Page 10 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 10


Small Cell GSMA charter to make

Forum                                  mobile humanitarian

sees                                   services more efficient

$163B                                  By Joanne Taaffe                           “Mobile networks and                    Smartphones
operator                                                                          the connectivity that                   essential to US
benefit                                The GSMA launched an                       they provide can be a                   consumers - Verto
from rural                                     industry-wide Humanitarian         lifeline for those affected
                                               Connectivity Charter. The aim      by natural disasters and                By Joanne Taaffe                           Apple meanwhile continues to
By Anne Morris                         of the charter, which Axiata, Etisalat     other humanitarian                                                             count on its loyal users to maintain
                                       and Ooredoo have already adopted, is       emergencies”                            US consumers increasingly              its lead. Mac users are more likely
The Small Cell Forum said              to help mobile network operators                                                            see smartphones as a must-    to have a smartphone or tablet of
        rural and remote coverage is   work more efficiently with                  The Charter is supported by the                 have, regardless of income,   any kind than Windows users – and
        a big opportunity for mobile   humanitarian agencies.                    United Nations Office for the            according to a new report on US        they tend to choose Apple. Out of
operators, opening up a market                                                   Coordination of Humanitarian             digital device usage by data           all Mac users, 79 per cent have a
worth a potential $163 billion and        Humanitarian agencies already          Affairs (UN OCHA), the UN                analytics company Verto.               smartphone, and 58 per cent have a
providing affordable mobile            use mobile connectivity to locate         Emergency Telecommunications                                                    tablet and they are four times more
broadband services to an extra 650     people and exchange essential             Cluster (ETC) and the International        At the end of the fourth quarter     likely to own an iPad than an
million users, according to a study    information, while mobile operators       Federation of the Red Cross and          2014, 42 per cent of people in the     Android tablet. Windows users,
carried out by Real Wireless.          provide services such as early            Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).           US earning $15,000 or less owned a     however, show no clear preference.
                                       warning systems and SMS                                                            smartphone, compared to 80 per         At the end of 2014 Apple’s users
  “It’s not niche,” said Alan Law,     information services.                       The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-      cent of those earning over             accounted for 42 per cent of the
chair of the Small Cell Forum, who                                               moon, said: "I congratulate the          $150,000.                              total installed base of smartphones
was speaking during the                   The charter, however, lays out a       GSMA and its membership for                                                     and 43 per cent of the installed
presentation of Release Five of the    coordinated and predictable               developing this partnership with the        Unsurprisingly, younger people      base of tablets.
forum’s programme.                     response to disasters so that             humanitarian community, which will       are the most likely to favour
                                       operators can better support not only     enable people affected by crises to      smartphones: 75 to 78 per cent of        Nevertheless, Samsung managed
  Release Five: Rural and Remote is    their customers, but also the agencies    gain access to vital communications.”    18-to-39-year olds in the US own       to increase its share of sales in the
the Small Cell Forum’s fifth body of   that are working on the ground.                                                    one, with 30-to-34-year-olds being     US tablet market from 12 per cent in
work that sets out how small cells                                                 MNOs that sign the charter will        the most likely to do so.              2013 to 15 per cent in 2015 and its
can and are being used in a diverse      “Mobile networks and the                commit to a common set of                                                       share of smartphones purchases
range of remote and rural              connectivity that they provide can be     principles and work towards the            And although US consumers tend       from 27 per cent in 2013 to 29 per
environments. Indeed, Julius           a lifeline for those affected by natural  adoption of initiatives.                 to have several devices – 4.6 each     cent. The other area of growth is in
Robson, who sits on the forum’s        disasters and other humanitarian                                                   on average – they are casting aside    the use of smart TVs and streaming
steering committee, said 17,000        emergencies,” said Anne Bouverot,                                                  PCs, portable media players and        media devices, which increased 26
small cells are already deployed in    director general, GSMA.                                                            electronic book readers in favour of   per cent and 22 per cent to reach 45
rural and remote environments.                                                                                            tablets and smartphones: Amazon’s      million and 35 million users,
                                       MasterCard and Egyptian                                                            share of the tablets in use decreased  respectively.
  The forum has already explored       government team                                                                    from 22 per cent in 2013 to 18 per
small cell opportunities in the        on mobile payments                                                                 cent last year, according to Verto.
home, the enterprise and urban
areas in previous releases, and said   By Joanne Taaffe                          Banks Co., the Phone Cash mobile
it has now “completed the set” with                                              wallet interoperable platform
the addition of rural and remote,      MasterCard              and the           already provides a range of
although emphasising that its work                 Egyptian   government         interoperable financial services,
is far from done.                                  yesterday  unveiled a         including online and retail payment,
                                                                                 money transfers and phone bill
  In future, the forum will address    partnership to use mobile                 payment to banked and unbanked
new and emerging topics such as                                                  Egyptians. And it does so
virtualisation, SON, Wi-Fi             technology to extend financial            independently of mobile operators.
integration and 5G. In addition, the
relevance of small cells to what is    services to 54 million Egyptians.            With a mobile penetration rate of
variously called LTE-Unlicensed or                                               over 100 per cent, the Egyptian
LTE-LAA (licensed assisted access)     MasterCard will work with the             government now wants to take the
is attracting urgent interest from                                               service a step further and create a
the mobile communications              government to create and introduce        secure mobile platform that brings
industry in general, the forum                                                   financial services to millions more
noted.                                 a digital ID program that links           Egyptians. By providing a single
                                                                                 cashless electronic platform
  With this technology due to be       Egyptian citizens’ national ID to an      underpinned by national ID cards, the
standardised in 3GPP’s Release 13,                                               Egyptian government hopes to include
the Small Cell Forum said it has an    existing interoperable national           more citizens in the formal economy.
opportunity to take an active role in
driving forward this emerging          mobile money platform.                       “This collaboration with
standard.                                                                        MasterCard will provide millions of
                                       MasterCard has already carved             Egyptians with access to an              GSMA HONOURS THE GOVERNMENTS OF BRAZIL AND PAKISTAN
  Mark Grayson, a Cisco engineer                                                 innovative, safe and simple way to       IN ITS 2015 GOVERNMENT MOBILE EXCELLENCE AWARDS
who sits on the forum’s board,         out a sizeable role in the Egyptian       conduct financial transactions using
observed that an operator requires                                               their national ID card,” said H.E. Atef  l. to r. His Excellency Mr. Ricardo Berzoini, the Minister of
licensed coverage to access            mobile payments market. In mid-           Helmy, minister of communications        Communications of Brazil; Her Excellency Ms. Anusha Rahman
license-exempt spectrum, and said                                                and information technology.              Khan, the Minister of State for Information Technology of Pakistan;
LAA is a subset of carrier             2013 the company launched a                                                        Mr. David Thodey, CEO & Executive Director, Telstra (who
aggregation.                                                                       MasterCard and the Egyptian            presented the awards).
                                       Mobile Payment Gateway, followed          government will jointly build an
  “It makes sense to co-locate the                                               innovation center in Cairo, which will
licensed and license-exempt            later in the same year by the Phone       draw on MasterCard’s technologies
bands,” Grayson said.                                                            to develop the services.
                                       Cash mobile wallet. Rolled out in

                                       conjunction with the National Bank

                                       of Egypt, Fawry and Egyptian

PAGE 10 Wednesday 4th March                                                      MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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