Page 3 - Mobile World Daily - Day 3
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KT Telecom                                BlackBerry unveils                                                                                                         NEWS IN BRIEF...
eyes 2018                                 Leap smartphone;
5G network;                               continues shift to                                                                                                          M2M alliance
Nokia aims                                software                                                                                                                    leads to battery-
to be top 2                                                                                                                                                           life uplift
player                                    By Joanne Taaffe                          Chen said will extend to “any end       BlackBerry’s enterprise software and
                                                                                    point” – i.e any IP address –           encrypted messaging functions onto        Teclo Networks and Stream
By Paul Rasmussen                         BlackBerry had billed “a very             “whether it is a vending machine or     Samsung phones could call into            Technologies have announced
                                                  strong device roadmap” in the     a rice cooker”. In addition to          question the future of BlackBerry         a tie-up to improve the
Visitors to the 2018 Winter                       buildup to its Mobile World       developing a software platform to       handsets. However, for now                performance of M2M network
         Olympics in Korea will have      Congress presence this year. What         address the internet of things          BlackBerry claims to be committed to      performance, including a
         access to commercial 5G          the company showed at its press           market, BlackBerry is aiming its        continuing to develop handsets aimed      significant increasing battery-
services, according to KT Telecom         conference yesterday was a full-touch     enterprise mobility software at the     at the enterprise market.                 life cycles. The pair have used
CEO Chang-Gyu Hwang (pictured),           screen smartphone, called Leap.           vertical sectors of healthcare,                                                   Stream Technologies' S-
speaking at Tuesday’s opening                                                       finance and government.                   BlackBerry’s enterprise software        Series solution to achieve
keynote session.                            BlackBerry’s CEO John Chen                                                      services include secure access, and       faster data transfer times
                                          also promised a curved-screen               “We’re expanding into the             a split billing function that lets        between connected devices,
  Undaunted by the lack of                handset with a separate keyboard          software and services business and      companies pay only for work-              this means such devices use
worldwide standards, Hwang said that      to come out “as soon as it’s done.”       doing it quickly,” said Ketan           related voice, data and SMS usage.        less power when they
the company was moving ahead              In addition, the company stressed         Kamdar, global head of device           The company, which cites                  ‘communicate’ with one
rapidly with 5G. “It’s the next-          the integration of its software into      portfolio, BlackBerry.                  operators as its key channel, also        another.
generation network we need. Speed is      Samsung's KNOX workspace.                                                         showed collaboration tools, such as
only one part of the requirement, the                                                 Hardware still accounts for the       one-touch conference call dial that       Ams turns down
biggest is capacity. We need to build a     The Leap smartphone comes with a        majority of BlackBerry’s revenues,      does away with the need to enter          noise on Huawei
network that’ll be able to deliver real-  five-inch 1280 x 720 touch screen and     according to Chen, who admits “it       passwords.                                smartphone
time data with very low latency.”         no keyboard and will cost $275. But       will take some time for hardware
                                          the latest BlackBerry handset “will find  and software to be twin towers”.                                                  Ams, a provider of high-
  One clear reason for KT Telecom’s       it tough to compete with the iPhone                                                                                         performance analog ICs and
interest in pushing ahead with 5G is      and Android devices,” according to          In its effort to build up software                                              sensors, announced that the
Hwang’s assertion that the network        analyst house CCS Insight. However,       revenues quickly BlackBerry is                                                    headset of Huawei’s Ascend
costs will be significantly lower.        the research company added that “the      working with any operating system,                                                Mate 7 smartphone uses low-
                                          Leap will be essential to a more-         whether it is Windows, Android or iOS.                                            power noise cancellation,
  “Computing costs have fallen            rounded portfolio.”                       In particular, BlackBerry underscored                                             courtesy of its ANC (active
1000-fold since their inception.                                                    its collaboration with Samsung to                                                 noise cancellation) chip. The
We’ve achieved this change with              In the meantime BlackBerry             “create a highly integrated                                                       firm said the ANC feature,
semiconductors, we now have to do         made it clear it remains heavily          experience” for BlackBerry’s                                                      combined with passive noise
the same with 5G compared to 2G,”         focused on developing cross-              enterprise software on Samsung                                                    reduction provided by in-ear
he added.                                 platform software services that           KNOX. The strategy of putting                                                     housings, creates a near-
                                                                                                                                                                      silent background even in
  KT Telecom’s aggressive ambitions       Huawei and Qualcomm                                                                                                         noisy environments.
were watered down by Nokia                differ on 5G
Networks’ CEO Rajeev Suri. “The                                                                                                                                       Spirent adds
2018 Winter Olympics 5G service will      By Paul Rasmussen                                                                                                           testing to Wi-Fi
be a trial network. We won’t see                                                                                                                                      access points
commercial services until 2020.”          Technology                    vendors
                                                  disagreed       over the                                                                                            Spirent has launched
  “But, Korea could be first with                 timescales                                                                                                          software to test service
5G, followed by Japan and then the                                 for 5G                                                                                             performance from the core
US. However, Europe could                                                                                                                                             network and Wi-Fi offload
leapfrog all of these,” he added.         deployments at Tuesday’s keynote.                                                                                           gateways, through to access
                                                                                                                                                                      points. The solution is in
  Of note, Suri confidently asserted      Qualcomm’s CEO Steve                                                                                                        response to growing cellular
that the supply of 5G network                                                                                                                                         network traffic offload onto
equipment would come from a               Mollenkopf (pictured far right) called                                                                                      Wi-fi networks by operators.
small selection of vendors. “It’ll be
a three-horse race: Ericsson,             for the benefits of LTE to be fully                                                                                         “5G provides us with a very
Huawei and Nokia Networks.”                                                                                                                                         powerful applications platform that
                                          maximised to protect R&D and                                                                                              will take the technology into new
   “To stay in this race to develop                                                                                                                                 industry segments and trigger
and deliver 5G equipment you need         deployment investment, whereas                                                                                            positive disruption. But we must
market share and the revenues to                                                                                                                                    involve the key industry verticals in
carry through with the required           Ken Hu (pictured right), Huawei’s                                                                                         how 5G evolves. The
long-term R&D investment. And I                                                                                                                                     communications industry did this in
don’t intend to be third in this race.”   rotating CEO, stressed the benefits                                                                                       isolation in the past, which resulted
                                                                                                                                                                    in a fragmented approach.”
   Suri remains convinced that Nokia      of 5G over today’s LTE.
Networks’ approach of programmable                                                                                                                                     As an indication of Huawei’s
networks will be significant to 5G. “It   “The debate is when do we call it                                                                                         keenness to move forward, the
will offer huge flexibility while                                                                                                                                   company confirmed it had already
providing rock-solid reliability.”        5G,” said Mollenkopf. “There’s still                                                                                      developed a new air interface for
                                                                                                                                                                    5G. Hu added that 5G would have
                                          a lot to do.”                                                                                                             a virtualised architecture leading
                                                                                                                                                                    to a single physical network
                                          “The biggest challenge we face                                                                                            providing support for a multitude
                                                                                                                                                                    of different apps.
                                          with 5G is the extreme number of
                                                                                                                                                                      Mollenkopf, meanwhile, indicated
                                          use cases. There will be many new                                                                                         that the concept of 5G was still very
                                                                                                                                                                    much under discussion, emphasising
                                          methods for billions of devices to        LTE investment, and “we don’t           which will be very valuable for         Qualcomm’s views that this next-
                                                                                    need to make a huge technology          industrial applications.”               generation technology must target
                                          connect and interact, and we need         jump when LTE is providing some                                                 user-centric connectivity. “It’s
                                                                                    of this already.”                         The Huawei executive noted that       important that the mobile user is
                                          to transform the edge of the internet                                             only 5G latency capabilities could      seen as part of the network, a node.”
                                                                                      Hu countered this viewpoint with      fulfil the much-hyped driverless car
                                          to better support mobile devices. It’s    the claim that LTE cannot support       concept. “Stopping a car travelling at
                                                                                    the 1,000s of connections needed        100kph would extend braking
                                          at the edge that real innovation will     for IoT services. “5G will be capable   distance by another 1.4 meters due to
                                                                                    of connecting 100 billion devices,      LTE latency, but only 2.8cm with 5G.”
                                          take place,” he added.

                                          However, he warned that there was

                                          an ongoing need for multimode

                                          support to protect existing and future

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                              Wednesday 4th March PAGE 3
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