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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
11. Nominal unit labour costs: Nominal population in the corresponding age employment (Source: Eurostat, ESA95
compensation per employee divided bracket (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). National Accounts).
by labour productivity, annual change
(Source: Eurostat, ESA95 National Full-time equivalent employment 15. Employment in agriculture:
Accounts, except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: rate: calculated by dividing the full- employed in agriculture, forestry and
DG ECFIN, AMECO). time equivalent employment by the fishing (NACE Rev. 2 section A) as a share
total population in the 15-64 age
of total employment (Source: Eurostat,
12. Real unit labour costs: Real compen- group. Full-time equivalent employ ESA95 National Accounts).
sation per employee divided by labour ment is defined as total hours worked
productivity, annual change (Source: on both main and second job divided 16-19.Activity rates: labour force
Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts, except by the average annual number of (employed and unemployed) as a share
for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN, AMECO). hours worked in full-time jobs (Source: of total population in the corresponding
Eurostat, EU-LFS). age group (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
Definitions and data sources
of key employment indicators 10. Self-employed in total employ- 20. Total unemployment in 1 000s
ment: number of self-employed as a (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
Certain figures in particular but not only share of total employment (Source:
for 2013 for a number of countries and Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts). 21-22. Unemployment rates: unemployed
indicators may still be based on fore- as a share of the labour force (employed
casts and bound to change as real data 11. Part-time employment in total and unemployed persons) in the corre-
sponding age group (Source: Eurostat,
becomes available. employment: number of part-time
employed as a share of total employ- EU-LFS).
1. Total population in 1 000s, excluding ment (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
population living in institutional house- 23. Long-term unemployment rate:
holds (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). 12. Fixed-term contracts in total persons unemployed for a duration of
employees: number of employees with 12 months or more as a share of the
2. Total population aged 15-64 (the contracts of limited duration as a share labour force (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
‘working age population’) in 1 000s of total employees (Source: Eurostat,
(Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). EU-LFS). 24. Youth unemployment ratio: young
unemployed (aged 15-24) as a share
3. Total employment in 1 000s (Source: 13. Employment in services: employed of the total population in the same age
Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts). in services (NACE Rev. 2 sections G-U) group (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
as a share of total employment (Source:
4. Population in employment aged 15-64 Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts). Note: For indicators for which the
in 1 000s (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). ESA95 National Accounts are the main
14. Employment in industry: employed source, the split into male and female
5-8. Employment rates: calculated by in industry, including construction (NACE indicators is done using additionally
the number of employed divided by the Rev. 2 sections B-F) as a share of total EU-LFS data.
11. Nominal unit labour costs: Nominal population in the corresponding age employment (Source: Eurostat, ESA95
compensation per employee divided bracket (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). National Accounts).
by labour productivity, annual change
(Source: Eurostat, ESA95 National Full-time equivalent employment 15. Employment in agriculture:
Accounts, except for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: rate: calculated by dividing the full- employed in agriculture, forestry and
DG ECFIN, AMECO). time equivalent employment by the fishing (NACE Rev. 2 section A) as a share
total population in the 15-64 age
of total employment (Source: Eurostat,
12. Real unit labour costs: Real compen- group. Full-time equivalent employ ESA95 National Accounts).
sation per employee divided by labour ment is defined as total hours worked
productivity, annual change (Source: on both main and second job divided 16-19.Activity rates: labour force
Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts, except by the average annual number of (employed and unemployed) as a share
for IS, MK, TR, US, JP: DG ECFIN, AMECO). hours worked in full-time jobs (Source: of total population in the corresponding
Eurostat, EU-LFS). age group (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
Definitions and data sources
of key employment indicators 10. Self-employed in total employ- 20. Total unemployment in 1 000s
ment: number of self-employed as a (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
Certain figures in particular but not only share of total employment (Source:
for 2013 for a number of countries and Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts). 21-22. Unemployment rates: unemployed
indicators may still be based on fore- as a share of the labour force (employed
casts and bound to change as real data 11. Part-time employment in total and unemployed persons) in the corre-
sponding age group (Source: Eurostat,
becomes available. employment: number of part-time
employed as a share of total employ- EU-LFS).
1. Total population in 1 000s, excluding ment (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
population living in institutional house- 23. Long-term unemployment rate:
holds (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). 12. Fixed-term contracts in total persons unemployed for a duration of
employees: number of employees with 12 months or more as a share of the
2. Total population aged 15-64 (the contracts of limited duration as a share labour force (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
‘working age population’) in 1 000s of total employees (Source: Eurostat,
(Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). EU-LFS). 24. Youth unemployment ratio: young
unemployed (aged 15-24) as a share
3. Total employment in 1 000s (Source: 13. Employment in services: employed of the total population in the same age
Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts). in services (NACE Rev. 2 sections G-U) group (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS).
as a share of total employment (Source:
4. Population in employment aged 15-64 Eurostat, ESA95 National Accounts). Note: For indicators for which the
in 1 000s (Source: Eurostat, EU-LFS). ESA95 National Accounts are the main
14. Employment in industry: employed source, the split into male and female
5-8. Employment rates: calculated by in industry, including construction (NACE indicators is done using additionally
the number of employed divided by the Rev. 2 sections B-F) as a share of total EU-LFS data.