Page 25 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 25

Part 1 - mOBile mOney

Table 3
registereD mobile moneY accounts Per 100,000 aDults,
globallY anD bY region 12

Mobile Money europe & latin Middle eaSt Sub-
aCCountS/ World eaSt aSia & Central aMeriCa & & north South aSia Saharan
100,000 adultS paCifiC aSia Caribbean afriCa afriCa

june 2011 1,542 1,067 63 319 924 578 12,024

june 2012 2,315 1,387 75 878 2,729 1,445 15,832

june 2013 4,361 1,657 416 2,165 15,164 3,485 24,652

active mobile money accounts

Of the 203m registered accounts in June 2013, 61 million had been used to perform at least one 61m
transaction within the last 90 days .
it is also encouraging to see that an increasing number of services are reaching scale. 13 services
already have more than 1 million active users, seven of which passed this threshold between june 2012 active mobile
and june 2013 (see fgures 6 and 7). money accounts

However, despite the growth, activating customers remains a challenge for a large number of services. Globally, only 29.9% of
registered accounts were active in june 2013 and only one third of respondents had more than 100,000 active accounts. a customer’s
journey from awareness of mobile money, to registration, and fnally to regular usage, is quite complex. even when customers are
aware of the service, they may not necessarily understand how they would beneft from using it. using mobile money represents
a signifcant behavioural change in economies where almost all payment transactions are conducted in cash (read the text box for
examples of customer activation strategies).

Figure 6
number of active (90 DaYs) anD registereD mobile
moneY accounts globallY (June 2013)


200 registered moBile
money accounts
millions 150 203 active moBile money

100 accounts (90 days)

q4 q1 q2 q3 q4 q1 q2 q3 q4 q1 q2
2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013

12. Population data from the imF Financial access Survey database, available at and regions defned by World Bank, available at
13. 37m active users on a 30-day basis
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30