Page 98 - ePaper
P. 98
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Knowledge ICT public private Data-driven economy Creation of the main data warehouse and building of a No Conceptual phase 4.00000 0.50000
and the Infrastructu network of gauges covering all EU countries, which will allow
Digital re for continuous monitoring of key parameters, e.g.:
Economy •motorway traffic information, weather conditions,
•water levels and river flows,
•info about natural disasters, road and rail accidents etc.
In each EU country – creation of a national data warehouse
and building of local gauges networks, used in specific
projects, e.g. ‘smart cities’
Financial support for investments using intelligent data
processing in EU large cities (“smart cities"):
•intelligent energy management systems,
•intelligent transport management systems.
The core element of the project is designing and building a
common sensor network (M2M) covering all EU countries,
responsible for collecting and transmitting data. Some data,
e.g. satellite and spatial data, will have to be purchased. All
data collected in warehouses, should be, as far as possible,
available free of charge, implementing the principle of re-use.
Data are an economy driver in many areas, including energy,
transport, the environment. The results of intelligent data
processing are:
• innovative products,
• efficient use of existing energy infrastructure,
communications, water supply,
• saving energy and water,
• lower pollution.
The idea of the project encapsulates the message of the 2014
Communication from the Commission “Towards a thriving data-
driven economy”.
Knowledge ICT private Deployment of FTTH access INEA Development of backhaul and FTTH access networks in NGA No The project at the stage of pre- 0.25000 0.05000 Barrier: NGA infrastructure deficit in the “white
and the Infrastructu network in Greater Poland “white areas” which will not be covered by the projects investment studies areas” due to the high cost of network
digital re other than POPC (with implemented under Operational Programmes 2007-2013 and construction and the lack of return on
economy possible replication to other the Operational Programme Digital Poland (POPC) 2014- investment.
voivodships) 2020. The project includes the construction of ducts and fiber Solution: Co-financing of infrastructure by the
infrastructure in order to provide broadband in areas where European Union, open up networks for all
NGA infrastructure is not currently available, and there are no operators under equal conditions.
reliable operators' investment plans.
Seite 48 von 52
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Knowledge ICT public private Data-driven economy Creation of the main data warehouse and building of a No Conceptual phase 4.00000 0.50000
and the Infrastructu network of gauges covering all EU countries, which will allow
Digital re for continuous monitoring of key parameters, e.g.:
Economy •motorway traffic information, weather conditions,
•water levels and river flows,
•info about natural disasters, road and rail accidents etc.
In each EU country – creation of a national data warehouse
and building of local gauges networks, used in specific
projects, e.g. ‘smart cities’
Financial support for investments using intelligent data
processing in EU large cities (“smart cities"):
•intelligent energy management systems,
•intelligent transport management systems.
The core element of the project is designing and building a
common sensor network (M2M) covering all EU countries,
responsible for collecting and transmitting data. Some data,
e.g. satellite and spatial data, will have to be purchased. All
data collected in warehouses, should be, as far as possible,
available free of charge, implementing the principle of re-use.
Data are an economy driver in many areas, including energy,
transport, the environment. The results of intelligent data
processing are:
• innovative products,
• efficient use of existing energy infrastructure,
communications, water supply,
• saving energy and water,
• lower pollution.
The idea of the project encapsulates the message of the 2014
Communication from the Commission “Towards a thriving data-
driven economy”.
Knowledge ICT private Deployment of FTTH access INEA Development of backhaul and FTTH access networks in NGA No The project at the stage of pre- 0.25000 0.05000 Barrier: NGA infrastructure deficit in the “white
and the Infrastructu network in Greater Poland “white areas” which will not be covered by the projects investment studies areas” due to the high cost of network
digital re other than POPC (with implemented under Operational Programmes 2007-2013 and construction and the lack of return on
economy possible replication to other the Operational Programme Digital Poland (POPC) 2014- investment.
voivodships) 2020. The project includes the construction of ducts and fiber Solution: Co-financing of infrastructure by the
infrastructure in order to provide broadband in areas where European Union, open up networks for all
NGA infrastructure is not currently available, and there are no operators under equal conditions.
reliable operators' investment plans.
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