Page 41 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 41

Joss Gillet,                                                                                               ARPU | ANALYSIS
Senior Manager,
GSMA Intelligence                                                                                Matthew Iji,                                                                         Forecasting Analyst,
                                                                                                 GSMA Intelligence

Evaluating consumer
spending: the need for
a revised ARPU metric

Over the past decade, mobile                     that allow customers to consume their           Figure 1: ARPU vs ARPS, USA                                                  Source: GSMA Intelligence
operators have introduced an ever                monthly voice and data allowances across
growing choice of services and                   multiple devices have been exacerbating the     new indicator such as average revenue per      revenue generated by each product line
offerings to consumers as technology             impact that the multi-SIM ownership             unique subscriber (ARPS) would help to more    (internet, fixed-line, TV and mobile) and
continues to rapidly revolutionise               phenomenon has on the relevance of existing     accurately evaluate mobile markets’ revenue    reporting ARPU results representative of all
consumption habits. But many of the              indicators such as ARPU.                        potential, price competition or mobile         mobile consumption.
metrics used to measure success –                                                                operators’ performance.
such as ARPU — have yet to adapt to                These tariffs originated from ‘digital                                                         For instance, in Spain, Movistar
this rapidly changing environment.               pioneer’ markets in Asia (e.g. South Korea,       In the US, Verizon Wireless introduced a     (Telefónica) measures the average monthly
                                                 Singapore, Hong Kong) and the US, and are       new metric that counters the effect of         revenue generated by its Fusión customers
Despite the acronym, ARPU is not                 slowly spreading to Europe and mature           multiple SIM ownership. For its contract       which reached 3.4 million in Q2 2014, from
         representative of a user’s (i.e. an     markets across most regions. For instance, in   segment, the operator calculates the average   2.2 million a year earlier. Fusión is a
         individual) average spending on         the US, Verizon Wireless’ ‘More Everything’     revenue per account (ARPA) by dividing         convergence tariff that combines multi-play
mobile services since it is calculated based on  plan and AT&T Mobility’s ‘Mobile Share          contract revenue by the number of accounts     services (mobile, fixed, internet, TV) under a
connections (i.e. SIM cards), by dividing        Value’ plan allow customers to use unlimited    per month during the period. An account        single bill, with the possibility to include
mobile revenue by the average number of          voice and text and shared data across up to     represents one or more connections/devices     additional mobile phone lines to the package
SIM connections during the period.               ten devices.                                    that share a single subscription.              for a flat fee.
                                                                                                 THINKING AHEAD: FROM MULTI-SIM
  This calculation is only valid in an             To illustrate this phenomenon, take a         TO CONVERGENCE                                   All of the aforementioned changes to
environment where one SIM connection             fictitious mobile operator that has one         The proliferation of bundled services is also  ARPU definitions and calculations are key
equals to one unique subscriber, as it was the   subscriber with a primary connection costing    negatively impacting the relevance of          considerations that require great attention
case more than a decade ago when mobile          $60 per month, the operator’s ARPU is $60.      traditional ARPU calculations, making it more  from mobile operators to ensure that their
networks were in their infancy. However,         However, when the subscriber goes on to add     challenging for mobile operators to identify   business performances are accurately
consumers actively use on average almost         a secondary connection costing $20 per                                                         evaluated in the context of their current
two SIM cards each globally which                month, the operator’s ARPU actually reduces                                                    business and forward-looking market trends.
significantly distorts the calculation.          by 33 per cent ($80 across two connections =
  This phenomenon of multiple SIM per
subscriber is taking place across both           ARPS = AVERAGE REVENUE PER
developed and developing regions, albeit         UNIQUE SUBSCRIBER
being more prevalent in the latter as cost-
conscious consumers tend to accumulate           In essence, the constant ARPU declines that
prepaid SIM cards to take advantage of the       have been taking place around the globe over
latest deals and promotions.                     the past decade are reflecting trends at a SIM
                                                 connection level rather than reflecting ‘real’
  Meanwhile, the ability of shared data plans    average consumer spending. Therefore, a


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MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                  Monday 2nd March PAGE 41
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