Page 33 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 33

Part 1 - mOBile mOney


The Agent Forums are typically attended by the business owners, rather than simply the mobile money account handler, allowing us
to directly engage with decision makers. In the other alternative channels, the communication is often received by handlers who do
not always escalate to their owners.

The Agent Forums will continue to be key going forward. Further investment will have to make to reach out more to rural agents.
With support from donors such as Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, we shall be able to engage agents and customers at an even
more micro level to ensure that the rural links of the channel are not left out. We will also need to be innovative to keep the content
alive to ensure that agents continuously see value in attending such conventions

* This text box is adapted from a blog post by Shaibu Haruna (MTN Uganda) published on MMU’s website on April 18, 2013

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