million LTE connections     than 20 operator CTOs, a team of        innovation. However, while
how mission critical it would be. We                                             by the end of this year, he said.       100 technical specialists were          conceding that commercial
started to take baby steps and            “As we look to the future, the                                                 asked to contribute towards             deployments timescales will vary
monitor what China Mobile was           inter-dependence between the two           While 4G has made huge gains in       defining the end-to-end                 across the operator community, it
doing,” he said.                        is only going to grow, especially as     China in just one year, he said there   requirements for 5G. The resulting      urges 5G availability by 2020.
                                        carrier aggregation becomes more         are a number of upstream and            White Paper, according to the
  Speaking at the GTI Summit            common. And FDD is being                 downstream challenges, such as the      NGMN, now presents a                      The White Paper is set for open
yesterday at Mobile World               optimised for use in M2M                 incomplete maturity of VoLTE and        consolidated view of operator           discussion at the NGMN industry
Congress, Mittal said: “I can’t         applications.”                           hybrid communications.                  requirements intended to support        conference in Frankfurt this
imagine our lives without the big                                                                                        the standardisation and                 month. However, equipment
development of the TDD                    He also said 2015 will be the year        China Mobile executive VP Sha        subsequent availability of 5G for       vendors have been calling for open
ecosystem, given that India has just    when we see VoLTE become                 Yuejia said its 4G buildout has         2020 and beyond.                        collaboration across industry
5MHz of 3G spectrum to serve the        mainstream, with the support of          progressed even faster than it had                                              sectors for some time.
very large capacity of its              more devices.                            imagined, ending 2014 with more           “The White Paper provides
customers.”                                                                      than 90 million 4G subscribers. He      essential and long expected input for     “We want the standardisation of
                                          Meanwhile ITU Secretary                noted that the ARPU of its 4G           the work of many industry bodies”,      5G to be done differently to past
  GSMA chairman Jon Fredrik             General Zhao Houlin encouraged           customers is 1.46 times that of 3G      said Peter Meissner, CEO of the         efforts,” said Ken Hu, Huawei’s
Baksaas said TD-LTE has seen the        China and other GTI partners to          users, while data usage per user        NGMN Alliance. “Together with our       rotating CEO, at Tuesday’s keynote
fastest adoption rate of any            promote the advantages of                increased over threefold.               global partners from within industry    presentation at Mobile World
consumer technology. In June last       unpaired spectrum to a wider range                                               and research, we will now focus on      Congress. “There should be a better
year TD-LTE connections made up         of services.                                China’s mobile leader offers         setting up and implementing a 5G        understanding of the particular
just 7 per cent of all LTE                                                       more than 1,300 4G devices from         work-programme ensuring that            requirements of vertical industries
connections. “Now it’s closer to 25       Li Li, deputy director general of      about 200 vendors. The price of         future solutions will meet our          and improved communication
per cent, and next year when LTE        China’s Department of Science and        4G handsets has dropped to as low       ambitious targets.”                     between interested parties.”
connections reach one billion, it will  Technology, said China’s three           as $60.
account for almost 30 per cent.”        mobile operators have worked                                                       The NGMN document states it
                                        together to “give TDD a unique             He said it is aiming to cover all     would like to see any 5G ecosystem
  The fact that TDD and FDD             advantage in the 2.6GHz band to          domestic cities and rural areas with    as being global, lacking in
                                        make it possible to operate              one million 4G base stations by the
                                                                                 end of this year. Coverage will also
                                                                                 include 73 high-speed railways and
                                                                                 26,000 km of highways.

                                                                                   It expects to have 250 million 4G
                                                                                 customers and sell 200 million 4G
                                                                                 devices this year.

PAGE 6 Wednesday 4th March                                                       MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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