Page 28 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
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State OF the induStry 2013
Women and mobile money
For the frst time in 2013, we were able to collect data on the gender of mobile money users. Participants were asked whether they knew
the gender composition of their customer base. Only 32% of respondents gave a positive answer and were able to report a number.
Within this sample, on average, 36% of mobile money users were women. this percentage ranges from 4% to 86%, indicating the diver-
sity of strategies used to target this segment of the market. Women represented the majority of users in only six deployments.
Globally, there has been a tendency to overlook women in the deployment of mobile money services. Women in developing markets
are an important potential customer base for mobile fnancial service providers. they are active household fnancial managers—in some
ways more active than men .
Figure 7
number of registereD customer accounts anD
active customer accounts bY region (June 2013)
EuropE & CEntral asia:
1.5 million rEgistErEd aCCounts
0.1 million aCtivE aCCounts
south asia:
35.5 million registered accounts
10.5 million active accounts
Middle east & North africa:
35.8 MillioN registered accouNts
1.9 MillioN active accouNts
Latin america & caribbean:
8.3 miLLion registered accounts
2.4 miLLion active accounts
East asia and pacific:
23.7 million rEgistErEd accounts
3.3 million activE accounts
Sub-Saharan africa:
98.3 million regiStered accountS
42.4 million active accountS
15. to better understand the opportunity to provide mobile money services to women, the GSma mWomen Programme and visa inc. have partnered with Bankable Frontier associates to conduct research in fve countries:
indonesia, Kenya, Pakistan, Papua new Guinea, and tanzania. the report delves deeper into how best to reach women in these countries and what services and products will directly meet their needs, ofering important
lessons for mobile operators, fnancial institutions, governments, and other partners. For mobile money providers interested in this opportunity, the frst step is tracking information on gender more systematically.