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P. 90
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Resources Natural private Bioethanol production of Production of bioethanol from cellulosic feedstocks is an Yes The investor does not make progress 0.23000 0.02300 1. Due to the very high investment costs, the
and resources: second generation with innovative technology that will be working in a commercial with the investment or procurement investment in question without external support
Environme efficient biogas plant and boiler house installation of an integrated system of plant producing first procedures related to the present is not justified for implementation. The project is
nt and secure on lignin generation ethanol . This will allow the production of second project. cost-effective to implement the level of funding in
availability generation ethanol by 98% GHG reduction potential and first Planned date of obtaining a building the amount of PLN 315 million (EUR 0.7 billion),
generation ethanol of potential reduction exceeding 60%. This permit is 2015., and expected date of which will result in profitability at the level of IRR
technology should be integrated with the existing plant implementation of the investment the 9 - 10% and NPV of 17 million PLN with a
producing ethanol from starch raw materials so as to years 2016 - 2020. In the years 2015- payback period 16 years.
maximize the benefits of logistics and energy. 2017 the cost of the investment will be 2. The need to notify the measure, which is
up to 10% of the total value of the associated with prolongation of the procedure.
project. 3. Lack of directional decisions at EU level. At
For the purpose of the investment was present, work is underway on the amendment of
selected location, which is located in Directive 2009/29 / EC on the promotion of
the immediate vicinity of the existing energy from renewable sources, in which
Ethanol Production Plant. The land is planned mandatory target for biofuels of second
owned by the investment company generation - until the end of the work of the lack
BIOAGRA SA. Additionally, the of clear regulations in this respect (formal
Company proceeds to purchase barrier) .
another adjoining parcel, which will
allow for the development of its directly
to the objectives of the project. Lot
adjacent to the existing Ethanol
Production Department were chosen
deliberately so that it was possible to
logistics-energy integration of the plant.
The company has a staff qualified in
terms of knowledge production
processes, quality control, law duty etc.
which will be responsible for the
conduct of the investment process. At
present, the Company has a fully
prepared and equipped laboratory for
d d t
Resources Natural private Construction of bioethanol PKN ORLEN SA intends to expand its current activities in the Yes The investor did not start the 0.14000 0.00700 1. Technology of production of second
and resources: production unit of second field of refinery segment bioethanol production based on non- investment phase of procurements generation bioethanol is not an innovation in the
Environme efficient generation food raw materials and waste, the so-called second- related to the present proposal. world, in Poland, however, the units producing
nt and secure generation bioethanol. Produced by PKN ORLEN SA ethanol Planned date of obtaining a building biofuels on the basis of the said technology is
availability will be used for the production of gasoline E5, E10 is a partial permit is 2016.and expected date of not yet available
substitute for the currently used first-generation bioethanol implementation of the investment is the Due to the very high investment costs of second-
supplied to the market, which is produced from cereals and years 2017 - 2020. In the years 2015- generation bioethanol unit compared to a
root crops, and so these categories of biomass, which is used 2017 will be implemented in the initial comparable unit, the first-generation bioethanol
for food production. PKN ORLEN SA has taken action to phase of the investment, the cost of production the investment in question without
implement the project for the construction of production units which will amount to 5% of the total external support is not justified for
of second generation bioethanol capacity of 60 000 tonnes / value of the project. implementation. PKN ORLEN SA based on RFI
year based on raw materials such as straw, wood waste and Currently, efforts to project evaluation obtained from the market assessed the
other. Technology of production of bio-EOH is based on has been made the details available in profitability of the investment. Presented below
enzymatic fermentation technology. The raw material is a non- the world of technology for the investment efficiency evaluation indicators
food biomass from agriculture and forestry (straw, energy possibility of adopting in Poland due to suggest that the project is cost-effective to
crops, forest biomass, etc.). the nature of use of the contribution of implement only the assumption of obtaining
raw materials. In order to obtain the external funding In the absence of co-financing
best knowledge of the field of second investment internal rate of return IRR is - 0.45%
generation bioethanol production has and indicates a lack of profitability However,
been carried out discussions with when obtaining financing at 50% of eligible costs
potential technology providers and IRR is 6.55%. The size of the grant will be crucial
reference visits took place in units of in the decision to implement the project.
commercial / pilot / demonstration / 2. The need to notify the measure, which is
production of second generation associated with prolongation of the procedure.
bioethanol, among others, visit the 3. Lack of directional decisions at EU level. At
reference to the installation of present, work is underway on the amendment of
commercialized (60 thous. tons / year Directive 2009/29 / EC on the promotion of
of bioethanol) - Crescentino - Italy - energy from renewable sources, in which
installation launched in September planned mandatory target for biofuels of second
2013. It was made a qualitative generation - until the end of the work of the lack
assessment of the finished product - of clear regulations in this respect (formal
second-generation bioethanol for barrier)
i t t lit i t i th

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