Page 38 - ePaper
P. 38
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Main_Substation_220/110/15 ENEA Operator Substation construction Yes 2011-2018 (ongoing) 0.00761 0.00406 There are many risks affecting planning and
Union s and _Pomorzany investment process in distribution networks.
production Risks affect deadlines and costs of projects.
The most important problems are complicated
procedures and legislative – particularly
obtaining formal approvals and permissions
which are necessary in the process of energy
infrastructure modernization and construction.
Existing laws and lack of permission to use the
property for construction purposes extend the
duration of energy infrastructure projects.
Moreover the cost of permission to use the
property for construction purposes is often much
bigger than market price. Investments are
blocked and cancelled in extreme cases. Another
problem is lack of Law of transmission corridors.
Power line investments must fulfill the
environmental criteria. Proving that the
investment is not harmful to the environment
takes time and requires special studies and
Energy Connection private Main_Substation_220/110/15 ENEA Operator Substation construction Yes 2012-2017 (ongoing) 0.00758 0.00757 There are many risks affecting planning and
Union s and _Leszno Gronowo investment process in distribution networks.
production Risks affect deadlines and costs of projects.
The most important problems are complicated
procedures and legislative – particularly
obtaining formal approvals and permissions
which are necessary in the process of energy
infrastructure modernization and construction.
Existing laws and lack of permission to use the
property for construction purposes extend the
duration of energy infrastructure projects.
Moreover the cost of permission to use the
property for construction purposes is often much
bigger than market price. Investments are
blocked and cancelled in extreme cases. Another
problem is lack of Law of transmission corridors.
Power line investments must fulfill the
environmental criteria. Proving that the
investment is not harmful to the environment
takes time and requires special studies and
Seite 18 von 52
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Energy Connection private Main_Substation_220/110/15 ENEA Operator Substation construction Yes 2011-2018 (ongoing) 0.00761 0.00406 There are many risks affecting planning and
Union s and _Pomorzany investment process in distribution networks.
production Risks affect deadlines and costs of projects.
The most important problems are complicated
procedures and legislative – particularly
obtaining formal approvals and permissions
which are necessary in the process of energy
infrastructure modernization and construction.
Existing laws and lack of permission to use the
property for construction purposes extend the
duration of energy infrastructure projects.
Moreover the cost of permission to use the
property for construction purposes is often much
bigger than market price. Investments are
blocked and cancelled in extreme cases. Another
problem is lack of Law of transmission corridors.
Power line investments must fulfill the
environmental criteria. Proving that the
investment is not harmful to the environment
takes time and requires special studies and
Energy Connection private Main_Substation_220/110/15 ENEA Operator Substation construction Yes 2012-2017 (ongoing) 0.00758 0.00757 There are many risks affecting planning and
Union s and _Leszno Gronowo investment process in distribution networks.
production Risks affect deadlines and costs of projects.
The most important problems are complicated
procedures and legislative – particularly
obtaining formal approvals and permissions
which are necessary in the process of energy
infrastructure modernization and construction.
Existing laws and lack of permission to use the
property for construction purposes extend the
duration of energy infrastructure projects.
Moreover the cost of permission to use the
property for construction purposes is often much
bigger than market price. Investments are
blocked and cancelled in extreme cases. Another
problem is lack of Law of transmission corridors.
Power line investments must fulfill the
environmental criteria. Proving that the
investment is not harmful to the environment
takes time and requires special studies and
Seite 18 von 52