Page 34 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 34

State OF the induStry 2013

the state of mobile

money product


Key findings
• In 2013, airtime top-up and P2P transfer remained the most widely ofered and used prod-

• Merchant payment and bulk payment are now ofered by over 60% of services while another
30% are planning to add them to their product mix next year.

• Of all products, bulk payment was the fastest growing with transaction volumes increasing at
a 617% annualized growth rate in 2013 and multiple providers have already successfully rolled
out bulk payments.

Growth in global volume of mobile money transactions

In 2013, the number of mobile money transactions has been growing faster than the number of active mobile money users (99%
CaGr excluding cash-ins and cash-outs; 85% including them), an indication that mobile money usage is on the rise. 326 million trans-
fers and payments were processed by survey participants in the month of june 2013. these transactions were worth uSd 3.2 billion. if
cash-ins and cash-outs are included, mobile money users performed 431 million transactions in that month, totalling uSd 7.4 billion.

Mobile money product mix

mobile money products fall into one of three segments based on their availability: 1) mainstream products, 2) widely available but not yet
mainstream products and 3) marginal products.

Mainstream products – these products are already being ofered by the vast majority of mobile money providers and are usually the frst
products to be launched when new mobile money services are rolled out. P2P transfer, bill payment and airtime top-up are ofered by
over 85% of respondents. not surprisingly, these products also represent the largest share of the product mix.
• in terms of transaction volume, airtime top-up continues to dominate the product mix and represented almost three-quarters of the
total number of mobile money transactions performed in june 2013. moreover, the number of top-ups has also shown impressive
growth having almost doubled between September 2012 and june 2013. however, this growth has not necessarily resulted in increased
revenues for operators, as most of the growth has been artifcially driven by promotions and bonuses primarily aimed at increasing the
adoption of other mobile money products. On average, active mobile money users performed 5.8 airtime top-ups in june 2013. Given
the average size of a top-up is quite low—$1.2 —airtime top-up only represented 9.4% of the total value transacted in june 2013.

24. On a 30-day basis
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39