Page 6 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 6
execUtive SUMMary 2
introdUction 4
part 1 - Mobile Money 7
The mobile money landscape in 2013 8
The state of mobile money usage 18
The state of mobile money access 23
The state of mobile money product oferings 28
The state of the mobile money ecosystem 36
The state of mobile money revenues 42
part 2 - Mobile inSUrance, credit and SavinGS 47
Introduction 48
Mobile insurance 49
Mobile credit 54
Mobile savings 57
conclUSion 59
A - List of survey participants 60
B - Glossary 62
Table 1 Defnitions of mobile fnancial services 4
Table 2 Percentages of live and planned mobile money services for the unbanked by region (December 2013) 9
Table 3 Registered mobile money accounts per 100,000 adults, globally and by region 19