Page 85 - ePaper
P. 85
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Methane removal from coal Katowicki Holding The use of methane from coal. Increase in the safety of No Analytical and design phase. TBD TBD
Union s and to the surface (before Węglowy S.A. miners by a partial removing methane from the operational
production exploatation phase) using area.
directional drilling techniques
in conjunction with the
recovery of methane and its
economic use.
Energy Energy public private Smart Grid Programme An area of investing in energy efficiency, better use of 5.00000 TBD
Union efficiency in available capacities, possibility of managing the energy
buildings demand structure for households. A relative reduction in
energy demand means more economical consumption of
resources, less emissions and less pressure on the natural
environment. The smart grid programme could trigger a
modernisation of more than 500 thousand km of power
networks in Poland, which are depreciated in more than 50%.
Energy Energy public private Infrastructure for alternative Construction and deployment of charging points for electric concept phase TBD TBD Lack of financing
Union efficiency in fuels vehicles and refueling stations for natural gas vehicles in the
buildings form of CNG or LNG. Thanks to realization of the project there
will be possible to reduce the emission in transportation
sector. In addition, the problem of absence of the trans-
European infrastructure for alternative fuels in transport will be
solved. The increase energy security through diversification of
transport fuels. Implementation of the program of
infrastructure development for alternative fuels is indicated in
the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council
2014/94 / EU of 22 October 2014 on the development of
infrastructure for alternative fuels.
Energy Energy private Gas Smart Grid Development Gaz - System S.A. The overall concept of the Smart Grid plays an important role In an embodiment TBD TBD
Union efficiency in PGNiG S.A. Polska in transforming the functionality of the current energy market.
buildings Spółka Gazownictwa The future energy market is consumer-oriented market and will
Sp. z o.o. support the achievement of the objectives of the energy policy
of the European Union in 2020 (3x20). Gas grids, due to the
fact that they store large amounts of energy, have a high
flexibility to changes in power demand. The concept of smart
gas networks is based on the future convergence and
interoperability of gas systems and power systems as well as
facilitating the "intelligent" use of energy.
Energy Connection private DeNOx installation for boiler ENEA Wytwarzanie Adaptation of the boiler to the Nox emission standards No Expected completion in September 0.00966 0.00966 Administrative and regulatory barriers
Union s and 8 In Kozienice Plant specified in the IED Directive 2017
Seite 42 von 52
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Methane removal from coal Katowicki Holding The use of methane from coal. Increase in the safety of No Analytical and design phase. TBD TBD
Union s and to the surface (before Węglowy S.A. miners by a partial removing methane from the operational
production exploatation phase) using area.
directional drilling techniques
in conjunction with the
recovery of methane and its
economic use.
Energy Energy public private Smart Grid Programme An area of investing in energy efficiency, better use of 5.00000 TBD
Union efficiency in available capacities, possibility of managing the energy
buildings demand structure for households. A relative reduction in
energy demand means more economical consumption of
resources, less emissions and less pressure on the natural
environment. The smart grid programme could trigger a
modernisation of more than 500 thousand km of power
networks in Poland, which are depreciated in more than 50%.
Energy Energy public private Infrastructure for alternative Construction and deployment of charging points for electric concept phase TBD TBD Lack of financing
Union efficiency in fuels vehicles and refueling stations for natural gas vehicles in the
buildings form of CNG or LNG. Thanks to realization of the project there
will be possible to reduce the emission in transportation
sector. In addition, the problem of absence of the trans-
European infrastructure for alternative fuels in transport will be
solved. The increase energy security through diversification of
transport fuels. Implementation of the program of
infrastructure development for alternative fuels is indicated in
the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council
2014/94 / EU of 22 October 2014 on the development of
infrastructure for alternative fuels.
Energy Energy private Gas Smart Grid Development Gaz - System S.A. The overall concept of the Smart Grid plays an important role In an embodiment TBD TBD
Union efficiency in PGNiG S.A. Polska in transforming the functionality of the current energy market.
buildings Spółka Gazownictwa The future energy market is consumer-oriented market and will
Sp. z o.o. support the achievement of the objectives of the energy policy
of the European Union in 2020 (3x20). Gas grids, due to the
fact that they store large amounts of energy, have a high
flexibility to changes in power demand. The concept of smart
gas networks is based on the future convergence and
interoperability of gas systems and power systems as well as
facilitating the "intelligent" use of energy.
Energy Connection private DeNOx installation for boiler ENEA Wytwarzanie Adaptation of the boiler to the Nox emission standards No Expected completion in September 0.00966 0.00966 Administrative and regulatory barriers
Union s and 8 In Kozienice Plant specified in the IED Directive 2017
Seite 42 von 52