Page 295 - ePaper
P. 295
Statistical annex
Data sources For the unemployment-related indica- 1. Real GDP: Gross Domestic Product
and definitions tors, Eurostat’s series on unemployment (GDP), volume, annual change (Source:
comprises yearly averages, quarterly and Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
Main data sources monthly data. It is based on the (annual except for TR: DG ECFIN, AMECO).
and quarterly) EU-LFS data and monthly
Most of the data used in this report data on unemployment, either from the 2. Total employment: Employment,
originates from Eurostat, the Statistical national LFS or other national sources, total economy, annual change (Source:
Office of the European Union. The main mainly unemployment register data. For Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
data sources used are: the compilation of monthly unemploy- except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN,
ment estimates, these monthly figures AMECO).
• European Union Labour Force Survey from national sources are benchmarked
against the quarterly EU-LFS data, and 3. Labour productivity: GDP volume
• ESA95 National Accounts they are used to produce provisional per person employed, annual change
unemployment figures for recent months (Source: Eurostat, ESA95 National
The European Union Labour Force which are not yet covered by quarterly Accounts, except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP:
Survey (EU-LFS) is the EU’s harmo EU-LFS results. Monthly unemployment DG ECFIN, AMECO).
nised household survey on labour market by skills or duration is not available from
participation. While in the early years, this data collection. 4. Annual average hours worked per
it was carried out as an annual survey person employed, annual change (Source:
conducted in the spring quarter in many Most macro-economic indicators are DG ECFIN, AMECO: Average annual hours
Member States, it is now a continuous based on Eurostat’s collection of national worked per person employed).
quarterly survey in all EU Member States. accounts data according to the European
If not mentioned otherwise, the results System of National Accounts (ESA95 5. Productivity per hour worked: GDP
based on the LFS for years before the National Accounts). The changeover volume per hour worked, annual change
introduction of the quarterly survey to ESA2010 had not taken place yet at (Source: DG ECFIN, AMECO: Gross domes -
refer to the spring quarter of each year. the time this publication was prepared. tic product at 2005 market prices per
LFS data covers the population living Data is compiled by the Member States hour worked).
in private households only (collective and collected by Eurostat. The collection
households are excluded) and refers to comprises aggregates such as GDP, from 6. Harmonised CPI: harmonised con-
the place of residence (household resi- which derived measures such as produc- sumer price index, annual change
dence concept). They are broken down by tivity and real unit labour costs are cal- (Source: DG ECFIN, AMECO: Harmonised
various socio-demographic categories, in culated. In addition, national accounts consumer price index) (Note: Figures for
particular gender and age. The EU-LFS also cover population and employment US and Japan are national consumer
covers all EU Member States as well data, the latter expressed in persons and price indices and not fully comparable
as Macedonia and Turkey plus Iceland, in hours worked and also broken down with those for European countries.).
Norway and Switzerland. by economic activity, but not by socio-
demographic categories. 7. Price deflator GDP: Implicit price
A particular data collection connected deflator of GDP, annual change (Source:
to the EU-LFS is Eurostat’s ‘LFS main Forecasts for central economic indica- Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts).
indicators’ which present a selection of tors are produced by the Commission’s
the main statistics on the labour market. Directorate-General for Economic and 8. Nominal compensation per employee,
They encompass annual and quarterly Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) in spring total economy, annual change (Source:
indicators of population, activity and and autumn, covering two years ahead. Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
inactivity; employment; unemployment; except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN,
education and training. Those indicators Physically, data is generally obtained AMECO).
are mainly but not only based on the from Eurobase, Eurostat’s online dis -
results of the EU-LFS, in few cases inte- semination database, or in specific cases 9. Real compensation per employee
grated with data sources like national from AMECO, DG ECFIN’s annual macro- (GDP deflator): nominal compensation
accounts employment or registered economic database. Both databases are deflated with the implicit deflator of GDP,
open to public access.
unemployment. National accounts per employee, annual change (Source:
employment data covers all people Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
employed in resident producer units Data shown here represents availability except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN,
(domestic concept), including people liv- and revision status of mid-July 2014. AMECO).
ing in collective households. In the main
indicators, these national accounts fig- Definitions and data sources 10. Real compensation per employee
ures are broken down by sex, working- of macro-economic indicators (private consumption deflator): nominal
time status (full-time/part-time) and compensation deflated with the implicit
contract status (permanent/temporary) Some figures for 2013 are forecasts and deflator of private consumption expendi -
using LFS distributions. Where avail- bound to change as real data becomes ture, per employee, annual change
able, all key employment indicators in available. The same holds for earlier (Source: Eurostat, ESA95 National
this report are based on the ‘LFS main years where actual data are not avail- Accounts, except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP:
indicators’. able yet. DG ECFIN, AMECO).
Data sources For the unemployment-related indica- 1. Real GDP: Gross Domestic Product
and definitions tors, Eurostat’s series on unemployment (GDP), volume, annual change (Source:
comprises yearly averages, quarterly and Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
Main data sources monthly data. It is based on the (annual except for TR: DG ECFIN, AMECO).
and quarterly) EU-LFS data and monthly
Most of the data used in this report data on unemployment, either from the 2. Total employment: Employment,
originates from Eurostat, the Statistical national LFS or other national sources, total economy, annual change (Source:
Office of the European Union. The main mainly unemployment register data. For Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
data sources used are: the compilation of monthly unemploy- except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN,
ment estimates, these monthly figures AMECO).
• European Union Labour Force Survey from national sources are benchmarked
against the quarterly EU-LFS data, and 3. Labour productivity: GDP volume
• ESA95 National Accounts they are used to produce provisional per person employed, annual change
unemployment figures for recent months (Source: Eurostat, ESA95 National
The European Union Labour Force which are not yet covered by quarterly Accounts, except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP:
Survey (EU-LFS) is the EU’s harmo EU-LFS results. Monthly unemployment DG ECFIN, AMECO).
nised household survey on labour market by skills or duration is not available from
participation. While in the early years, this data collection. 4. Annual average hours worked per
it was carried out as an annual survey person employed, annual change (Source:
conducted in the spring quarter in many Most macro-economic indicators are DG ECFIN, AMECO: Average annual hours
Member States, it is now a continuous based on Eurostat’s collection of national worked per person employed).
quarterly survey in all EU Member States. accounts data according to the European
If not mentioned otherwise, the results System of National Accounts (ESA95 5. Productivity per hour worked: GDP
based on the LFS for years before the National Accounts). The changeover volume per hour worked, annual change
introduction of the quarterly survey to ESA2010 had not taken place yet at (Source: DG ECFIN, AMECO: Gross domes -
refer to the spring quarter of each year. the time this publication was prepared. tic product at 2005 market prices per
LFS data covers the population living Data is compiled by the Member States hour worked).
in private households only (collective and collected by Eurostat. The collection
households are excluded) and refers to comprises aggregates such as GDP, from 6. Harmonised CPI: harmonised con-
the place of residence (household resi- which derived measures such as produc- sumer price index, annual change
dence concept). They are broken down by tivity and real unit labour costs are cal- (Source: DG ECFIN, AMECO: Harmonised
various socio-demographic categories, in culated. In addition, national accounts consumer price index) (Note: Figures for
particular gender and age. The EU-LFS also cover population and employment US and Japan are national consumer
covers all EU Member States as well data, the latter expressed in persons and price indices and not fully comparable
as Macedonia and Turkey plus Iceland, in hours worked and also broken down with those for European countries.).
Norway and Switzerland. by economic activity, but not by socio-
demographic categories. 7. Price deflator GDP: Implicit price
A particular data collection connected deflator of GDP, annual change (Source:
to the EU-LFS is Eurostat’s ‘LFS main Forecasts for central economic indica- Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts).
indicators’ which present a selection of tors are produced by the Commission’s
the main statistics on the labour market. Directorate-General for Economic and 8. Nominal compensation per employee,
They encompass annual and quarterly Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) in spring total economy, annual change (Source:
indicators of population, activity and and autumn, covering two years ahead. Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
inactivity; employment; unemployment; except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN,
education and training. Those indicators Physically, data is generally obtained AMECO).
are mainly but not only based on the from Eurobase, Eurostat’s online dis -
results of the EU-LFS, in few cases inte- semination database, or in specific cases 9. Real compensation per employee
grated with data sources like national from AMECO, DG ECFIN’s annual macro- (GDP deflator): nominal compensation
accounts employment or registered economic database. Both databases are deflated with the implicit deflator of GDP,
open to public access.
unemployment. National accounts per employee, annual change (Source:
employment data covers all people Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts,
employed in resident producer units Data shown here represents availability except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN,
(domestic concept), including people liv- and revision status of mid-July 2014. AMECO).
ing in collective households. In the main
indicators, these national accounts fig- Definitions and data sources 10. Real compensation per employee
ures are broken down by sex, working- of macro-economic indicators (private consumption deflator): nominal
time status (full-time/part-time) and compensation deflated with the implicit
contract status (permanent/temporary) Some figures for 2013 are forecasts and deflator of private consumption expendi -
using LFS distributions. Where avail- bound to change as real data becomes ture, per employee, annual change
able, all key employment indicators in available. The same holds for earlier (Source: Eurostat, ESA95 National
this report are based on the ‘LFS main years where actual data are not avail- Accounts, except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP:
indicators’. able yet. DG ECFIN, AMECO).