Page 99 - ePaper
P. 99
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Knowledge ICT private Construction of transmission INEA/ WSS In accordance with Directive 2014/61/EU of the European No In no region of Poland, due to the legal 0.18000 TBD Barrier:
and the Infrastructu corridors in rural areas in Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on measures to terms but primarily due to costs, are No act on transmission corridors, inadequate
digital re Greater Poland (with possible reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic conducted construction works including regulations of the law on supporting
economy replication to other communications networks hereinafter referred to as the a common technical infrastructure for telecommunication networks and services - the
voivodships) Directive on the reduction of the cost of building broadband various transmission networks , lack of implementation by the empowered
networks, it is advisable to create a common infrastructure in including technical sewage for authority.
large areas, particularly rural areas and in public roads, in extended use. Lack of funds for communication conduits for
which it will be possible to place multiple public infrastructure, extended use.
including energy, telecommunications and infrastructure Solution:
serving traffic lights, including e -call. Passive infrastructure The approaching completion of the draft of the
accounts for over 80 % of the cost of building infrastructure. law and the implementation of the directive on
Combination of these investments and giving the infrastructure the reduction of the cost of building broadband
an open nature will let achieve synergies and address the networks arranges legal basis but does not settle
needs of many infrastructures, including those related to future funds..
services. Capex calculation:
Technical ducts construction in urban areas
Construction includes:
2 x DVK 160 pipes
4 x HDPE 40 pipes (primary material)
4 x prefabricated pipe of 7 microducts
SKO-2 manhole every 50 m
SKMP-2 manhole every crossroads
Technical documentation
Knowledge ICT private Upgrade of HFC network to INEA In HFC networks, there is a trend to shorten coaxial cable links No None of the operators in Poland has yet 0.05700 0.03500 Barrier: modernization costs,
and the Infrastructu FTTH (step change) in and to extend optical cable links (fiber deep). Consequently, made attempts to modernize HFC Solution: external financement
digital re Greater Poland (with possible this should lead to an evolutionary transformation of the HFC network to FTTH.
economy replication to other network to FTTH. The process can be long and it may turn out
voivodships) that operators incur higher overall expenditures upgrading the
HFC network in the evolutional way than if it is modernized by
leaps and bounds. In addition, the gradual modernization still
maintains all the disadvantages of HFC network in relation to
FTTH, particularly to passive network (i.e. higher operating
costs, higher failure rates, weaker prospects for meeting the
requirements for the network in the future). Modernization of
all HFC resources to FTTH is a very big financial effort for the
operator and for this reason the operator carry a long-term
scenario of its network upgrade. The gradual upgrade is
unfavourable for both the operator and the end users. In order
to break the investment barrier, additional financement should
be involved in the project that will enable shortening of the
process. The project will trigger a step change in technology
and the transformation of the network. Although HFC network
is able to meet the requirements of EAC2020 , FTTH network
is at the moment the highest technology in the field of
telecommunication networks.

Knowledge ICT private Regional deployment of LTE INEA Polish regional and national availability of 3,4-3.8 GHz band No Pending 0.00600 TBD High technology cost when compared with low
and the Infrastructu in 3,4-3.8 GHz band. creates compelling scenario for deployment of wireless LTE service ARPU
digital re networks. Especially Greater Poland is willing to provide Lack of support of LTE in 3,4 – 3,8GHz band on
economy LTE coverage in this band, but the same applies to other majority of mobile subscriber modules
polish voivodships as well

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