Page 11 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
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the GSma mobile money for the unbanked Programme (mmu) is tracking the progress of the mobile fnancial service industry. Since
2011, mmu has published an annual State of the industry report to share key fndings and insights on the growth of the sector. as in pre-
vious years, this report for 2013 looks at the state of mobile money, but for the frst time, the scope has been expanded to include mobile
insurance, credit, and savings.

With this report, we hope to provide the industry with much-needed information, data, and standard defnitions, allowing diferent
stakeholders to understand better and to succeed in this sector.


in this report, we provide a quantitative assessment of the state of the mobile fnancial service industry based on data from the mmu
deployment tracker and the 2013 Global adoption Survey of mobile Financial Services, as well as qualitative insights on the performance
of mobile fnancial services based on mmu’s engagement with the industry over the last past year.

MMU Deployment Tracker

the mobile money deployment tracker is an online database that monitors the number of live and planned mobile money services for
the unbanked across the globe. it also contains information about each live deployment, such as the name of the provider and the name
of the mobile money service, its launch date, what fnancial products are ofered, and which partners are involved in delivering each
service. in 2014, the mmu deployment tracker will be extended to include information on mobile insurance services and mobile credit
and savings services.
MMU Global Adoption Survey

Our Global adoption Survey is an annual survey designed to capture quantitative information about the performance of mobile fnancial
services around the world. all of the service providers represented in our deployment tracker were invited to participate in the 2013
global survey. respondents supplied standardised operational metrics about their services for the months of September 2012, december
2012, march 2013, and june 2013, on a confdential basis.

a total of 110 service providers from 56 countries participated in the 2013 survey, with 98 submitting information on mobile money, 21 on
mobile insurance, and 16 on mobile credit and savings. the full list of survey participants is included in appendix a.

We believe that our sample is representative of the industry as it includes:
• 49% of mobile money services, 25% of mobile insurance services, and 41% of mobile credit and savings services that were live in
june 2013, including the most well-known services in the world;
• services which span a range of development stages, from long-established services to those services that were only launched in 2013;

• a mix of services ofered by diferent providers, e.g., mobile network operators (mnOs), banks, and third-party players;
• wallet-based services as well as over-the-counter services; and
• a diverse geographic representation from all regions.

all data was self-reported by participants. data provided by the industry has not been verifed independently by the GSma, however all
survey responses were carefully checked for consistency.

For some metrics, such as mobile money revenues, the amount of data reported is not as high as for the core metrics. Where it is
sensible, estimates are made to complete the data set; in this report, numbers of mobile money accounts (both registered and active)
have been estimated. this is undertaken by applying the extensive research experience of the team and comparison with other similar
operators and markets. this is an important improvement from the 2011 and 2012 State of the industry reports, which aggregated only
data from actual survey respondents.

3. mmu deployment tracker:
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16