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cHoosinG an option

foR EAcH implEmENTATioN opTioN EvAluATEd

E. AGREEmENT fRAmEWoRK • Does an option allow existing and understood agreements to be used for
mmos participating in inter-scheme a2a interoperability and/or scheme-
this assessment element is used to score the ability of the mobile money bank a2a interoperability?
operators participating in a2a interoperability to define, influence and control
the operating rules and technical specifications of the services provided. it is • if an option required the creation of a new service organisation, would this
important that significant control is exercised by mmos to ensure that service be under the control of mmos?
delivery costs can be controlled over the longer term. • is the control of service agreements mixed, with some under mmos’ control
and some under banking sector or third party control?
• are agreements under third party control subject to regulation that would
restrict the controlling organisations ability to dominate the rules within
the agreement?
• is the agreement framework and future model unknown at the current
time? if so, does this represent the introduction of significant risk if the
option was selected?

f. ScAlAbiliTy • Does an implementation option require individual agreements for all mmos
and bank participants? or just mmos?
as well as directly influencing deployment costs on implementation, scalability
is an assessment of the flexibly of an implementation option to cater for • can the option easily scale to allow for the participation of many hundred
changing numbers of participants and, ultimately, end users. For example, if of banks?
there is a large banking sector (with hundreds of banks) bilateral agreements
may be expensive to implement and maintain across even a small number of
mobile money operators.

G. uSER ExpERiENcE • is the settlement process defined and understood such that it is
straightforward for customers?
it is important not to lose sight of the need for convenience and ease of
use for payment transactions, as these are key drivers for customers. any • is settlement provided in real-time for all a2a transactions? or just for some
implementation option should deliver these factors along with cast-iron a2a transaction types?
reliability and risk-free settlement. Generally, settlement works best for • Does the implementation option require a complicated or unreliable
customers when it is undertaken in real-time, as is usually the case in mobile transaction experience, or new registration with significant compliance
money services. Banking services may not settle transactions in real-time. requirements?
a less tangible driver, perhaps, may be the ability to include a richer set • Does the implementation option include the ability to add metadata to
of transaction data and services that can be used to enhance the user transactions? Does it allow for the introduction of new transaction types,
experience. For example, it may be useful for a sending party to be notified such as transaction reversals?
of the name associated with the target account number (providing privacy
concerns are addressed).

H. TimE To mARKET • Do regulations for interoperability specify a timescale that can be met by
the implementation option?
the ability to deliver a solution for a2a interoperability in a relatively short
timescale may be necessary to satisfy the commercial goals of the participants • are there timescales driven by commercial goals (i.e. competition from
or to meet the requirements defined in regulations. identifying the key driver other networks) that can be met by the implementation option?
behind the push for a2a interoperability will help determine what the target • Does the implementation option require significant integration effort for
timescale for deployment should be. this element is used to assess if this banks, which may lead to delays?
driver is best met through one implementation option or another
• Would the creation of shared or joint services, if required, prove time
• are agreements with third-party service providers or processors likely
to be straightforward, acceptable to all participants in delivering a2a
interoperability and relatively fast to sign?
• is agreement required with central bank and the banking sector? is there an
appropriate banking sector organisation that represents all banks?

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