Page 33 - ePaper
P. 33
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Wind farm Skoczykłody 36 ENEA Wytwarzanie The purchase of 100% of the campany shares. Realization of No Planned signing of the initial 0.06943 0.06943 Legal and administrative barriers
Union s and MW Enea Group strategy. purchasing agreement in March 2015
Energy Connection public private Flue gas desulfurization ENEA Wytwarzanie Adaptation of boilers to the SO2 emission standards No Expected completion of construction in 0.06833 0.01780 Administrative and regulatory barriers
Union s and system 800MW no. IV in specified in the IED Directive June 2015
production Kozienice Plant
Energy Connection private Wind farm Wróblew 36 MW ENEA Wytwarzanie The purchase of 100% of the campany shares. Realization of No Planned signing of the purchasing 0.06564 0.06564 Legal and administrative barriers
Union s and Enea Group strategy. agreement in March 2015
Energy Connection private Modernization of power unit ENEA Wytwarzanie Increase in efficiency and life extension No Realization in 2018 0.04805 0.04776 Lack of government regulatory support
Union s and No. 9
Energy Connection private Reworking of the high- Polska Spółka An investment supporting the objectives of the national energy The project is being prepared for 0.04000 TBD - legal – access to grounds -Obtaining rights to
Union s and pressure gas network as part Gazownictwa sp. z policy. The implementation of the project will enable to adjust implementation land often requires negotiation with local
production of the “Łódź bypass – Stage o.o. the parameters of the distribution system for receiving gas governments and / or private property owners.
1” project (“Obwodnica Łodzi from new sources of supply from the west and the LNG Negotiations may cause an increase in the value
– Etap I”) at a segment of 46 terminal. A key objective of the project is to remove of investments, extend the time of its preparation
km in order to improve the bottlenecks in the natural gas infrastructure. The project will and implementation ; - economic - Providing
supply conditions for the positively influence the development of the gas market in the sufficiently large capital, guaranteeing timely, on-
Łódź agglomeration region. schedule implementation of the investment.
Without financial support from EU funds, the
investment may not be realized, or will be
implemented to a limited extent.; - regulatory -
Gas distribution services are subject to the tariff,
the tariff change by an administrative decision
may affect the profitability of the investment and
the business.
Energy Connection private Modernization of power unit ENEA Wytwarzanie Increase in efficiency and life extension No Realization in 2018 0.03257 0.01120 Lack of government regulatory support
Union s and No. 10
Energy Connection private HV_Power_Line_Morzyczyn - ENEA Operator HV power line modernization Yes 2012-2019 (ongoing) 0.03102 0.01130 There are many risks affecting planning and
Union s and Drawski Młyn investment process in distribution networks.
production Risks affect deadlines and costs of projects.
The most important problems are complicated
procedures and legislative – particularly
obtaining formal approvals and permissions
which are necessary in the process of energy
infrastructure modernization and construction.
Existing laws and lack of permission to use the
property for construction purposes extend the
duration of energy infrastructure projects.
Moreover the cost of permission to use the
property for construction purposes is often much
bigger than market price. Investments are
blocked and cancelled in extreme cases. Another
problem is lack of Law of transmission corridors.
Power line investments must fulfill the
environmental criteria. Proving that the
investment is not harmful to the environment
takes time and requires special studies and
Energy Connection private CCGT Trzebinia Private promoter PKN Implementation of the most efficient technology for gas No Ongoing business case analysis and 0.02500 0.02500 Lack of (government) support for the gas fuel
Union s and ORLEN utilization in power and heat production – combined cycle gas procurement process cogeneration. Introduction of “yellow certificates”
production turbine with net power output up to 12 MWe (and ca. 80 is necessary.
Energy Connection private Flue gas desulfurization ENEA Wytwarzanie Adaptation of boilers to the SO2 emission standards No Commencement of the project in 0.02500 0.02500 Administrative and regulatory barriers
Union s and system ( FGD ) for the specified in the IED Directive 2015. The expected ompletion in
production boilers K7 i K8 (in Bialystok September 2017
Energy Connection private Wind farm Baczyna 15 MW ENEA Wytwarzanie The construction of 15 MW wind farm in Baczyna Realization No Planned completion of the project in 0.02457 0.02315 Administrative barriers
Union s and of Enea Group strategy. March 2016. Lack of goverment support system dedicated to
production renewables.

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