Page 17 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 17


  It's the critical lifeblood of these                you can then see that email can actually have   going to be a tiny part of a much more complex,   towards providing the clarity of what is
organisations, and that's what enterprise             a pretty big impact on a business.              much broader landscape in a year or two.          corporate space and what is personal space,
mobility has become.                                                                                                                                    and not letting who pays the bill become the
                                                      MWD: HOW SHOULD ENTERPRISES                        Right now we're still talking about employee-  friction point.
MWD: WHAT ARE THE MOST                                BE ADDRESSING SECURITY ISSUES IN                facing applications. Do you let them buy their
CRITICAL CHALLENGES BEING FACED                       THE LIGHT OF SUCH CYBER                         device or do you buy a device for them? You       MWD: WHAT LIES AHEAD FOR
NOW BY ENTERPRISES AS THEY                            ATTACKS?                                        haven't even started the conversation about       ENTERPRISE MOBILITY
INCREASINGLY EMBRACE MOBILE                                                                           wearables, the Internet of Things, M2M, all of    MANAGEMENT?
DEVICES, APPLICATIONS AND                               CW: The first assumption that every           these other places where your data could leak.
MANAGED SOLUTIONS WITHIN THE                          enterprise should make is that somebody is                                                           CW: Our view is that this is an increasingly
WORKPLACE?                                            trying to compromise you right now:               Is BYO important? Yes it is. Som e of the       complex network of things. It's not just
                                                      breaches are going to happen; devices will get  friction points we've seen with customers         mobile; it's going to be fixed and mobile; on
  CW: I think that you have this interesting          stolen; accounts will get hacked. The devices   have been with some of the older MDM              big and small screens. The same CIO who is
dynamic where users are far more                      themselves are going to be compromised if       technologies; there was concern about data        thinking about how to provide email to an
comfortable with mobile devices than they             they're not already.                            privacy if you're actually using MDM on the       executive will also have to think about how to
have been with any other piece of technology                                                          entire device.                                    protect data that is going back and forth to
in their lives. You don't reach for your PC             So you have to assume you have to protect                                                       the vending machine that they're supporting.
when you open your eyes in the morning. So            your data no matter what. What is the right        We've also seen concerns about who pays        Or to the retail floor or manufacturing space;
I think users then get a much bigger vote in          platform to do that? That's what we focus on.   for the data plan. Again, I think Good            or out to their end business users and
terms of what they're doing on their device,          That's what we're the experts in.               Technology has removed a lot of those             customers. When data is travelling the
how it's configured, what they'd like.                                                                friction points with our investments both in      concerns are different, and the kind of
                                                      MWD: DO YOU THINK THAT                          our platform and creating clear lines between     application might just be different. But the
  But at the end of the day, if the IT department     ENTERPRISES HAVE ADAPTED WELL                   the corporate assets and the personal assets.     approach remains the same.
is putting data on that device, it has to remain      TO THE “BYOD” TREND?                            We don't violate the end user's privacy.
accountable for that data. That doesn't
necessarily mean they need to take over the             CW: I think that with the kinds of mobility      We have also invested in split billing,
entire device. And I think getting organisations to   strategies we see companies deploying, BYO is   which we believe is a great step forward
a point where they're clear on the problem
they're trying to solve, and in what phase of their    “My hope for this year
mobility strategy, is one of the biggest challenges.   would be that we start to
Because when you first start the conversation in       see the maturation of not
this market it's very noisy. It's very hard to         just the platforms and
differentiate. Companies need to ask themselves:       tools but also the complex
"Where is my data? Who do I want to have               mobility strategies.”
access to it, on what device and where? What are
the risks? What would happen if somebody else
got this data?” And then they need to know what
the right tools are to provide all that.

   Through 2013 and 2014 lots of folks were
saying, “I don't need a significant security
technology for my employees’ devices. I can
just use simple Exchange ActiveSync because
all my users have is email." And then
something like the Sony breach happens, and

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                          Wednesday 4th March PAGE 17
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