Page 18 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 18


                                  Robert Stalick, Chief Executive Officer, Tresys Technology

Android Security:

More Cooperation,
Discipline Needed

The success of Android™ in the smartphone marketplace has clearly                                  interesting position because while they claim    implementations continue to plague the
demonstrated that open source software is a viable foundation for                                  security advantages, they necessarily have       industry. Thus, independent analysis is ever
Communications Service Providers (CSPs) and device manufacturers.                                  many of the same vulnerabilities as the          more important—security architecture
Unfortunately, the dynamism and diversity that result from open source                             underlying OS. In fact, many vulnerability       assessments that focus on defense in depth,
development models are inherently more risky to deploy into Enterprises.                           researchers and attackers focus on these         vulnerability assessments, and red teams are
                                                                                                   platforms precisely because it can be            definitely money well spent.
CIOs and CISOs need to be able to                 critical security fixes will be provided in a    assumed that anyone buying them has
         quantify and manage risk. In their       timely manner and that the devices their         something to protect. Samsung’s partnership        Effective security is a constant struggle
         minds, Enterprise solutions should       users depend on will be supported long           with Google to release portions of the Knox      against ever-evolving adversaries. Designing,
have reliable release cycles, strong customer     enough to recoup their IT investment.            code as part of Android L is a good step         developing, deploying, and managing
and technical support, and a commitment to        Consider Enterprise rollouts in the desktop or   toward improving open source Android             systems that are less susceptible to
patching critical bugs in a timely manner. By     laptop space—most Enterprises go three or        security. But, there needs to be a consistent    exploitation requires discipline. Identifying
their very nature, open source solutions have     more years before doing major upgrades or        focus on security and cooperation among all      and addressing vulnerabilities in a timely
inherent disadvantages in these areas, though     operating system refreshes. And, they do a       of the Android stakeholders.                     manner requires coordination and
unfortunately, not all proprietary solutions      great deal of testing before performing a new                                                     cooperation between the developer, vendor,
effectively deliver on these goals either!        rollout or applying a widespread patch. In the     The history of server (and, to a lesser        and user base - including CSPs, OEMs,
                                                  mobile space, those cycles have to be            extent) desktop operating systems shows us       security application vendors, security
  Linux is an instructive example of open         shortened tremendously. Mobile operating         that closed, proprietary operating systems       consultants and independent experts,
source done well. By all measures, Linux has      systems have been evolving much more             are excellent launching points for Enterprise    academia, and government. We encourage all
a strong share of the server market. Linux has    quickly than traditional operating systems,      solutions. However, the closed nature of         stakeholders to work together to make
an active developer community, with deep          while hardware often comes and goes in           those operating systems can lead to              effective mobile security as ubiquitous as the
support in the technology industry and            under a year. Enterprise mobile deployments      stagnation, while the open source community      flexible functionality to which users have
academia. Security is a primary focus for the     will have many more hardware and software        will continue to push features and fixes into    become accustomed.
Linux development community, with                 combinations to manage, dramatically             the entire range of computing applications.      Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
vulnerabilities rapidly fixed and accessible to   increasing the potential number of possible      The very nature of open source, with the
administrators worldwide.                         security vulnerabilities.                        diversity of perspectives that can be brought      “For Android to be a viable
                                                                                                   to bear on software, can even help address         option for Enterprise
  Recently identified vulnerabilities in            For Android to be a viable option for          the security vulnerabilities in Android—if         mobile deployments, the
Android underscore the contrast with Linux.       Enterprise mobile deployments, the process       only there was an efficient way for these fixes    process for addressing the
Google announced in January that it will not      for addressing the inevitable security           to move into upstream or CSP versions of           inevitable security
address vulnerabilities in any versions of        vulnerabilities needs to be improved. If         Android.                                           vulnerabilities needs to be
Android prior to 4.4, leaving OEMs and CSPs       Google is going to continue to own the                                                              improved. If Google is
to fend for themselves. January 2015              upstream Android distribution, they need to        While the open source model is successful        going to continue to own
statistics from the Google Play Store showed      be much more proactive about addressing all      for the operating system itself, it appears to     the upstream Android
that 54% of Android devices using Google          security vulnerabilities for all widely fielded  be less successful when it comes to security       distribution, they need to
Play were on versions 4.2 and older. That         Android versions. If CSPs are going to           applications on the device or in the               be much more proactive
means that Google will not be addressing          continue to own the operating system and         supporting infrastructure. If the products         about addressing all
vulnerabilities for over half of the Android      upgrade path for their customers, then they      used to protect open source solutions are          security vulnerabilities for
users in the world! And even if Google            need to increase their ability to independently  themselves closed, how confident can users         all widely fielded Android
provides a patch for a vulnerability, the vast    develop or integrate security-relevant           be about the security vulnerabilities in those     versions.”
majority of individual users cannot apply that    patches. And Enterprises need to hold their      products?
patch until their CSP either backports the        mobile vendors accountable for supporting
patch to whichever Android they are               their products in the same way they hold their     Mobile solutions make enterprise
providing (and then rolls that out to the users)  desktop and server vendors accountable.          applications available from anywhere via the
or the CSP eventually upgrades the user to a                                                       Cloud. This means user authentication and
later Android version.                              Proprietary solutions based on the Android     data in transit protections are critical. These
                                                  Open Source Project (AOSP), e.g., Samsung        problems have been solved conceptually
  So, how should a CIO or CISO feel about         Knox, LG Gate, Blackphone, are in an             since the days of mainframes, but the recent
this situation? Enterprises need to know that                                                      SSL vulnerabilities remind us that poor

PAGE 18 Wednesday 4th March                                                                        MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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