Page 32 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 32

State OF the induStry 2013

TexT BOx 7
how mtn uganDa communicates with its
network of 15,000 agents*

Keeping large scale mobile money agent networks actively engaged is quite a daunting task. Operators must constantly devise
strategies to actively communicate to their large agent network in a manner in which they understand and truly appreciate, and of
course at reasonable cost. The use of traditional telecom channels like SMS blast is not always efective given the low literacy levels
in these markets. Unfortunately, direct interactions with agents through feld staf (“TDRs” or “trade development representatives”
in MTN’s terminology) is also proving to be too expensive, given the scale of the network.


With over 3.5 million registered subscribers and over 15,000 active agent outlets, MTN Uganda have created a series of Agent Fo-
rums where it directly interacts with its agents across the country. This approach ofers a direct and efective means of sharing ideas
with agents and ensures MTN Uganda remains accountable to its agent network. It has proven to complement the traditional means
of communication via bulk SMS and on-site interaction through TDRs.

These forums are held in key communities across the country on a quarterly basis. In the process over 25 key towns within Uganda
are touched and over 8000 agents are accessed. These forums enjoy high level participation by agents because of the easy access to
the centers and the content of the conventions.


The content of the Agent Convention is tailored to suit each market. Prior to such forum, the regional teams for MTN provide a list
of “pain points” of agents in the region or specifc location and this is incorporated into the agenda for the convention. This will
be in addition to any other information MTN would like to share with its agents on topical issues afecting the business. Key topics
covered include;
• Fraud Awareness and Prevention – How to minimize risk of fraud such as keeping PIN safe, changing PIN frequently, detec-
tion of counterfeit currency, identifying and dealing with suspicious clients, sharing of latest fraud trends (hoax sms or calls to
agents about an MTN promotion)

• Liquidity Management – How to manage a good balance between e-foat and physical cash to ensure constant availability of
foat. Also, share the impact of out of stock on overall business health for the agent – from a customer retention point of view

• Product Awareness – Share with agent network new products on MTN Mobile Money and how it works. We also demonstrate the
importance of sharing their knowledge to handlers and customers. Also, MTN refreshes their knowledge on existing products
and service
• Basic Customer Service Practices – We emphasize the need for excellence in customer service to retain customers. We share
basic tips on how agents can retain their top customers on an ongoing basis and the need for some basic investment to further
grow the channel and enhance customer experience
• Agent Experience Sharing – We invite agents to share with their fellow agents some of their experience on any of the above and
showcase how they dealt with it. MTN would then guide agents as to how best they could address that challenge or opportunity
better in the future
• Question and Answer – This is perhaps the most heated part of the convention. Key questions asked include easy access to e-
foat, commissions, branding of outlets, fraud support, and general issues around the business

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