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Among banking players, Commonwealth
Bank of Australia’s (CBA) mission is to be
the first “truly mobile bank”. In 2010, CBA
launched the CommBank Property Guide,
a mobile app for customers who want to
buy a home. Thanks to partnerships within
the real estate industry, the bank is able to
provide information about houses, prices,
area attractiveness and then simulate
tailored mortgage scenarios. This end-
to-end approach has propelled the CBA
app’s success and raised the possibility of
extending its uses to other sectors, such as
autos. Another step CBA took to establish
its role in the mobile ecosystem is related to
P2P payments and is based on the launch of
its “Kaching” initiative, where customers can
pay through Facebook, email or a mobile
number: in less than two months the app
has been downloaded by 110,000 customers.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia illustration

Vision for 2013

Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

End to End Needs Coverage

House need: real estate app produced
1% of mortgages

Kaching P2P APP

110K downloads in 2 months

Accenture Distribution and Marketing Services
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