Page 32 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 32


                                Ray Dolan, President and CEO, Sonus

Accelerating the Promise
of VoLTE by Building a
Better Business Model

Technology transitions are never easy and rarely go according to plan. For                       and Unified Communications (UC). By                 “By embracing IP at the
nearly two decades I have been surrounded by colleagues who looked                               marrying programmatic network control with          core, MNOs can
forward to the moment when the Internet was not only mobile, but also                            network state awareness and application             disaggregate the services
able to handle real-time voice and video communications simply, reliably and                     policy, MNOs can deliver second-by-second           they offer from access to
securely. The mobile network operator (MNO) business is in the midst of a                        SLA assurances for the applications they            those services in ways
major transformation as fixed, cable and wireless networks converge, while                       carry. Building a smarter VoLTE network             only applications like
at the same time 4G/Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology promises exciting                       results in lower capital costs; operational         Skype or WhatsApp could
multimedia services previously only imagined.                                                    expense (OpEx) savings via automated                previously.”
                                                                                                 provisioning and the ability to evolve toward
The adoption of Internet Protocol (IP)          the move to VoLTE brings the richness of         a “Network-as-a-Service” (NaaS) model that        communications pass across networks. By
        standards to enable 4G/LTE              every day interactions and engagement in a       enables more robust scaling options and           differentiating services and earning the trust
        eliminates a fundamental service in     manner that is cost-effective, reliable and      improved QoE through application-aware            of users, security becomes an incredibly
wireless networks—circuit switched voice.       secure MNOs can take some strategic and          policies and real-time network awareness to       valuable brand asset.
Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is built on top of IP,   purposeful steps forward.                        support SLAs—all while eliminating reliance
not circuit switched networks. Existing                                                          on a single vendor’s hardware.                    BRINGING IT TOGETHER
business models for MNOs are fast becoming      SMARTER NETWORKS PROPEL                                                                            In aggregate there is a new networking plane
obsolete as over-the-top (OTT) content          SMARTER BUSINESS                                   Moving real-time traffic from a circuit         emerging that brings intelligence and security
providers and third-party voice and video                                                        domain to IP means it is mixed with other         together as it toggles between the networking
applications compete for consumers using        With applications and networks moving to         types of IP traffic, which in turn, requires      core and the social, mobile and Cloud
wireless networks as a transport medium.        the Cloud and becoming virtualized in a          intelligent policy to ensure QoE. The             applications that power our lives through
VoLTE ushers in the transition of voice as an   manner where they gain the ability to quickly    corresponding move toward network                 real-time services. This can be referred to as
IP app as well as other fully mobile IP         disaggregate and re-constitute themselves, it    functions virtualization (NFV) is ideal for       the “intelligent delivery layer.” Growth in real-
offerings. This shift enables MNOs to           seems a daunting challenge to meet the high-     policy, routing and Diameter services that will   time communications across VoLTE
compete with OTT providers and build a new      traffic densities and network performance as     increasingly tax VoLTE networks as real-time      networks necessitates the most efficient
business model as they deliver an improved      communications progress from basic audio to      interactions grow as a percentage of mobile       delivery path of traffic, and NFV/SDN
user experience through innovative new          rich, multimedia services. As seen in fixed      data traffic. Fast forward just two or three      technologies enable this intelligent delivery
services.                                       networks, the increase in Voice over IP (VoIP)   years and you can expect that the majority of     layer to emerge by seamlessly connecting the
                                                or video traffic can directly impact quality of  Diameter signaling traffic to be policy related,  application to the end user. When coupled
VOLTE AND REAL-TIME                             experience (QoE) if not proactively managed.     surpassing centralized routing and roaming        with an effective plan to secure your voice,
                                                Too often IP networks are built for best effort  traffic. As mobile operators move policy,         video and collaboration traffic, the intelligent
By embracing IP at the core, MNOs can           data communications; when click-to-connect       routing and Diameter services to a virtualized    delivery layer leverages these new tools so
disaggregate the services they offer from       voice and video applications are layered in,     environment they benefit through reduced          MNOs can realize an effective return on
access to those services in ways only           the scale requirements are tremendous.           CapEx and added flexibility to rapidly scale      investment from their new VoLTE driven
applications like Skype or WhatsApp could       Further, as users federate across coworkers,     VoLTE networks.                                   business model.
previously. Moving from circuit switched        business partners and friends, the network
voice to an all-IP infrastructure for service   must be able to deliver a high degree of         SECURITY AS AN ENABLER                            Here's to the future of VoLTE, in real-time.
delivery enables MNOs to leverage multiple      density as latency sensitive communications
access technologies— so they can deliver        climb from a usage standpoint.                   Many view security as a hurdle to delivering a
services via multiple apertures. By flattening                                                   superior QoE. By ensuring a foundational
the IP network for service delivery everything    Past lessons teach us that well-designed       level of endpoint security across disparate
becomes an application riding on IP. Since the  policy and analytics engines can help VoLTE      VoLTE network topologies subscribers will be
wireless access technology no longer            networks run hotter while still maintaining      unleashed in how, when and where they use
determines the services offered the adoption    end-to-end service level agreements (SLAs),      real-time applications. As a result, security
of VoLTE becomes a catalyst for an array of     thereby reducing capital expenditures            becomes an enabler. Securing real-time
new real-time communications features. With     (CapEx) and maximizing operating resources.      communications is not simply adding a
VoLTE, MNOs can leverage the step-change        Advanced software-defined networking             firewall, as voice, video and collaboration
improvement in network performance to           (SDN) technologies enable MNOs to                require a layered approach. Next-generation
deliver richer presence tools, chat and         differentiate between internal, best-effort      Session Border Controller (SBC) technologies
collaboration resources and new latency         traffic and latency sensitive real-time          deliver encryption en masse, detect unusual
sensitive voice and video services. To ensure   communications traffic, thus improving           traffic patterns, secure conversations and
                                                VoLTE network utilization for voice, video       normalize different protocols as real-time

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