Page 4 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
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GSMA ANNOUNCES                                                                   Autonomous cars coming next
WINNERS OF 2015 GLOBAL                                                           year: Renault-Nissan Alliance chief

   The GSMA yesterday announced the winners of the 20th Global Mobile            By Saleha Riaz                                                                        As for his take on Apple wanting
Awards, in a ceremony hosted by actor, comedian, writer and film producer                                                                                            to make cars, he says it is
John Cleese.                                                                     Connected cars and security                                                         “refreshing” to hear that
                                                                                          were at the heart of the                                                   mainstream companies are
THE WINNERS OF THE 2015 GLOBAL MOBILE AWARDS ARE:                                         ‘Keys to the Connected                                                     interested in the industry and is
                                                                                 Lifestyle’ keynote on Monday, with                                                  curious to see what they come up
Best Mobile Innovation for Health       The Green Mobile Award                   the first two speakers shedding light     changing lanes. In 2020, they will        with.
Trice Imaging & Qualcomm Wireless       Indus Towers for Enabling Green Telecom  on the future of intelligent vehicles.    be able to make more complicated
Reach for Mobile Ultrasound Patrol                                                                                         decisions such as what to do when           Ralph de la Vega, president &
                                        Best Mobile Music App                      Carlos Ghosn (pictured), chairman       waiting at crossroads.                    CEO, AT&T mobility & business
Best Mobile Innovation for Education &  Smart Communications for SPINNR          & CEO at Renault – Nissan Alliance,                                                 solutions, said all car manufacturers
Learning                                                                         believes cyber security and approval        Ghosn predicts that the                 are thinking about connected cars,
EDUMOBI for EDUMOBI Mobile Learning     Best Mobile Game App                     from regulatory authorities will be       automobile industry “will grow at a       even if it is just about downloading
Network                                 Gameloft for Asphalt 8: Airborne         key challenges when it comes to           slower pace, but with much more           updates to the software in vehicles.
                                                                                 connected cars, but says both Nissan      technology” and driverless cars may
Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive   Best Mobile Photo, Art, Video or TV      and Renault know exactly where            become a reality in the next 10 years.      He reiterated the importance of
Ericsson for Connected Vehicle Cloud    App                                      they are headed with “autonomous”                                                   security and privacy, saying it is
                                        Peel                                     cars (not driverless).                                                              AT&T’s main priority, along with
The NFC & Mobile Money Award                                                                                                                                         making connected devices
Dialog Axiata for eZ Cash               Best Mobile Media & Publishing App         In 2016, both companies will                                                      effortless to use by consumers.
                                        News Republic for Start a Conversation   launch vehicles that will allow drivers
Best Use of Mobile for Retail, Brands                                            stuck in traffic jams to switch to                                                    His company has invested in four
& Commerce                              Most Innovative Mobile App               autonomous mode, take their hands                                                   “foundries” — in California, Texas,
Etisalat for Connected Commerce         Mnet Mobile for Game On                  off the wheels, and let the car handle                                              Georgia and Israel — where they
                                                                                 navigation and driving.                                                             are working on the Internet of
Best Mobile Innovation for the          Judges' Choice - Best Overall Mobile                                                                                         Things and developing ways to
‘Internet of Things’                    App                                        In 2018, the car could be put into                                                connect “things that have never
Jasper for Cloud IoT Platform           IFTTT                                    autopilot on highways and will take                                                 been connected before,” such as
                                                                                 care of everything, including                                                       putting sensors in garbage cans.
The Mobile Connect Award for Best       Best Smartphone
Authentication & Identity Solution      Apple iPhone 6                           Wikipedia’s Jimmy
Etisalat for Mobile Connect             LG G3                                    Wales steps up drive
                                                                                 for zero-rated access
Best Mobile Enabled Consumer            Best Low Cost Smartphone
Electronics Device                      Motorola Moto E                          By Anne Morris                            mobile phones without incurring           websites such as Google, Facebook
ZTE for Smart Projector                                                                                                    charges for the data they use.            and Wikipedia. “As this next billion
                                        Best Mobile Tablet                       Wikipedia founder Jimmy                                                             come online they are joining the
Best Mobile Service or App for          Microsoft Surface Pro 3                               Wales called on mobile         The zero-rated service is now           global conversation,” he added.
Enterprise                                                                                    operators across the         available in 46 countries with 54
Citi for CitiDirect BE Mobile           Best Wearable Mobile Technology          globe to provide zero-rated access        operators. “We estimate that more           Wales said a strong focus is to
                                        Motorola Mobility for the Moto 360       to the online encyclopedia.               than 400 million people can now           provide more information in local
Best Mobile Service or App for                                                                                             access Wikipedia free of data             languages. He noted that although
Consumers                               Best Mobile Infrastructure                 In Tuesday’s second keynote session     charges. Our goal is to work with         people are unlikely to edit or add
Bharti Airtel for One Touch Internet    Huawei for LampSite Solution             at Mobile World Congress, Wales said      every mobile operator on the              information on a mobile phone, the
                                                                                 the cost of mobile data prevents          planet,” Wikipedia says on its site.      increase in mobile readership inspires
Best Mobile Cloud Service or App        Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough      millions of people from getting online.                                             those with access to a PC to edit
AirWatch for Enterprise Mobility        Airvana OneCell                                                                      In Wales’ view, it’s a win-win          information in their own language
Management                                                                         “Imagine a world where every single     situation: operators benefit as
                                        Best Technology Enabler                  person is given free access to the sum    people are tempted to use more of
Best Mobile Advertising or Marketing    Dialog Ideamart                          of all human knowledge,” Wales said.      their services and drive traffic, and
Mnet Mobile for Game On                                                                                                    users benefit as they gain access to
                                        Best Solution for Growing Smaller or       Wikipedia now approaches                the same online services that are
Best Mobile Network Product or          Independent Networks                     mobile carriers around the world          available to everyone globally.
Solution for Serving Customers          Vodafone for Vodafone Interstandard      and negotiates with them to provide
Alcatel-Lucent for VoLTE and Service    Roaming Services                         zero-rated access to the online             “The next billion people are
Innovation                                                                       information services. The scheme is       coming online much faster than
                                        Best Security/ Anti-Fraud Product or     called Wikipedia Zero, which is           people had thought,” he
Best Mobile Product, Initiative or      Solution                                 designed to enable more people in         commented, noting that online
Service in Emerging Markets             Samsung for KNOX Workspace               developing countries to access the        users in developing markets are
Opera for Opera Web Pass and                                                     online encyclopedia via their             also tending to access the same
Sponsored Web Pass                      Broadband for All: Outstanding LTE
Best Mobile Product or Service for      Telstra for LTE Advanced Network for
Women in Emerging Markets               Emergency Services (LANES)
BBC Media Action: Mobile Academy &
Mobile Kunji for Harnessing Mobile for  Outstanding Overall Mobile
Community Health Workers                Technology – The CTOs’ choice
                                        Airvana OneCell
Best Use of Mobile in Emergency or
Humanitarian Situations                 GSMA Chairman’s Award 2015
TabangKO Emergency E-transfers for      Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim, Managing
Haiyan Survivors                        Director/President & Group CEO, Axiata
                                        Group Berhad
Best Mobile App, Service or Initiative
for Accessibility & Inclusion           Government Leadership Award 2015
OtoSense for Sound Recognition          Government of Brazil

Best Mobile Device for Accessibility &  Spectrum for Mobile Broadband
Inclusion                               Award 2015
Doro for Doro Liberto 820               Government of the Islamic Republic of

Ooredoo casts hungry                                                             frontier of telecoms which is             bullishness that puts a $10 billion         However, there are reasons for
eye at $10B market                                                               powering significant growth in B2B,”      valuation on the business market          caution. One is that 75 per cent of the
                                                                                 said Thomas Craig, group executive        across its footprint, a figure including  $10 billion figure is small business,
By Richard Handford                       The operator launched its              director of the operator’s B2B activity.  only core connectivity and not            which can be hard to reach. “How to
                                        business unit a year ago and                                                       additional businesses such as cloud.      build channels to these markets is an
Ooredoo used a press event              generated revenue of more than $1          And Craig should know, with a                                                     issue, it’s very, very different from
          here at Mobile World          billion in the first nine months of      background of working in Europe             The company’s research found            western Europe,” said Craig.
          Congress to talk up the       2014, a 10 per cent increase on the      where B2B spend is flat, he said. His     high numbers of young people
growth potential of its B2B             previous year. Customer volumes          previous employers were Vodafone          across its region (typically 80 per         And Ooredoo has won its share
business, flourishing the kind of       were up by 25 per cent, perhaps          and BT Global Services.                   cent to 95 per cent) who are eager        of business from multinationals.
statistics that would make operators    unsurprising for a new initiative.                                                 to start their own businesses, a          Such customers tend to pick several
in other regions, particularly                                                     The company has an estimated            potential future customer base.           operators to serve its regions,
Europe, weak with envy.                   “Unlike west European markets,         nine million companies present in                                                   which suits Ooredoo fine.
                                        Ooredoo is still exposed to a new        its core markets of Algeria, Tunisia,       Also GDP growth, often a proxy for
                                                                                 Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Indonesia,           business connectivity, is 3.6 per cent      “Can we be best globally? I don’t
                                                                                 Oman and Myanmar.                         across its region. In fact, Ooredoo is    think so. But can we be best in-
                                                                                                                           growing well ahead of that figure.        region? Yes,” said Craig.
                                                                                   There are reasons underlying Craig’s

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