Page 38 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 38


                             Gu Zhang,
                             Forecasting Analyst, GSMA Intelligence

From feature phones
to smartphones,
the road ahead

Smartphones began as a developed                run on these devices in 2020 as smartphones        Figure 1: Percentage of regional total connections (excluding M2M)
world phenomenon but they are                   become ubiquitous.
increasingly gaining traction in                                                                                                                    Source: GSMA Intelligence
emerging markets too, triggering a                While heavy operator subsidies have
migration away from basic and                   contributed significantly to this shift in device  connections were located in the developing       on basic and feature phones.
feature phones                                  migration in the developed region, the             world in 2014. We expect that the rate of          Our research shows that, while smartphone
                                                availability of smartphones at the same price      smartphone adoption will continue to
The increasing number of smartphone             as basic and feature phones shows that the         increase over the coming years, driving the      prices have declined since 2008 - by 30 per
        models priced under the $100 mark is    latter device category is rapidly becoming         region to encompass four in every five           cent in Asia, 25 per cent in Latin America and
        the main driver of consumer migration   obsolete.                                          smartphone connections globally by 2020.         20 per cent in Africa - the majority of
from basic and feature phones to                                                                   The wider availability of more affordable        smartphones in the developing world are
smartphones. GSMA Intelligence research           A study of Best Buy’s portfolio of               smartphones is an important factor behind        priced above the $100 mark, whereas the
shows that by 2020, around two thirds of all    ‘unlocked’ handsets in the US shows that the       this trend, however we expect that the           'sweet spot' for these regions is considered to
connections globally (excluding M2M) will be    vast majority (84 per cent ) of mobile phones      transition away from basic and feature           be in the $25-$50 range.
smartphones, illustrating the rapid shift away  offered in the country are smartphones (most       phones in the region will take longer as the
from basic and feature phones, which            of them running on Android), with a number         availability of low-cost smartphones (below        Last year, a number of smartphones priced
encompassed more than half of global            of them priced at the same level as that of the    the $50 price point) is still limited.           between $25-$50 were introduced across the
connections in 2014. Data terminals (e.g,       remaining basic and feature phones – less                                                           developing region, with new models from
dongles, tablets, routers) make up the          than $100 (Average Selling Price, before             As of 2014, less than a third of all           several handset manufacturers. These
remaining share of connections (at just below   discounts and subsidies). Around half of           connections in the developing region are         launches only mark the start of a price
10 per cent in 2014).                           smartphones on offer are priced below $200,        smartphones, showing the large prevalence of     expansion trend towards low-cost levels that
                                                while 29 smartphones are priced between $47        basic and feature phones currently. By 2020,     will spread to more developing economies,
SMARTPHONES BEGAN AS A                          and $80. Devices that form the portfolio of        we expect that only around 30 per cent of        contributing to the adoption of smartphones
DEVELOPED WORLD PHENOMENON ...                  basic and feature phones on offer still hold a     connections in the region will still be running  in the region – but this will not happen
                                                slight pricing advantage, but this may not be                                                       overnight.
In many developed markets, smartphone           the case for long.
adoption is approaching the 70-80 per cent
‘ceiling’ at which growth tends to slow.        ... BUT THE FOCUS IS SHIFTING TO
Across the developed world, basic and           DEVELOPING ECONOMIES
feature phones represented only around a
quarter of all connections in 2014, while only  In 2010, the global smartphone connections
a residual share of the market is expected to   market was equally distributed between the
                                                developed and developing regions. However,
                                                almost seven in every ten smartphone


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PAGE 38 Monday 2nd March                                                                           MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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