Page 42 - A2A-interoperability_Online
P. 42
appenDiX a - assessment eXamples


UnDeRtAKIng An AssessMent

By considering each of the assessment areas given in section 4 above for each implementation option identified in section 3, a relative
assessment can be put together that illustrates the suitability of each option in regards to the characteristics of a particular market. this
is a good way to quickly see which options are of interest, and to screen out unsuitable options at an early stage.

Different implementation options are likely to be suitable for different types of markets, meaning that the payments landscape within
which interoperability is desired is an important influence on the choice of option. to illustrate how an assessment may be undertaken,
and to show that the market context is likely to affect the outcome of the assessment, two examples assessments are presented below.

the examples are both for markets where mobile money schemes are mostly run by a single organisation (in many markets this is a
single mno). the first example is from a market where the mmos are looking to deploy a2a interoperability in a retail payments market
concentrated on a small number of banks, and the second example is from a market where the mmos are looking to build interoperability
in a more mature and competitive retail payments and banking market.

the impact assessment framework below uses a simple traffic light system to score the relative impact of the assessment criteria for each
option. For example, if a cell in the assessment table is coloured:

rED – AMBEr – GrEEN –


Market Example 1: Concentrated Banking Sector

in most markets there are a relatively small number of mobile money schemes in operation. in many markets, the retail banking industry
is concentrated in a small number of banks and electronic payments are not widespread. this example demonstrates the use of the as-
sessment framework to consider the most appropriate implementation option for this type of market.


mobilE moNEy SEcToR bANK pAymENTS SEcToR REGulATioN

• a small number of existing mobile money • Bank account market share concentrated in • regulatory requirements for interoperability
schemes; single bank, the national bank; exist but do not specify a required
• single operator schemes, usually mnos; • relatively immature retail electronic payments; organisational model;
• settlement institution is not prescribed;
• relatively successful schemes, with broadly • commercial payments networks are available
similar market shares; for retail services, such as for atms and pos, • Financial inclusion is a defined goal of
penetration of these services is relatively low; regulations.
• national acH exists, operating intra-day
clearing and settlement;

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