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Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

company level( ). A recent fitness Chart 17: Inactivity due to family responsibilities,
check of these directives( ) found that 2007–13 (% of total inactive population)
information and consultation of work-
ers at company level can contribute 45
to solving problems at work, engage 40 2007 2013
workers in changes in work organisa- 35
tion and work conditions, appease con- 30
flicts, promote trust and partnership,
increase job satisfaction and commit- % 25
ment, reduce the rate at which workers 20
leave the company, and improve the 15
physical health and well-being of work- 10
ers. It was also found that information 5
and consultation has a positive impact 0
on staff performance and on the com- DK SE SI LT NL PT FI BE HU HR LV DE EU-28 RO BG CZ EL SK IT PL AT EE LU UK ES CY IE MT FR
pany’s competitiveness and reputation. Source: Eurostat LFS, table [lfsa_igar].
Note: No observation available for FR in 2013.
Finally, setting wages is one of the key
functions of industrial relations systems
in the EU. Despite a tendency for the Chart 18: The proportion of children who are not in formal
company level and individual bargaining childcare < 3 years old, 2012 (% of the population under 3 years old)
to gain importance, multi-employer bar- 100
gaining remains important in many Euro -
pean countries. Beyond the main level 80
of bargaining, it is important to consider
coordination of different processes, both
vertically (between different levels) and % 60
horizontally (between units at a given
level, e.g. between companies). 40

While the promotion of dialogue 20
between management and labour is an
objective of the European Union (Article 0 DK NL SE FR LU ES BE SI PT UK EU-28 IT FI DE CY IE EE EL LV HR AT MT LT HU BG CZ SK PL RO
151 TFEU), there is no single model of Source: Eurostat SILC, table [ilc_caindformal].
social dialogue in the EU. Across Europe,
there exists a large diversity of national
industrial relations systems, which the 3.4. Work-life and gender The inactivity rate due to family respon-
Union has to take into account when balance to strengthen sibilities is the highest in Malta, Cyprus,
promoting social dialogue at its level participation, efficiency Spain and Ireland (Chart 17), followed
(Article 152 TFEU). Industrial relations and equity by Luxembourg and the United King-
should be considered as complex sys- dom. It has decreased over time in
tems whose institutions interlock, which 3.4.1. Work-life balance Spain, Cyprus, and Greece though. In
cannot be measured along a single the United Kingdom, supply of child -
dimension or in a single statistic. There Insufficient opportunities( ) for com- care facilities is around the EU aver-
are different qualities, each with dif- bining work with other private and social age (Chart 18) but childcare costs are
ferent effects on the regulation of the responsibilities may lead to higher inac- high( ). In contrast, Denmark, Sweden,
economy and the labour market. In tivity rates among certain groups of the France, Estonia, the Netherlands and
whichever form, social dialogue makes population (e.g. older people, persons Portugal have some of the lowest inac-
an important contribution to job qual- with family responsibilities), with poten- tivity rates due to family responsibilities
ity, both directly as a key dimension of tial consequences in terms of social (Chart 17), as well as more readily avail-
a ‘good job’ and through its positive exclusion and greater dependence on able childcare facilities (Chart 18) and
impact on working conditions. social protection systems. at an affordable cost.

( ) In particular, Directives 98/59/EC
on collective redundancies,
2001/23/EC on transfers of undertakings
and 2002/14/EC on a general framework ( ) The 2013 Northern Ireland Childcare
relating to information and consultation of Cost survey (Dennison, 2013) shows that
workers. a full-time childcare place (50 hours) costs
( ) The results of the fitness check were GBP 213 per week in Britain. In Northern
published on 26 July 2013 in a Commission ( ) For example, availability of easily accessible Ireland, childcare costs are also high, and
Staff Working Document available at and affordable childcare facilities, voluntary increased to GBP 158 per week in 2013. part-time work patterns, parental leave, Moreover, 35 % of the nurseries in Ireland
en&catId=707&newsId=1942&furtherNe adaptations for older workers or workers charge the same price or even higher for
ws=yes with disabilities, etc. a part-time place than for a full-time one.
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