Page 34 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 34


                             David Evans,
                             Lead Analyst, GSMA Intelligence

Tracking the world’s
mobile internet

Half of the world's population will be            internet services 2020 — reaching a near           Mobile internet subscribers and penetration in China, 2013
subscribed to mobile internet services            saturated level.
by 2020                                                                                              1.23 billion  1.13 billion                          630 million 130 million   500 million                 630 million  1.39 billion
                                                     3G/4G now represents the majority of
New research from GSMA Intelligence               internet subscribers. In 2012 the number of        89%
         enables insight into the pace at which   mobile internet subscribers that predominantly
         mobile subscribers worldwide are         use 3G or 4G technologies surpassed those          penetration
migrating from traditional mobile services        predominantly using 2G. By 2020, 3G/4G is
such as voice and SMS across to mobile            forecast to account for nearly 80 per cent of                                                                                    of which, 69%
internet services, underlining how mobile is      mobile internet subscribers. However, over 800                                                                      mobile broadband
now the primary method of getting online for      million mobile internet subscribers will still be
many.                                             reliant on 2G technology to access internet                      81% /              1.79 = 46%
                                                  content in 2020 — a significant subscriber base
  Mobile internet subscribers are forecast to     that content and service providers will need to                  penetration   SIM cards               penetration
reach 3.8 billion globally in 2020. At the end    continu e to serve.
of 2013, it is estimated that 2.2 billion unique                                                                                 2.03 1.18                                                        36%          46%
subscribers had used mobile internet                 Total connection numbers or internet-
services. By 2020, this number is forecast to     capable connections can be a misleading                                        urban rural                                                      penetration  penetration
rise by 1.6 billion to reach 3.8 billion mobile   metric in terms of measuring mobile internet                                                                                                                 (includes
internet subscribers globally — equivalent to     usage. Multiple subscriptions, definitional                                    70%  30%                                                                      fixed and
half of the global population                     differences or a focus purely on 3G+                                                                                                                         mobile)
                                                  technologies can generate widely different
  Developing markets are forecast to drive        estimates.                                                                     (share of connections)
the majority of growth. Mobile internet
subscribers in developing markets are                Research by GSMA Intelligence has               Registered    Active        Average number             Unique     Voice and      Mobile      Internet users                Total
forecast to double from 1.5 billion to 3.0        enabled the disaggregation of total                                             of connections            mobile     text-only     internet       population              population
billion in 2020. Meanwhile, in developed          connections into unique subscribers and            mobile        mobile         per subscriber         subscribers  subscribers  subscribers         (2013)
markets, it is forecast that 87 per cent of       subsequently unique mobile internet                                                                                                                                          (2013)
unique subscribers will have used mobile          subscribers. As a result, this dataset helps to    connections connections
                                                  establish the proportion of subscribers that
                                                                                                                                                                                  Source: GSMA Intelligence, CNNIC, UN

ABOUT GSMA INTELLIGENCE                                                                              have actually used the mobile internet, rather                     The research also shows that 31 per cent of
                                                                                                     than simply having the technology available                      mobile internet subscribers in the country
GSMA Intelligence is the definitive source of global mobile operator data,                           to do so.                                                        access mobile internet services via non-
analysis and forecasts; and a publisher of authoritative industry reports                                                                                             mobile broadband networks (i.e, 2G), adding
and research. Our data covers every operator group, network and MVNO                                   Using China as an example, we can see that                     up to around 155 million subscribers. Cost of
in every country worldwide – from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. It is the                                 China was home to 630 million unique mobile                      ownership and access to mobile broadband
most accurate and complete set of industry metrics available, comprising                             subscribers (at the end of 2013) actively using                  network coverage are likely to be the key
tens of millions of individual data points, updated daily.                                           more than one billion active SIM connections.                    reasons for this. Nonetheless the vast
GSMA Intelligence is relied on by leading operators, vendors, regulators,                            This shows that ‘real’ mobile penetration                        majority of mobile internet subscribers in
financial institutions and third-party industry players, to support strategic                        based on subscribers (i.e, people) currently                     China (69 per cent) access internet services
decision-making and long-term investment planning. The data is used as                               stands at 46 per cent of the population in                       via mobile broadband networks (3G/4G).
an industry reference point and is frequently cited by the media and by                              China, whereas the industry reported almost
the industry itself. Our team of analysts and experts produce regular                                90 per cent penetration based on connections                       The China Internet Network Information
thought-leading research reports across a range of industry topics.                                  (i.e, SIM cards).                                                Center (CNNIC) reported that in 2013, the
                                                                                                                                                                      share of individuals using the internet (fixed
                                                                                                       Our research then showed that in 2013,                         or mobile) in the country reached 45.8 per
                                                                                                     almost four in five unique subscribers in                        cent, adding up to over 600 million
                                                                                                     China use mobile internet services, adding up                    individuals. Using this metric as a proxy, we
                                                                                                     to 499.5 million mobile internet subscribers.                    can therefore claim that amongst all internet
                                                                                                     This also means that around 130 million                          subscribers in China, more than 80 per cent
                                                                                                     unique subscribers in China do not use                           (about five in six) access the internet via
                                                                                                     mobile internet services for a variety of                        mobile, highlighting the critical role that
                                                                                                     reasons - including cost of ownership – and                      mobile networks play in connecting the
                                                                                                     only use their mobile connections to place                       population to the internet.
                                                                                                     voice calls or send text messages.

PAGE 34 Monday 2nd March                                                                             MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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