Page 16 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
P. 16


Christy Wyatt, Chairman and
CEO of Good Technology

Enterprise mobility
comes of age

In 2013, Good Technology found there was very little conversation about
enterprise mobility at Mobile World Congress. Fast forward two years and
the company believes that the 2015 event will see a new level of
sophistication among enterprises as they recognise the need for more
complex mobility strategies.

MOBILE WORLD DAILY (MWD):                         We're also seeing a lot of growth in non-      MWD: WHAT TRENDS DO YOU EXPECT                    and having bigger conversations. But I think a lot
LOOKING BACK OVER THE LAST 12                   regulated spaces. It used to be large            TO BE MORE EVIDENT AT MWC THIS                    of the dialogue was still focused on what I'd call
MONTHS, WHAT ARE THE KEY                        companies like banks and healthcare              YEAR COMPARED TO LAST YEAR?                       the young MDM/enterprise mobility market.
CHANGES YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE                    organisations. Now it's companies of any                                                           My hope for this year would be that we start to
ENTERPRISE MOBILITY MARKET?                     size: retailers, manufacturing, logistics etc.     CW: I'll actually start with two years ago. In  see the maturation of not just the platforms and
                                                And that's because the message came across       2013, there were very few enterprise vendors      tools but also the complex mobility strategies.
  Christy Wyatt (CW): I think that the big      loud and clear in 2014 that security wasn't      there and very little enterprise conversation.
trend we're seeing right now is the maturation  just a topic for banks.                          We were one of the very few, and that was           And that's what we see with our customers.
of customer thinking. We've been talking                                                         even more the case in previous years.             They're not just doing simple employee
about a vision for the past few years that        One of the things holding enterprises back                                                       productivity; they're mobilising significant
these mobility strategies are going to get      when it comes to mobility strategies is            Last year, enterprise mobility vendors took a   parts of their business. It's real-time; it's five
more sophisticated, and that the device         confusion. There's a lot of noise in the market  more prominent position, taking bigger spaces     9s; it's always-on.
landscape is going to become more diverse.      and a lot of vendors claiming to do the same
And that's going to increase the complexity,    thing. I think that much of the hype doesn't
which is then going to drive the risk. Higher   clearly spell out what kinds of breaches are
risk and higher complexity are also going to    actually happening within these
drive cost.                                     organisations. What are the things you're
                                                actually trying to protect against, and what's
  In 2013 and early 2014, so much of the        the right set of tools to be able to mitigate
conversation was around MDM and BYO that        that risk?
many companies weren't really thinking
about the bigger picture, for truly mobilising    The only path through that is to be able to
their enterprise. We're now starting to see     create a more open dialogue about what the
customers trying to do more sophisticated       risk profile looks like and then what the real
workflows that require these robust platforms   solutions are to solving some of those
like Good Dynamics.                             problems.

“One of the things holding enterprises back                                                      “The first assumption that every enterprise
when it comes to mobility strategies is                                                          should make is that somebody is trying to
confusion. There's a lot of noise in the market                                                  compromise you right now: breaches are
and a lot of vendors claiming to do the same                                                     going to happen; devices will get stolen;
thing.”                                                                                          accounts will get hacked.”

PAGE 16 Wednesday 4th March                                                                      MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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