Page 29 - ePaper
P. 29
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Nuclear Power Plant N/A - responsible Launching new sector of the Polish economy - nuclear power. The project is included in the following 12.00000 0.60000 The implementation of the project is impeded by
Union s and authority: Minister of Investment project: construction of a nuclear power plant with national strategies: a number of barriers and failures, including:
production Economy in approx. 3000MWe capacity. • Energy Policy for Poland until 2030, - lack of market incentives for the investment
cooperation with the The project is included in the following national strategies: • Middle-term development strategy: implementation (common for all new investments
Minister of State • Energy Policy for Poland until 2030, Poland 2020, in the power sector). Need for a support
Treasury. • Middle-term development strategy: Poland 2020, • Long-term development strategy: mechanism.
• Long-term development strategy: Poland 2030, Poland 2030, - market failures linked to the lack of long-term
• Energy Security and Environment Strategy, • Energy Security and Environment economic predictability for investments in new
• Polish Nuclear Power Programme, Strategy, capacity, affecting in particular capital-intense
• draft Energy Policy for Poland until 2050. • Polish Nuclear Power Programme, investments characterized by long investment
• draft Energy Policy for Poland until cycles;
2050. - regulatory barriers linked to highly restrictive
Planned start of works TBD. licencing requirements as regards nuclear safety,
which elongate the investment process in
comparison with conventional power
Detailed characteristics , costs and timetable of
the investment is to be found in the Polish
Nuclear Power Programme.
Energy Connection private Gubin lignite mine and power PGE Polska Grupa The project aims at developing new lignite mine (based on No Planning and permitting in early stage 5.00000 0.01000 Taking into account the large capital expenditure,
Union s and plant Energetyczna S.A. strategic Gubin deposit) and new mine-mouth power plant. aiming at obtaining the mining licence. long project lead-time and imperfection of
production electricity market (so called “market failure”),
there is high risk that without appropriate support
mechanisms, financial closure and investment
implementation may not be feasible.
Numerous stakeholders (especially
environmental organizations) to managed.
Energy Connection private OffShore wind farms PGE Polska Grupa Programme provide offshore investment project in early stage No Planning and permitting in early stages. 3.75000 0.19000 Significant regulatory barriers. Implementation of
Union s and development programme Energetyczna S.A. of development situated in three parts of Baltic See Economic government support for renewables is
production Zone (3 locations; total capacity 1 050 MW) necessary.
Energy Connection private TAURON Polska Supercritical, coal powered, power unit replacing eliminated 4 No Concept is currently being prepared. 1.50000 0.01000 The barrier is the ratio of Debt / EBITDA of the
Union s and Construction of power unit of Energia S.A. blocks of 200 MW class each. The launch of 2018. TAURON Group which does not allow to
production about 1000 MW in Łaziska. increase the debt.
The solution is to get involved partner (s) to
form entities that are not consolidated in the
TAURON balance sheet and will not affect the
debt / EBITDA ratio.
Energy Connection private Construction of the Power ENEA Wytwarzanie Power Station Unit will be designed and constructed with No Realization ongoing – completion date 1.50000 0.80000 Legal (at local level) and financial constraints
Union s and Unit No. 11 1075 MWe in highly efficient pulverized coal fired boiler with supercritical of project 21th July 2017 (own resources and internal bonds issuance)
production Kozienice Plant steam parameters, meets the most recent requirements of the
BAT, with efficiency 45,6%. Power Station Unit will be
equipped with close cooling system with a cooling tower. The
new Power Unit is designed as a “capture-ready” installation
and is adopted for future cooperation with CO2 capture
installation. Main goal and expected benefits - increasing the
production capacity of the company and to improve market
position of the ENEA Capital Group. Currently, the ENEA
Capital Group has a “short” position on the market for the sale
of electricity market.
Energy Connection private Construction of power unit TAURON Polska Gas power unit of 850 MW capacity. No Concept is currently being prepared. 0.83000 0.01000 The barrier is the ratio of Debt / EBITDA of the
Union s and with a capacity of about 850 Energia S.A. The launch of this can take place in TAURON Group which does not allow to
production MW in Blachownia. 2018. increase the debt.
Another barrier is the uncertainty in the access
and the price of gas and the risk of energy prices
on the market. This risk results in difficulties in
obtaining financing.
Energy Connection private Construction of wind power TAURON Polska Purchase and realization of investment projects in wind farms No By the end of 2015 the implementation 0.75000 0.30000 The barrier is the ratio of Debt / EBITDA of the
Union s and plants Energia S.A. with a total capacity of about 500 MW in various locations in of the first 200 MW. Currently,review of TAURON Group which does not allow to
production Poland. possible project is being made. Next increase the debt.
execution of another 300 MW to 2023. The solution is to get involved partner (s) to
form entities that are not consolidated in the
TAURON balance sheet and will not affect the
debt / EBITDA ratio.
Seite 14 von 52
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Nuclear Power Plant N/A - responsible Launching new sector of the Polish economy - nuclear power. The project is included in the following 12.00000 0.60000 The implementation of the project is impeded by
Union s and authority: Minister of Investment project: construction of a nuclear power plant with national strategies: a number of barriers and failures, including:
production Economy in approx. 3000MWe capacity. • Energy Policy for Poland until 2030, - lack of market incentives for the investment
cooperation with the The project is included in the following national strategies: • Middle-term development strategy: implementation (common for all new investments
Minister of State • Energy Policy for Poland until 2030, Poland 2020, in the power sector). Need for a support
Treasury. • Middle-term development strategy: Poland 2020, • Long-term development strategy: mechanism.
• Long-term development strategy: Poland 2030, Poland 2030, - market failures linked to the lack of long-term
• Energy Security and Environment Strategy, • Energy Security and Environment economic predictability for investments in new
• Polish Nuclear Power Programme, Strategy, capacity, affecting in particular capital-intense
• draft Energy Policy for Poland until 2050. • Polish Nuclear Power Programme, investments characterized by long investment
• draft Energy Policy for Poland until cycles;
2050. - regulatory barriers linked to highly restrictive
Planned start of works TBD. licencing requirements as regards nuclear safety,
which elongate the investment process in
comparison with conventional power
Detailed characteristics , costs and timetable of
the investment is to be found in the Polish
Nuclear Power Programme.
Energy Connection private Gubin lignite mine and power PGE Polska Grupa The project aims at developing new lignite mine (based on No Planning and permitting in early stage 5.00000 0.01000 Taking into account the large capital expenditure,
Union s and plant Energetyczna S.A. strategic Gubin deposit) and new mine-mouth power plant. aiming at obtaining the mining licence. long project lead-time and imperfection of
production electricity market (so called “market failure”),
there is high risk that without appropriate support
mechanisms, financial closure and investment
implementation may not be feasible.
Numerous stakeholders (especially
environmental organizations) to managed.
Energy Connection private OffShore wind farms PGE Polska Grupa Programme provide offshore investment project in early stage No Planning and permitting in early stages. 3.75000 0.19000 Significant regulatory barriers. Implementation of
Union s and development programme Energetyczna S.A. of development situated in three parts of Baltic See Economic government support for renewables is
production Zone (3 locations; total capacity 1 050 MW) necessary.
Energy Connection private TAURON Polska Supercritical, coal powered, power unit replacing eliminated 4 No Concept is currently being prepared. 1.50000 0.01000 The barrier is the ratio of Debt / EBITDA of the
Union s and Construction of power unit of Energia S.A. blocks of 200 MW class each. The launch of 2018. TAURON Group which does not allow to
production about 1000 MW in Łaziska. increase the debt.
The solution is to get involved partner (s) to
form entities that are not consolidated in the
TAURON balance sheet and will not affect the
debt / EBITDA ratio.
Energy Connection private Construction of the Power ENEA Wytwarzanie Power Station Unit will be designed and constructed with No Realization ongoing – completion date 1.50000 0.80000 Legal (at local level) and financial constraints
Union s and Unit No. 11 1075 MWe in highly efficient pulverized coal fired boiler with supercritical of project 21th July 2017 (own resources and internal bonds issuance)
production Kozienice Plant steam parameters, meets the most recent requirements of the
BAT, with efficiency 45,6%. Power Station Unit will be
equipped with close cooling system with a cooling tower. The
new Power Unit is designed as a “capture-ready” installation
and is adopted for future cooperation with CO2 capture
installation. Main goal and expected benefits - increasing the
production capacity of the company and to improve market
position of the ENEA Capital Group. Currently, the ENEA
Capital Group has a “short” position on the market for the sale
of electricity market.
Energy Connection private Construction of power unit TAURON Polska Gas power unit of 850 MW capacity. No Concept is currently being prepared. 0.83000 0.01000 The barrier is the ratio of Debt / EBITDA of the
Union s and with a capacity of about 850 Energia S.A. The launch of this can take place in TAURON Group which does not allow to
production MW in Blachownia. 2018. increase the debt.
Another barrier is the uncertainty in the access
and the price of gas and the risk of energy prices
on the market. This risk results in difficulties in
obtaining financing.
Energy Connection private Construction of wind power TAURON Polska Purchase and realization of investment projects in wind farms No By the end of 2015 the implementation 0.75000 0.30000 The barrier is the ratio of Debt / EBITDA of the
Union s and plants Energia S.A. with a total capacity of about 500 MW in various locations in of the first 200 MW. Currently,review of TAURON Group which does not allow to
production Poland. possible project is being made. Next increase the debt.
execution of another 300 MW to 2023. The solution is to get involved partner (s) to
form entities that are not consolidated in the
TAURON balance sheet and will not affect the
debt / EBITDA ratio.
Seite 14 von 52