Page 12 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 12


                             Dennisa Nichiforov-Chuang,
                             Mobile Spectrum Analyst, GSMA Intelligence

Spectrum for new
entrants: lessons

Regulators must be wary of the                  REGULATORY MODELS USED TO                         New entrants’ average connections market share by market
conditions under which new entrants             ENCOURAGE NEW ENTRANTS                            structure, quarters after launch
can thrive before allocating valuable
spectrum, as reserving spectrum for             Once a government or regulator decides to                  25%
new entrants may not result in                  encourage a new entrant into the market,
effective competition or sustainable            different models are usually employed to          Average market share of connections  20%
market players, while leading to an             ensure both access to spectrum as well as
inefficient use of spectrum.                    facilitation of entry conditions. Examples of                                          15%
                                                these models include:
Regulators should ensure that operators         - the use of spectrum caps                                                             10%
        are assigned sufficient amount of       - set-asides of spectrum for entrants
        spectrum and the right bandwidth to     - different roll-out and coverage                                                      5%
achieve the required quality of service. Each
new technology generation uses wider              requirements for the new entrant                                                     0%
channel bandwidths, as well as improved         - obligations imposed on incumbents or                                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
spectrum efficiency to drive faster
connection speeds. This means that they use       established operators to provide facilities                                               Number of existing operators:  1 2 3 4 5 6+
increasing amounts of spectrum making the         sharing (such as access to infrastructure)
need for new mobile frequency bands               and roaming                                                                                                              Source: GSMA Intelligence
essential. For example, a 2G channel is 0.2
MHz wide, a 3G channel is 5 MHz wide and a      NEW ENTRANTS – 2010 TO PRESENT                    existing operators climbs. Those entering                                market share of 10 per cent. Finally, new
4G-LTE channel can range from 1.4MHz to         DAY                                               markets with two existing operators can                                  entrants entering markets with four or more
20MHz wide – the fastest 4G-LTE services                                                          expect a corresponding average market share                              existing players did not witness market share
are only possible with the wider channel        A number of factors impact the ability of new     of connections of 14 per cent in the same                                in excess of 5 per cent in the 6.5 years period
sizes. The most recent types of 3G and 4G-      entrants to successfully challenge established    timeframe, while those entering markets with                             since their launch.
LTE networks are capable of providing users     operators. Recent data shows that most new        three existing operators achieved an average
with especially fast speeds by combining        entrants tend to struggle to gain a foothold in
several channels together, making them even     established markets. The number of existing       ABOUT GSMA INTELLIGENCE
more reliant on large amounts of spectrum.      players in the marketplace at the time of
                                                launch of a greenfield operator is a significant  GSMA Intelligence is the definitive source of global mobile operator data,
  In some cases, reserving spectrum for new     indicator of its ability to grow market share     analysis and forecasts; and a publisher of authoritative industry reports
entrants led to inefficient use of spectrum.    (see chart).                                      and research. Our data covers every operator group, network and MVNO
For instance, in the AWS auction in 2009 in                                                       in every country worldwide – from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. It is the
Chile, the three incumbents have been             From Q1 2010 to the present day, a total of     most accurate and complete set of industry metrics available, comprising
effectively excluded from participating in the  62 new players launched operations across 48      tens of millions of individual data points, updated daily.
auction, leading to valuable spectrum being     markets worldwide. If we examine the              GSMA Intelligence is relied on by leading operators, vendors, regulators,
awarded to two new entrants that reached a      success of new entrants over this timeframe,      financial institutions and third-party industry players, to support strategic
limited market share of connections.            it is clear that the number of existing players   decision-making and long-term investment planning. The data is used as
                                                in a market at the time of launch has a large     an industry reference point and is frequently cited by the media and by
  Spectrum allocation is often seen by          bearing on its performance, in terms of its       the industry itself. Our team of analysts and experts produce regular
regulators as a way to facilitate the entry of  ability to change the market landscape. Of        thought-leading research reports across a range of industry topics.
new players in a market with a view to          the 62 launches, 24 entered markets with
stimulate competition. However, our research    three or less existing players, and 7 of these
demonstrates that the majority of new           broke hitherto monopolies. The remaining 38
entrants that launched services since early     launched in markets with 4 or more existing
2010 did not impact the competitive structure   operators.
of their respective markets, in turn showing
that the success and lifespan of new entrants     Those entering markets with only one
depends on a number of factors that tend to     existing operator performed best, recording
be excluded from the regulatory framework.      an average market share of connections of 21
                                                per cent some 26 quarters (6.5 years)
                                                following commercial launch. However, our
                                                data shows that the marginal gains of new
                                                entrants fall significantly as the number of

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