Page 3 - Watch, read, tweet
P. 3
The Big Takeaways

1 We sill trust TV. A lot. 73% of us prefer to get

our news from TV, and we trust it more than
other outlets.

2 5 We think online news should be free. Only 10%
We like email (for sharing news, at least).
Email edged out social media as the preferred
of us pay for an online subscripion, but more
way to share aricles (34% vs. 29%).
than half pay for a print subscripion (56%).
3 6
We love Facebook humor. But we don’t want
to know what you ate for breakfast or who
What are BuzzFeed and Reddit
you voted for.
again? Most of us sill don’t know.
4 7
We sill read! Despite vocal debates about the
We trust press releases (hey, we were surprised
detriment of social media on our ability to focus,
too!). Consumers sill trust press releases more than
45% of us read enire aricles as opposed to
any other source of company-generated news.
headlines alone.
We’re divided by age and technology. The young and tech-savvy
are more likely to turn to social media, trust non-tradiional media
channels and to use mobile and online news sources.

This eBook outlines these indings in more detail, along with our recommendaions

for PR and communicaions professionals.

INKHOUSE | GMI | Watch It, Read It or Tweet It: How Americans View and Share News 2
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