Page 28 - ePaper
P. 28
Private /Public
/ Included in Total invest-ment cost Investment in 2015
Sector Subsector PPP Implementing national – 2017
Project name Description investment Status Barriers/solutions
1 includes agency plan
investment by (Yes/No) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Transport Business private Installation of computer PKP Linia Hutnicza Execution of the task includes: NO Preparation of project documentation. 0.00775 0.00737 Lack of financing
enablers equipment at the station SRK Szerekotorowa Sp. z 1) development of documentation for reconstruction of
Slawkow LHS (Metallurgic- o.o. signaling devices,
Sulphuric Railway Line) 2) development of computer traffic control devices,
3) construction of a storey building provided with the control
4) construction of the CCTV system,
5) construction of stationillumination,
6) construction of fiber-optic cable linking the building of a new
control room the administration building.
Transport Business private Expansion of the LCS at the PKP Linia Hutnicza Execution of the task includes: NO Preparation of project documentation. 0.00535 0.00523 Lack of financing
enablers station Zamosc Bortatycze Szerekotorowa Sp. z 1) the construction of the track for the emergency withdrawal
LHS with development path o.o. of damaged rail cars carrying dangerous goods,
for emergency withdrawal of 2) development of computer traffic control devices in the
damaged wagons carrying station and trail Zamosc Bortatycze LHS - Szczebrzeszyn
dangerous goods LHS
3) the construction of the CCTV system to monitor passing
cat. And at km 58.950 and both stations heads
4) construction of a building storey control room for the needs
of the Local Control Center station Zamosc Bortatycze LHS
5) construction of a new station lighting.
Transport Business private Construction of fiber optic PKP Linia Hutnicza Execution of the task includes: NO Continuation of investment 0.00476 0.00352 Lack of financing
enablers cable section at Zamość Szerekotorowa Sp. z 1) Construction of the fiber optic cable connector ayt the
Bortatycze LHS - Zwierzyniec o.o. section Headquarters LHS Zamosc - Zamosc Bortatycze with
LHS and passsing place at a control room - turnout Zwierzyniec LHS - Will Baranowska
Zwierzyniec LHS - Wola LHS
Baranowska LHS (Metallurgic- 2) an analysis of the occurrence of "bottlenecks" on
Sulphuric Railway Line) communications at the Company, ultimately up to Slawkow

Transport Business private Developing documentation PKP Linia Hutnicza Execution of the task includes: NO Preliminary concept works. 0.00285 0.00285 Lack of financing
enablers and SRK construction Szerekotorowa Sp. z 1) budowę przekaźnikowych urządzeń srk wraz z systemem
equipment at passing places o.o. monitorowym na mijance,
Raczyce LHS and Drozdów 2) zabudowę urządzeń zasilających oraz stacyjnych,
Łączyn LHS (Metallurgic- 3) budowę systemu liczników osi,
Sulphuric Railway Line) 4) zabudowę półsamoczynnej blokady liniowej Eap,
5) budowę instalacji elektrycznej w kontenerze oraz w
6) zabudowę oświetlenia zewnętrznego terenu,
7) instalację urządzeń elektrycznego ogrzewania rozjazdów
8) budowę urządzeń TVU do Skp, urządzeń TVU
w kontenerze,
9) zabudowę innej infrastruktury towarzyszącej,
10) dostarczenie i montaż kontenerów pod potrzeby
oferowanych urządzeń
Transport Business private Development of PKP Linia Hutnicza Execution of the task includes: NO Plan for 2015 0.00198 0.00190 Lack of financing
enablers documentation and Szerekotorowa Sp. z 1) The dehydration and hardening the area and of internal
construction of transhipment o.o. roads,
base at Zamość Bortatycze 2) equipping the terrain with power equipment, water and
Station, LHS sewage disposal,
3) construction of a crossover in track No. 4 with building the
track into the lease area of about 450,00 m
4) construction of a high ramp at the internal track
5) lighting and monitoring of land
6) the construction of an office building - social,
7) the construction of a warehouse with dimensions of 90.00 x
12.00 m,
8) the construction of the side ramp at the planned track with
dimensions of 80.00 x 6.00 m.

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