Page 32 - A2A-interoperability_Online
P. 32
consiDerations For BuilDinG tHe Business moDel


A2A value


T he following table introduces key elements of the business model associated with interoperability for participants throughout the

mobile money value chain.

STAKEHoldER vAluE pRopoSiTioN SuccESS fAcToRS

cuSTomER – coNSumER • increase in opportunity to transact • simplify the customer experience for cross-
• increase in convenience scheme transactions
• affordable pricing for cross-scheme
• potential to remove the need to have multiple
mmo subscriptions transactions to encourage usage
• real-time transactions cross-scheme
• price sensitive but open to incentives

cuSTomER – SmE • increase in opportunity to transact with other • affordable pricing for cross-scheme
smes and customers transactions to encourage usage
• improved acceptance, ability to accept more • useful reports and visibility over all
sales through mobile money or bank account transaction types
• real-time transactions cross-scheme and
• substitute a2a payments for other payment cross-bank transactions
mechanisms (such as cash, cheque, cards) to
reduce acceptance costs
• potential to remove the need to have multiple
mmo subscriptions

mobilE moNEy opERAToR • potential for increasing account-to-account • sufficient quality of service among all
transactions, meaning increased revenues participating mmos to ensure that convenience
attribute is achieved.
• increases customer utility (increases the
‘demand-side’ push) • Define commercial model that encourage
cross-scheme transactions.
• opens new business opportunities, especially
attractive for new acceptance points, such • agreement framework to handle know and
as retailers (improves attractiveness to the future exceptions and customer care issues
‘supply-side’ pull)

16. although mobile money is often promoted as a means for the low-income segments in a society to send and receive funds (from working family members or government disbursement) and to manage their
money, it is equally about providing a stimulus to the small/medium enterprise ( sme) sector. research by the Gsma “Getting the most out of your data” shows the importance of sme mobile money users:
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