Page 94 - ePaper
P. 94
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Social Built public private Post-industrial land Minister of Economy Most EU countries have entered a post-industrial phase. A No Conceptual phase 15.00000 3.00000
Infrastructu environmen revitalisation /Agencja Rozwoju result of this process is the growing size of the areas once
re t and urban Przemysłu SA occupied by old factories and mine heaps or workings. The
services accumulated waste pollutes the environment, is being treated,
or further processed. It often occupies land suitable for
construction. Rehabilitation of that land would create an
attractive investment area, contributing to the further
development of cities and various areas of low-emission
services and industry. In the case of Poland , it would be a
great opportunity for revival in the Upper and Lower Silesia.

Social Built public Comprehensive offer of care The main goal of the project is to develop centres providing 24- yes 0.35190 TBD Currently, no funds are available to be allocated
Infrastructu environmen and activities for seniors hour and day care for seniors at local levels. Such a centre for this objective
re t and urban would provide a broad range of services, depending on the
services required level of specialist care services of welfare and
medical nature.
The centre would serve as a welfare and medical service point
for seniors inhabiting a municipality/a poviat/a region. A centre
would include:
1. A retail part:
a. A senior activity facility
b. A day care facility
2. A co-housing part – apartments for seniors enabling them to
live independent lives with small support provided by the retail
part of the centre e.g. in relation to food, interesting leisure
activities, social integration or rehabilitation services.
The offer of the centre would be coordinated by an
interdisciplinary team analysing:
a) regular geriatric assessment – senior's demand for medical
and rehabilitation services
b) the offer of day-time activities
c) diet
d) hobbies' pursuit
e) availability, by means of ensuring transport to and from the
activity facility

Social Built public Developing accommodation Developing a system of sheltered/supported/assisted/training yes 0.24882 TBD Currently, no funds are available to be allocated
Infrastructu environmen for people requiring support, apartments for adult individuals and families requiring for this objective
re t and urban including sheltered housing temporary or permanent support, together with a system of
services services adjusted to individual needs and aimed at making
these individuals or families independent or ensuring them
dignified life.
Possible beneficiaries include individuals and families
requiring temporary or permanent support aimed at enabling
them to participate in social life, which will contribute to their
liberation from the zone of social exclusion or protect them
against falling into it.

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