Page 37 - A2A-interoperability_Online
P. 37
a2a interoperaBility makinG moBile money scHemes interoperate

Collaborate to define standard interfaces

an objective for commercial interconnected systems is to minimise implementation cost and on-going operational overheads for all par-
ties. connections between systems should aim to be implemented using an agreed standardised approach, and interface specifications
should aim to be based on international standards where appropriate. a key exercise for the task Force is to develop and agree appropri-
ate technical interface specifications.

Define collaboration for operational procedures
this task Force workstream will define those cross-organisation operational procedures that need to be aligned. the objective here is to
ensure that inter-scheme payments can be reconciled across organisations for all transactions, successful or otherwise. For example, it
may be necessary to align customer care processes for transactions across schemes, to ensure that transaction exceptions can be handled
efficiently and that the required levels of consumer protection can be achieved.

Collaborate on fraud & risk mitigation

as with any payment network, it is imperative that risks are understood and can be managed effectively. to help participants achieve
this, an element of information sharing in live services may be required. a key activity for the task Force will be to develop an under-
standing of the likely risk and exposure, and to recommend policies and procedures for operational services. this may lead to a for-
malised risk management framework for the industry to help combat fraud and meet anti-money laundering requirements, as well as
fostering best practice in participants.

Determine commercial element of agreements
elements of the commercial agreements between participants may need to be collaborative, depending on the implementation option
selected. For example, the commission and fee structures for transactions may be agreed centrally, if a commercial processor is used.
additionally, settlement and reconciliation practices need to be formally agreed between mmos and banks, as well as with the regulator.

Draw-up formal agreements between participants

at this point in the process, the task Force will have defined and agreed, in principle, the collaborative aspects (i.e. the technical and
operational approach) for a2a interoperability in their market. Formal agreements between participants can now be entered into and
development work streams kicked off.

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